Opinions on MGTOW? Both the ideology and MGTOWs themselves

Opinions on MGTOW? Both the ideology and MGTOWs themselves.

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If pronouncing the abbreviation, should one spell it out wholly/partially, or say 'Muggtau'?

Who cares? I see people here whining about it from time to time, but it takes competition out of the breeding pool. Nobody should ever care about this.

An appropriate reaction to the current gender relations and breakdown of the social contract between men and women... If the family law system was reformed and feminism abolished then 99% of MGTOW would GLADLY re-join society. Most of them only want a normal life with a loving loyal wife and family life where they are not constantly worried the women will simply decide to divorce him and take his hard earned wealth. Same with PUA's Most of them despite what they say, only want a nice GF.

Mostly trolls and memesters. MGTOW is nothing new and these people used to STFU about it instead of trying to encourage others to be the same as them.
There are MANY reasons why the marriage rate is going down. There are a lot of problems that need solving.

... don't you encourage people to be the same as you?

Fuck no. You don't make working societies out of people like me. Not too many people should be like me.

Yeah, I guess I'm there too.

This. In a healthy society, MGTOWs would not exist.

Redpilled and anti-jewish

all men should go their own way, but if on that way some good women tags along there is no reason they cannot be happy together
going out of your way to meet women and to appeal to them is retarded and moronic and this is the part where /r9k/ got it right

Jewish movement to cause enmity between white men and women. The flip side of jewish feminism.

>implying white women arent disloyal

MGTOW seems to be made up of two very distinct groups, the first are guys who have been through the wringer of divorce court / alimony rape / dv accusations / fraudulent child support, etc. and are just trying to prevent the next generation of normal men like themselves being fucked over by women who are not worth it. They still fuck women, but do it on their own terms (largely by enforcing strict no cohabitation rules and then dumping cunts when they become too cunty)

The other group are the virgin incels who are too ugly, poor, asocial to get laid. These guys are doing the planet a favour by voluntary deciding not to breed. Thank fuck.

Unfortunately the noise from the kissless virgins tends to drown out the genuine and worthwhile advice from the marriage veterans.

TL/DR - Not all MGTOW are kissless virgins.

go away mr. slide thread man. we all know all women are worthless.

Seems people prefer turning the acronym into a phonetic word. mig-tau seems the most common.

mgtow are cowards without a future
no children
no buying power
no lessons to teach
no ideas to leave behind
no future

remainder: MGTOW doesn't mean no chick allowed

Shill ploy to make white men reject women and never have white children of thier own allowing shitskins to further outbreed us.

Anyone endorsing mgtow or calls themselves mgtow might as well be a kike.


you are shill ploy to make white men reject women and shitskin outbreeding part as well
why don't you boycott your media Sven?

I've noticed more guys from the first group than the incels. Incels would not really go for something like mgtow, because they would crumble with the first woman that gave them attention. Most of us have had a lot of relationships where we got screwed over one way or another.

I think most people here are mgtow without knowing it. Even the guys that are married now and keep saying that you need a christian woman to make children etc. eventually go mgtow, because they get screwed over in divorce.

This meme doesn't really make sense. We just keep our money and don't give it to the goy. How are we complying to the jewish plan?

I do not pay any swedish media a penny more than i'm forced to through taxation

Where are your birthrates at?

actually, incels/virgins/soyboys/betas/gamers part is inserted by roasties as namecalling, and further perpetrated by whiteknights and kikes
what is wrong in living your life the way you want?
how can anybody even criticize it, it is basically free will

>Incels would not really go for something like mgtow, because they would crumble with the first woman that gave them attention

You'd be surprised how angry and resentful they become though, as if being fat and ugly wasn't bad enough.

Incels only get worse with age.

Becoming a slave of a woman is just not worth it. I don't wanna close myself off in a room because a woman keeps nagging in my own house.

It's a spectrum ranging from "sad fucks who should just kys" to "okay"

I think its funny SJWs and pol get so fucking angry about them

>How are we complying to the jewish plan
by dividing the sexes, instead of one household being created (and possibly destroyed by divorce rape, most of the time) two households are created

Aquafresh is dim
Not having kids means decline white birth rates.

its retaliation for the nuremberg laws.

