Are you all fucking ready?
Dragon Ball Super
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At least wait till it gets to 495 you fucking attention whoring redditor
leave the universe to us
Yeah, it's her.
Today, Toyotaro, guest at Napoli Comicon in Naples (Italy), said on Dragon Ball Super future: "we are preparing the ground to direct Dragon Ball Super into original Dragon Ball Z ending."
Soon, next arc Goten and Trunks will hit their growth spurt, I fucking bet my ass on it.
I am tired of waiting
What will his spinoff series be called Sup Forumsnons?
shaman king?
At least reuse the GT Marron design, she was a qt
what the fuck, give Marron her actual EoZ look
>The original Z fighters will never take part in the tenkaichi budokai for shits and giggles because the gap is too large and Yamcha is too lazy
user please, be careful with those bets.
>h-h-he will be retconned!!1
fucking hell that really made me laugh
This user is right. Don't be Gohanfag
Degenerates waifufags need to be gassed.
Dragon Ball Pooper
Keep that bet user, because once you win, you'll make other anons look like retards.
>Satan still fucking 10
What a shitter.
Why would they do that? What's the point?
Why did Goku want Gohan to be stronger than him during the Cell games? Did Goku want to go off and fight guys in space while Gohan protected Earth? Or did he know he'd end up dying?
Super already mentioned Uub twice didn't it?
Did that even happened? I think he was already mentioned on episode 30
yes but shitters were still in denial
Can't blame them, EoZ is shit
Now the new meme is that Base Goku's strength got retconned and Uub isn't that strong buahahahaha
fuck u
I'm tired too
>After the current arc
>Capsule corp. gets a phone call
>"You still cheated Trunks! Let's settle this at the next tournament!"
>It's a repeat of last time with Trunks winning because of sudden SS transformation but with taller Goten and Trunks
I'm also pissed that the boys haven't been shown going SS2 yet.
Goky was an idiot and almost got everyone killed, simple as that.
EoZ is canon, cant say the same for super
oh your back
Here user, posting here because last thread reached image limit.
Will we see the strong universes left out of the tournament in future storylines?
I dont get why so many people hate Hub
It's about damn time DB has some diversity
>Goky was an idiot
The irony
Based user.
They will never go past SS unless they fuse. They just don't have the motivation. They like goofing around and holding hands with women.
>and Yamcha is too lazy
The original tenkaichi is dominated by Buu now, Yamcha doesn't have a chance.
I love this dynamic
>tfw Yamcha got dicked over in every Tenkaichi Budokai
Why did he have to be the fall guy?
>and holding hands with women.
Their tango dance says other wise.
You can use Frieza as a refernece point too.
>Frieza in first form can completely stomp Gohan and (if he wanted to) effortless wreck the other Z fighters.
>By that point in the story, the Z fighters are way stronger than they were during Namek saga; Piccolo is stronger than SSJ1 and Imperfect Cell
>Goku can fight final form Frieza in base form.
Because of that, I firmly believe in the Super Saiyan God power can be accessed in base form.
There's even a name for it called "Saiyan Beyond God"
Fuck off
that's lewd user
Hey I'm a newfag to DBS, can someone redpill me on what its about?
Does Vegeta still do this in Super?
>facial animations in super
Goku was trying to be a good saiyan dad and prepared the best battle ever for Gohan to enjoy, just like when a normal dad pays for a hot prostitute for his son,
he's just curious user
No, but he can dance!
The 10 year gap between the Buu saga and the World Tournament with Uub. The characters get a taste of the Dragon Ball multiverse and that's pretty much the driving force for each arc except the Freeza arc.
Super is about Vegetto getting nerfed and killing my fellow Vegettofags. The threads were so empty after their fusion got undone. It hurts.
Poor Gotenfag.
And there still aren't any Gogettafags either.
Will Goten ever be relevant on his own merit?
There was one until the Potara earrings showed up, then he went back to Sup Forums
I wouldn't be surprised if Vegeta diddled Gohan.
>he went back to Sup Forums
Thank Jesus.
Well to be honest there still is an opportunity for Gogeta to show up. The potara are not allowed for the tournament and there will be some opponents too powerful for them to handle alone, fusing via the dance will be their last resort. I'm pretty much sure about it
Maybe Toyo will focus on him a little after Present Trunks.
knowing super, gogeta will last like 1 minute, but knowing toei, if they can ruin something they will probably do it so id not be surprised if gogeta showed up
I doubt he'll last one minute but even if he does it won't feel like one minute as it'll be expanded for an entire episode or so. Gogeta entering Blue I believe would last a bit longer than Vegetto but that's my personal feeling
it would literall last 50% of what vegetto could last, do you even watch the show?
