UN BTFOs Trump

UN calls Drumpf a racist.


Anonymous Sources
Current year

Remember when Hitler went around Israel a shithole before he decided to start the Holocaust? Oh wait, it wasn't even a real nation at the time.

>condemn taking savages by the boatload from shithole countries

Raycis! Literally Hitler!

I mean... What else is to be expected nowadays?

He's a moron for calling Haiti a shithole, that's not how political discourse works in the modern, bleeding heart era. But it is a shithole and the UN can go fuck itself.

>goes against the universal values the world has been striving so hard to establish since World War II and the Holocaust
There’s an unintentional redpill there for any normies with brains.

My favorite thing to point out from this is that he never specified them to be shitskin countries. It's the people calling him racist that keep conflating "shithole" with "shitskin."

>empty rhetoric
who cares
>same/similar thread every 20 of so mins


Googled “Is it safe in Haiti?”

Haiti, sadly has a high crime rate largely due to poverty, lack of employment and more.. The level of crime in Haiti should be regarded as beyond horrific. There are no "safe" areas (with the exception of Labadee an area leased by a cruise ship company)

Sounds like a shithole

Is the UN spokesman a Jew? Always gotta bring in muh 6 gorillion and the holohoax.

So we in the civilized world should be expected to just take unlimited numbers of stupid as fuck violent blacks and browns and just "deal with it"?

Yeah, nah, fuck off UN. You aren't pushing me off the land my forefathers settled and built up from way before 1776 onward. Especially not after I've done literally all the work to make it worth living here.

>muh holocaust
Fuck em.

You have no brain everyone but me gotta learn that

So ? Understanding that pajeet are filthy inbred perverts, understanding that tyrones are theiving rapists that bites the hand that feeds them, that's how you get on in the world. If you know this you'll stay away from goa and Gambia for your holidays, you'll stay away from London and Paris for your stop over flights and you'll be a he'll of alot safer. Brown and black people are what's turning white people fascist. We wanted a free peaceful world then somebody invited dark folk. They turned out to be rapists, murderous and devilishly underhanded. They ruined our dream. Why could you not just stay in the dangerous places you created ? Now we're due some more genocide


Giving a shit what the UN thinks. What good has this organization ever done.

Hypocrites. Most nations are trying to keep blacks out.

Yup. These kikes think they have the right to fuck up the entire world because of peddle powered brain bashing machines and Jew eating eagles. Every single part of modernity is built on the Holocaust. Tranny child molesters, drug epidemics, islamic terrorism, fag wedding cakes, underneath all of it is a Jew whining about how his grandpa was made to work for his food for a couple of years.

muh holocaust. reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>values the world has been striving so hard to establish
What "values"? Throwing money taken from working White/Westerners and throwing it at the third world because they can't take care of themselves? Replacing white people and the countries and cultures they created? Ending freedom of speech because some savage doesn't like to be reminded he's a savage? If Haiti and Africa are so great and America is so racist, let's move the UN to Haiti or some African nation.

Everyone knows the reason why these nations are shitholes, but no one wants to be the first to say why.

We're getting closer to the global race war, aren't we?

>Haiti is a shithole

My sides

>something (((bad))) happens
>Quick, mention the holocaust!
Every single time.

Holy fuck someone should keep a tally of how many times these faggots say racist and holocaust. They never miss an oppertunity to bring that shit up

UN is a special club for shithole countries to make them feel somehow worthy. Of course their circlejerk is funded by US.

Good. So what. White people are being discriminated against openly. I'm glad he's a fucking racist. Fuck the UN. Niggers are criminals. Jews did 9/11. Gas the kikes, race war now.

You burgers should defund the UN some more.

Why pay for the privilege so shithole nations can gang up on you?

Even if the holocaust happened its so nonsensical how much reverence is put into it. It was far from being even the largest genocide of ww2 (Jap's got 20 mil Chinese civilians), Americans (or any other nation besides Germany assuming the current story is true) played no role in it nor hold an ounce of guilt for it, the peoples involved in it form a very tiny percentage of our nation and the world's population, but for some reason we're told all about the plight of the Jews in it when they were far from the only people that were involved in it either (6 of 11 million). Why do you think it is that this one specific portion of this one specific genocide, throughout an entire history of humanity genociding itself, is given this almost cult like status in our culture?


Because it’s not up to the people. The Representatives never listen to the people they are meant to represent and virtue signal like crazy.
There is a war coming, and it’s going to be truly terrifying because most of us are going to die
>religious wars
>race wars
>civil wars
>resource wars
It’s going to get bad. It also doesn’t help that so many Westerners are opening the gates to the barbarians

>universal values
You arrogant cunt.

Unironically, because using the death of 5.7 million Jews lead to the creation of Israel. Without it, the Jews don’t have a leg to stand on

Sad they try to compare Ireland and Italy to African countries and El Salvador. I don't remember people fleeing the Ireland and Italy because of violence and lack of government control. There was still other types of food to eat during the potato famine.



UN was created by jew bankers to control Europe and capture Palestine.

>Trump pulls out of the UN and quits giving them money in return.
What I dream to happen.

I am racist and proud

The UN would carry on being useless, just on smaller scale.

UN hahahaha!



>Trump sees how much money is being spent on supporting shitholes
>Complains about shitholes
>Media makes a massive fuss
>Trump pulls funding from shitholes so everyone will stop talking about them
Win win

>muh 6 million

There is literally nothing wrong with being a racist.

At least the UN admits their plan of white genocide since WW2.

"Shithole" has literally nothing to do with race.

How about you cultist savages stop street shitting or at least allow your children to use public toilets white men built for you?

But especially since the holocoaster. Did I mention the holocaust?
>Africans are cancer tho.
Anti semitic goy!!