It's gonna be a good 2 weeks
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to blow Connie's belly
What's Connie like in bed? Is she a dom or a sub?
Fucking autismos is wrong
Say something nice to my wife!
Forced sub
No one will let her dom
How gay are these two?
This thread has more replies
Those thread are made earlier
I want to cum inside sucy poster was first, so this thread is the true thread
Lotte it MY wife fuck you.
He posted in that thread first
I don't like these thread splits.
Post intent to create perhaps?
So is this faggot ever gonna get her shit kicked in? Only reason I'm still watching, to be honest.
>you will never be a powerful eldritch fairy
>you will never engage in ritual sex with members of the Jannson family
>you will pump Lotte and Lottemom full of eldritch sperm
>also Sucy, since she's he only one who wants to do it with you because she finds you attractive
Make a poll to determine which thread we should post in!
fuck i know i only realized after i posted
>Red Eyes
>Cute Hair
>10/10 Face
>10/10 Body & Butt
>Cute Voice
>Outgoing & Hardworking
>Will Save Magic
So this is a PERFECTION looks like.....
Step off, she's mine.
This thread wins!
>Merging Threads.....
Don't even dare to touch my Akko, Diana !
18 Hours left for ep17 Streams...
30 Hours left for ep17 Subs...
I want to LEWD tickle Akko!
It's time to end it, don't you think
How does Amanda hide her tits?
This one was linked first and it's posted in more, survival of the fittest i'd say.
>Shit Eyes
>Dumb Hair
>5/10 Face
>5/10 Body & Butt
>Annoying Voice
>Stupid & Idiot
>Will Ruin Magic...
So this is a RETARDATION looks like....
Im always watching
Got sucked off by Akko just now, ask me anything.
t. salty dianafag
Is Connie a gay?
Sexually bully Diana!
How long does the dick spell last, Diana?
Akko is a good girl with a very yummy butt.
Thread poll
I'd also like to congratulate whichever user it was that outed shoeshitter's cringe twitter and triggered him into a coma, you've done us a grat service.
Everyone is gay in LWA
stop shoehorning yourself into every thread
Avery will never get anymore screen time or vanilla lewds
God damnit Akko exposure is taking it's poll on me
>Doujins never
Witch buttholes
They are the best.
Don't tell anyone!
Thanks you autistic faggot, you did good
She's mechasexual
How are the english subs in the BD/DVD's? Anyone know?
They broke up though.
As of reading this post, you now have ten seconds to post your favorite little witch.
That's Amanda as a boy so no?
Thank based autist
she's a mechanophiliac.
as in, she feels sexual attraction to machines and other inanimate objects. she could have a legitimate crush on a microwave.
>not posting the first two pages before this
And they both feel bad about it.
This cute lil cinnamon roll
>Tracked down shoehorn user
Wait what?
It's not gay to be in love with a boy.
Hows that card appropiate merchandising for childrne??
what was Ursula thinking???
>He wasn't on the last thread, were shoehorn user had a meltdown and escaped, presumably to kill himself.
Does someone saved the post?
Sure, Croix.
Keep believing that.
>shoe is posting in my poll
he's here.
Your Mom is cuter than you Lotte, sorry.
>what was Ursula thinking?
She knew what she was doing, user.
Croix was in charge of the merchandising.
She is an exhibitionist.
1) This is Diana!
2) Diana is the best girl!
3) She's cute!
4) I love her!
5) Diana!
>those hips
You should really cut your hair,
Stop that.
I remember one user who received their BDs yesterday. I guess we have to wait until they finish watching it.
quick get out your witches with guns to hunt the bastard down!
Pretty good except for this. It sounds like something out of the first Zelda game.
Why are short ponytails so cute?
You don't tell me what I should do with my hair or not.
I like you gun edit user, you've always been based
Sorry, saved it straight off twitter when I saw it.
Hope someone ends up selling this card later. Having it as a toho shop exclusive+needing to buy all 9 BD/DVD together is a real downer.
Stop being rude.
thanks, I've made a couple. Some better than others
Will the dub be done with British voice actors?