Go back to facebook

So basically, either way, you lose. But, if you go mgtow, you get to keep your stuff and can do whatever you want.

I think I made my choice.

Honestly you should never be finding yourself in a situation where you need to pronounce it you faggot

47 yr old MGTOW here.

>no children
My children are the the children that other people have had. The human race is being continued, just not on my dime.

>no buying power
what?? the buying power is immense with no kids and no wife feeding off me. Also freedom to buy whatever I want without groveling to the wife for permission like most married cucks have to do

>no lessons to teach
At work I am teaching and offering wise counsel to the younger folks there all the time. I get great satisfaction out of it

>no ideas to leave behind
See above comments

>no future
We are all part of the same human race.. as long as kids are being born and raised by others, then there is a future, and this future is not costing me a dime.

>I think I made my choice
a selfish one at that, good choice goyim

>We are all part of the same human race
old timer, stop

If you're not breeding for the sake of the white ethnostate or coughing up shekels to the jewish overlords you have no value as a human being obviously how dare you be an individual pursuing your own happiness in this social wasteland

I'm more or less this way but i don't associate with the 'group' or 'identity'.

I was married for 13 years and paid the price for no wrongoing, losing over half of all of my best years' work. Worked 50+ hours a week for 10 years to pay for nice things for wife and children, and then once it's become even slightly inconvenient for the female, they can slit your throat financially, emotionally, psychologically simply because they elect to do so.

There's no sane reason to embrace the current gender roles with how incredibly misandrist society has become.

That said, I maintain a relationship with a new, younger woman, but she has no power over my life, my financial affairs, etc; nor will she ever. If she tries, she'll be alone.

AMA if you like.

I live in white ethnostate
checkmate atheists


28 yo mgtow

>with gf
bank account always @ -9.500

>without gf and mgtow
bank account suddenly @ +11k after 4 months.

It's like you can't make any money with a girlfriend.

I keep making new projects and go to new directions in which I can make even more money. I didn't have this when I had a girlfriend.

Bunch of bitter virgins who can't get girlfriends. Basically the male version of the screeching feminists.

Well now it's going to get overrun by the unwashed swarthy hordes and it'll be all your fault you selfish little man I hope you're proud of yourself

It's not that crazy of an idea to be honest. They're(we're) just realists. Getting divorced today is life ruining today.

I'm regrettably a mgtow, I wish I didn't have to be one, but the odds are against me and I'm not much of a gambler.

youtube.com/watch?v=NH8F8OOm8ls < red pill

it already began
I should've chased that fat ugly girl that I do not like, care, or want in any way, that told me she doesn't care for me 8 years back but somehow rethought her actions and got presented to me by my friend last year again


>Well now it's going to get overrun by the unwashed swarthy hordes and it'll be all your fault you selfish little man I hope you're proud of yourself

Nope user. Any swathy types that try kicking up a fuss in Poland end up bleeding to death in an ally somewhere. Polish police give zero fucks at all because dirty niggers.

Based Polska!

The problem is, if you identify with anything, you get shit anyway. So that's why one of the mgtow rules is to just not even mention it irl.

If you made a personal decision to avoid sex/women, why do need to announce it to everyone, why do you feel the need to belong to some "movement"? The same is true for asexuals who try to present themselves as some disadvantaged minority. The only explanation I see is attention whoring.

You are not interested in sex/relationships for whatever reason? Just don't pursue women and go on with your life. That's it. I doubt many (or any) women would make unsolicited advances, and if they do, just tell them you are not interested. It's simple, you have chosen to stay single and you don't owe anybody an explanation. No need to overcomplicate things.

