What are your thoughts on cute anime little girls?

What are your thoughts on cute anime little girls?

They have their uses.

The modest ones are the cutest.

Stop spamming Sup Forums with your pedo threads. Go to ToR where you will be welcomed.

Cute girls are for fags

They are even cuter when in extreme pain.

Bratty ones are also cute.

I find them incredibly sexy and I like how they're nothing like real children.

They are the best thing to ever exist and the very reason I still watch anime.

I agree. Brats are actually more fun because you don't feel bad about bullying and teasing them.

Do not harm Akarin. She's the sweetest and kindest girl in the world.

They're nice.


I love torturing little girls, but only if I or my self-insert can heal and comfort them afterwards.

>Not self-inserting as the girl being tortured
Missing the fun, user.

Why are tomboy loli so perfect?

i don't want to beat up a little girl
i want to be a little girl and get beaten up

I like it both ways to be honest, as long as the cathartic healing comes after.

>not being beaten up by little girls instead

They're cute! CUTE!

lolidom is god tier


cute anime girls are good for the soul
which is why i die inside everytime they are 2real