Trump voters live in the shitholes of America

All Trump voting states are shithole states.

All Trump voting counties in good states, are the shitholes of that state.

prove me wrong


Los Angeles


Nicd try shilling

Douglas county Colorado,

Also go fuck yourself.

Libs better be wrong about the sea level rising... ;)

by all means you need to post your argument far and wide and let everyone know how you feel op. please do.

You're retarded. Consider bleach inbred rednecks.


welp guess nobody should come here since the libs have convinced everyone that america is a shithole and every other country on earth is amazing. great work.


wish I couldn't read newspapers

If you don't think Detroit is a shit hole your skinny white ass should live there for a year or two.


The Shittiest parts (black belt) of my state voted for Clinton.

so what? lots of really nice places voted for trump.
i live on the border with michigan and the place across the river is gorgeous, just normal people and they voted 80% trump.
okay some shitholes voted for him, but the majority were just normal, working class white americans. something the democrat party is completely disconnected from.


“Trump voters live in shitholes” says the nigger living in an innercity 100 dollar a month apartment.

>meme flag
>no source

fuck you shills are terrible at your jobs. Who in their right mind would think white middle class suburban america is a shithole but fucking Detroit isnt