MGTOW is just being redpilled about female nature and their privilege in life. That's it. There is nothing else.

we misplaced a coloured guy this year, and another keep having accidents in prison
serves them right

No good or bad opinion on it because in fact it does absolutely fucking nothing.
Right now reproduction severely limited not to number of men, but to number of women. Even if half of entire male population will go completely mgtow or disappear from existence entirely, there will still be not enough women fitting to be proper wife and mother for all remaining men who want these women, and major part of these men will be left with used up skanks, tainted coalburners etc.
There is only one party losing from entire mgtow thing - (((someone))) who runs the economy has less men ready to bust ass in rat race.

my dear Wania, it is not that MGTOWs promote their decisions or announce it to anybody
it is the "happy family" crowd keeps shitting on single folk
every single day, every hour, every minute, screeching "why are you alone, stop being alone, you XYZ"

The only place I see the word "MGTOW" used anymore is Sup Forums. Even the people who coined it have stopped using it, as it became a derogatory label due to leftist subversion.

Also because MRAs of any kind are hunted down like animals or blasted on social media.

>we misplaced a coloured guy this year, and another keep having accidents in prison
>serves them right

Top Kek Polskanon. Keep that shit up!

Well it shouldn't have been called anything, but there's just a simple to not see women as equal, which men have never did before the 20th century. So mgtow is basically just men going back to male-nature again.

>every single day, every hour, every minute, screeching "why are you alone, stop being alone, you XYZ"

The can only get under your skin if you let them.

>every single day, every hour, every minute, screeching "why are you alone, stop being alone, you XYZ

I find that really hard to believe. The thing is if you too defensive about being single, they can feel your insecurity and start picking on you, hoping to change your mind. If you just say you are not interested in a firm, calm and dispassionate way, and repeat it as often as they ask, they will lose interest eventually.

>The only place I see the word "MGTOW" used anymore is Sup Forums.

In fairness, both of the MGTOW forums that I belong to have "gone dark" due to cunts and SJW's trying to get them shutdown because Muh Misogyny and other bullshit.

MGTOW, really, has existed for so long. Different names of course, but pretty much as long as women have been whores (which is since the beginning of time), some men have chosen to stay away.
This is a perfectly fine decision to make, as long as you think it is the right one and it makes you happy.
A man can have a happy life without women. A man can literally lead a full, fulfilling and overall contributory life without a woman or fathering children.
The funny irony is that woman, unless they've been born into some royalty or super high power position, need a man to make an impact on the world. They need to mother children. Very few women will ever accomplish anything of merit on their own.

>mgtow happens
>roasties suicide from lack of husbands
>women realize they need to be submissive to get financial stability
>nuclear family comes back

it drops from me in 90% of times, but 10% really ticks me off
and "happy family crowd" is not only real people
consider entire mass media. I got into gardening just to keep myself calm because of that

Infinitely amusing that so many people see MGTOW as some sort of personal affront. Especially here it's like you've broken some sort of masculine pact to occupy some rapidly aging harpy and shit out ingrates with her for the betterment of society.

Society is fucked and it won't ever go back to the way it was. And even if it did, 2D is superior and growing in power.

Men deserve happiness. Happiness without having to debase themselves for the sake of others, happiness without having to "settle", happiness without relying on the continued goodwill of flighty women who have exclusive support of the state and it's monopoly on violence.

Seriously fuck any guy who tries to shame you for not doing your societal duty or something, white feather me bitch.

Just as retarded as ctrl-left third-wave feminist SJWism

pic related. We've gone past full-circle a long time ago.

>Men deserve happiness

Happiness cannot be achieved while married / cohabiting with some cunt / emotional terrorist.

Far better to live on your own and eat / live / fuck elsewhere.

I swear I didn't put that many hyphens in o.o

The truth, MGTOW is a meme created by a loveless male to encourage other men who fail at love to be proud of this shortcoming. It’s easier than confronting the hard truths that come with female rejection.

Alphas and Chads go their own way and are perused and seduced. Why does this not happen to those who claim to choose to ignore women? It’s because they did not choose it, it was chosen for them.

You know what work is, right? That's what any worthwhile relationship is.

Mostly guys that can't take the fact that their decisions have consequences.Some of them married young, without any experience,got divorced after their spouses wanted something else, and lost their shit. Others decided to marry chicks that love to bang everything that moves and end up surprised that those chicks decided to do what they always did. Others that can't handle the fact that chicks don't like them..ergo chicks are evil.