I believe the time limit had to do something with the potara and wouldn't necessarily happen with the fusion dance. Gogeta would be more smarter in not wasting stamina like Vegetto did because Goku and Vegeta have learned their lesson since the Trunks arc
If SSB drains fusion then Gogeta would be useless. One hour potara fusion with SSB lasted 5 minutes. Gogeta with the same power drain would last like 10 seconds or something since fusion dance lasts a half hour.
Gogeta could work, if they use him like a finisher of sort: knowing it's not going to last much, they plan to fuse, transform and shoot a powerful technique before the fusion disegnages
So is this the final saga then? I recall them saying before the series began that they were going for 100 episodes. Didn't expect it to be 100 and 100 only.
Also why the fuck did they drop Goku and Vegeta's new gi? Was it simply a case of autistic screeching to go back to the Z costumes?
>If SSB drains fusion then Gogeta would be useless
See It's not happening because Goku and Vegeta know the consequences of using all the power of SSB therefore they would be more cautious in a sense as Gogeta. If they pull it off they would be damn near unstoppable with the Pride Troopers standing no chance
Also it seems a lot of people forget that Vegetto didn't immediately try to kill Zamasu as he was pulling punches in. Gogeta is a one-shotter so he'd deal with his opponent with a single blow and not waste time
Yeah, I firmly believe this is the last arc.
>A malnourished mudslime reincarnation of a redundant power level bad guy can go toe-to-toe with the man whose power surpasses the God of Destruction
I knew DB was retarded but come on
>Final arc is a deathmatch which Goku will obviously be the victor and half a dozen universes will be erased to suit his arrogance and obsession with fighting for self fulfillment over justice
Bit of a sour note to end on.
So how does one become a Demon Clan Member and how does one drop out?
>I firmly believe this is the last arc.
>Gogeta is a one-shotter
gogeta is not canon, he one punched janemba only bacause the movie was ending and there was no time left, vegetto is stronger and still couldnt kill zamasu, ayyylmao is probably zamasu level, gogeta can suck his dick at most
but what if Gohan diddled Vegeta
There's so much more to go on though. I can at least see an arc with the Grand Priest as a villain. Plus they've not even acted on the concept of Angels going into shutdown mode and life locks with Supreme Kais. So much new lore has been made, but only in throwaway lines.
I always figured that here he was using ss to match ssg, but once he learns ssb, ss goes back to normal.
Like that was a proto ssb
>Gogeta is a one-shotter so he'd deal with his opponent with a single blow and not waste time
GT says otherwise.
Vegetto shot out his strongest attack and Zamasu still didn't die, immortality regen was just too powerful.
no dad, i dont what to be a fucking scientist, i fucking hate you mom
>vegetto is stronger and still couldnt kill zamasu
I mean he totally could have beat him if not for the new asspull time limit that was brought in for literally no reason other than to see Vegetofags get shat on lmao.
>but once he learns ssb, ss goes back to normal.
Nah, pic related referring to SS2 Goku also this
>life locks with Supreme Kais
Isn't it the GoD they're locked to?
>gogeta is not canon
That's not a valid argument due to the fact that Gogeta COULD be canon as a result of Goku and Vegeta using the fusion dance, it's not impossible like for movie antagonists and such
>he one punched janemba only bacause the movie was ending and there was no time left
Actually in-universe reason is because Gogeta wastes no time against his opponents as he finishes them off in a single blow. Unlike Vegetto who often plays with the person he's fighting against Gogeta doesn't.
>GT says otherwise.
We're not talking about GT here user
>Vegetto shot out his strongest attack and Zamasu still didn't die
That's arguable as Vegetto said two attacks would be the finishers. First his Final Kamehameha then a fist to the face on Merged Zamasu so it's hard to determine what was actually a finisher but in my opinion neither were
that's what i meant my bad
dont remind me
>immortality regen was just too powerful.
Not for Trunks
>Trunks and goten are mad they missed the tournament
>Sneak off to the RoSaT for two days
>Come back stronger and taller
>Arc moves along for a bit
>Another 2 year skip leads to EoZ
then Vegeta's a faggot