Most of them are people who don't want to admit that they fucked up (with poor decisions and being bad at judging character) so they put all the blame on females. Not a lot different from what women do, the big difference being the fact that usually males lose more in the process. Which begs the question : if you know that you as a guy will lose more, why weren't you more careful?

>any worthwhile relationship
I have worthwhile relationship with my bed and it is defnitely not work

>Men deserve happiness.

No they don't. Neither do women. Who told you this shit? No one deserves anything. There was never a period in history when the majority of population was happy.

>men deserve hapiness
No they dont,hapiness i earned.Fucking faggot generation raised up to think that everything is dueb to you with no work and effort.
Its all good though your shitty genes wont pass on.

> Cunts
> Worthwhile Relationship

Try again user, it's got fucking bells on. I work hard enough during the week. Don't need fucking work when I get home as well just because some cunt is "unhappy".

Fuck that noise.

>not aware of the myriad processes your body accomplishes while you get your 40 winks.


It's because everyone around us says that it's the right thing to do.

And they keep pushing this mythical "love" word into everything. "Love" is a made up word from women that works for them.

It can for some men who are properly masochistic "haha oh women, can't live with em, can't live without em." or sadistic control freaks who find a properly meek victim. And then there are those who think their only purpose in life is to produce some offspring which they can orbit for the rest of their bland lives. Whatever, it's definitely not for everyone and we're one of the few generations with alternatives.

Fuck off edgelords. Everyone deserves happiness even if there isn't enough to go around. As such everyone should pursue their own happiness instead of the goals of whatever overbearing kike/feminist/altcuck is currently trying to gaslight them. Eat shit you lunatics.

You haven't found a good one. Try harder instead of giving up; let me guess, you look for the right person instead of being that person?

Happiness is just a word. It's security that makes most men "happy".

Men can get security by just applying themselves. Women feed off it, and when they're "secure", they just want more.

>You haven't found a good one.

There are no good ones, they are all cancer. The better ones are just hiding their cuntiness behind a veil of lies.

>Everyone deserves happiness even if there isn't enough to go around.

Don't you see the inherent contradiction? Everyone is free to TRY becoming happy, but many, many will fail. And EVERYONE dies in the end. And many suffer a lot in their last years. All happiness on this Earth is fleeting.

The people kncking mgtow the hardest are the pua fags who have mutated into a bluepilled collective.
These stupid faggots essentially use a lot of abstract thinking just to reach the same conclusions as the average bluepilled liberal.
Things like go out and wife that whore
Pedestalling women higher than anyone has ever done so by putting female decision making as a flawless natural law. ie what ever a woman decides is natures guiding hand and infallible.
Finally they chastise guys trying to break away from the modern cycle as being "beta". Because they dont want to wife them whores.
Thats just three ways they fucked up.



What kind of PUAs are encouraging guys to get married? The whole purpose of this movement was to sleep around as much as possible, wasn't it?

what the fuck are you referring by 40 winks?

To take forty winks is to take a nap for a short period of time (usually not in bed),[1] or to take a short sleep during the day.[2] Related idiomatic sayings such as could not sleep a wink provide the mental picture of a wink being the shortest type of sleep available and "forty winks" therefore gives an indication of an appropriate short sleep.

a nap.

See, people don't understand the fact that this is a right given to you by some laws made up by people to be followed in relations between people. You have the right to pursue happiness (again, in the context of society and relations between the people) , there is no universal law that says you deserve happiness. Just as there is the difference between "the right to life" as a moral principle which serves only as right to be respected by other human beings, and "the right to life" which means shit if you take society out of the equation.Disease, natural disasters...your right to life amounts to nothing then.
So, a person can pursue happiness, this does not mean you deserve it nor that you will achieve it.

>what is the wall

>not beeing roasties

Yeah but I've done meetups with these PUA guys before when I was 19. They see women as angels and picking them up is basically your responsibility. If a woman is a 10/10, you should approach her, even if you're a 2/10.

From their point of view, PUA is about being able to pick up women with personality. So if you're looking for a wife, you should learn PUA first. They disregard resources / physical appearance. It's retarded.

People have different definitions of good. The only certainty is that there are no women who live up to the hype unless you lower your standards and debase yourself. The root cause is humanity's obssession with illusions and deception. Sadly there is no way to mutually disarm both sides so we must continue to engage with lies and bribery or not at all. The great draw of 2D is an idealized femininity with no demands and no lies. The concentrated form of mythical femininity, soon brought to life via kissless virgin technology. What times we live in.

>Everyone is free to TRY becoming happy

Men have been deceived for ages and told that they exist to serve others, serve society, that in serving these things they are serving themselves. Bullshit. We have a brief time in this life which shouldn't be spent obsessing over our mating rituals and how to fund them. We can pursue happiness once we break free of the illusion that our dicks belong to the state/community/whores. Do as you like, nothing is stopping you anymore and happiness comes in many forms. We've been accidentally informed and accidentally liberated.

Pathetic. There should be some sort of paramilitary program to get all those special snowflakes and pressgang them into some sort of foreign legion.

>If a woman is a 10/10, you should approach her, even if you're a 2/10

I think that's just basically an exercise to desensitize you to rejection.

>having casual sex


You mean (((pua))) right?

Okay, so why should I contaminate my home with some cunts bullshit when I come home from work or at weekends.

Sure, we all need to fuck, but I can do that without having to live with or marry the cunts.

We were lied to since the word "Love" was invented. Monogamy was a hoax since the beginning. We could've gained way more technological wonders if we would just lock women up in a brothel and just choose a "body" with a number from which we want children from.

We all come into this world of suffering and we crawl to our grave in search of respite. There is no reason to suffer and yet the various systems seek to annihilate each man as just another expendable resource.

In this modern era of wonders built on the blood and bones of countless men just like us, the leadership may have been usurped but it's been handed to infantile women and navel-gazing elite men. As long as you're willing to surrender that "duty" to everything but yourself, as long as you turn your back on the dead dream that was promised you but never existed you're free to seek that happiness you deserve.

While it accurately identifies some of the problems with women in society, it does so from a purely self-serving mindset and as such fails to either address the issues men have and cause in modern society (for example, male sexual attitudes that pressure women into having premarital sex), or they ignore society altogether and simply criticize women because of their personal desire. Sometimes their personal desire can line up with the ideal (like the nohymennodiamond meme), but that's not by design, from what I gather, and they tend to be hypocritical with their own sexual behavior. The lock and key analogy they love to use doesn't hold water if you want a stable society, because it's just a guise for MGTOW individualism.

This guy is an example. I'll go over what I mean:
>MGTOW seems to be made up of two very distinct groups, the first are guys who have been through the wringer of divorce court / alimony rape / dv accusations / fraudulent child support, etc.
This is fine, an accurate description of a problem we face (although alimony in a traditional society is good, provided the divorce wasn't the fault of the woman). No shit men gripe about it.
>They still fuck women, but do it on their own terms (largely by enforcing strict no cohabitation rules and then dumping cunts when they become too cunty)
This isn't. It's just hedonism at this point, no different than virtue signalling feminist landwhales fucking Tyrone.
Although I will say that I talked to one guy here who did this but with some honorable exceptions--he only pumped and dumped proven whores, and left virgins/genuine decent girls (almost exactly the same thing, past 18) alone. In that case, he's not necessarily doing anything wrong, but he would be hypocritical to want a virgin wife, and he is also harming his own dignity through that behavior.

I am what you would call a volcel. Sex before marriage is degenerate, and I hold myself to the same standard as I hold women (but most modern women fail miserably).
I have a feeling I would be far more angry and resentful towards a whore who showed me attention than a typical incel, since many of them focus on sex rather than love/marriage.
That's not to say many of them don't form nasty complexes, but I think the most vitriol comes from those who are otherwise stable, rather than the opposite.

This is because their anger is a selfish one, and easily cornered/neutralized, whereas mine is a deep moral feeling. If a known whore, for example, came up to me in uni and confessed a crush on me, I'd be in a position, for once in my life, to exercise power over a degenerate. I wouldn't "hate fuck" them (retarded and debasing to myself), but I would probably end up doing everything in my power to make them feel like the human garbage they are. Needless to say, anyway, this isn't a good way to find a mate. Hence, volcel.

I was not familiar with this saying, thank you both