Yuri!!! On Ice: We can't be stopped!!!!

Full-length, original movie announced.

Post speculations here:

What will the plot be about?
Will there be a kissu?
Will BaldFat get married?
Will Medo-chan make a cameo?

Other urls found in this thread:


They're gonna fuck.

Being gay is a sin. You go to Hell for being gay.

Can you tone it down a little? It's bad enough having to see all your blogging about crack pairings, now you have to link it with BaldFat
This is as delusional as Leaffags who think Bald married Pig because Leaf is engaged to Kubo

>BaldFat are actually the ones that have wild jungle sex

What a twist


3D yoi porno being streamed in the discord right now.

Bike is gonna fuck Mila if you continue this shit.

Fucking slut Chihoko. SayoKubo pandering to waifu fags.

Calm down and embrace your chinese slut, Leo.

Leo wouldn't ever say that


SayoKubo please

Happy Birthday Phichit!

Phichit a shit, it even rhymes

Kill yourself hetfag

What's with shitposters shitposting already
Last thread was comfy

Why is he sucking his own dick when Yuuri and his cock sucking skills exist


No it wasn't

YoI is a 24 hour shitpostpalooza, what are you on?

(you) >>>/suicide/

You spelled "best" wrong.

That's what happens when Fairyfags take over a thread. Last thread wasn't even good.

Because you're obsessed about stupid shit like people liking more than one homo pairing and making actual baldfatfags look bad
Let them have fun

Your het pairing will never happen, give it up.

It was fine, people were actually talking about the event. No need to start retarded fanbase wars

>your het pairing
Are you fucking retarded? I'm talking about that user getting angry over people shipping homo that's not just baldfat because he doesn't actually like YoI being seen as homo

Heterosexuality is the reason you're alive, bucko. Much to your parents' misfortune, of course.

Chihoko will be the main source of drama in the movie.

>because he doesn't actually like YoI being seen as homo

When drunk, how are they when they're completely sober? Lights off and missionary?

>admitting your shitposting

Why are YoI fans so sexist against women? I thought you all were progressive and with the times?

I'm not the user you're talking about. I just hate when insecure BikeFairyfags include BaldFat in their bullshit. Don't compare canon homo to crackshipping, there's Free! for that.

>Stage drama gave hetfags a complete meltdown

Unrelated to this show. If homo pandering makes you uncomfortable, then fuck off.

/yoi/ is a shitpit to begin with, might as well fit in with the rest of you.

Does a fish statue have a gender?

Glad they mostly missed the last thread so we could talk about all the homo that happened. What a fucking blessing. Sad they've come here already

Get off your high horse.

It doesn't make me uncomfortable. Too bad the two of them are easily the worst part of the entire show.

Also you should treat women with respect.

There's nothing wrong with Chiho-chan

You don't even like this show. Fuck off back to homothread or something so you can circlejerk your bitterness there

>treat women with respect
>he says on Sup Forums

Did you know that women have accomplished much more than faggots?


>Also you should treat women with respect.
>a fucking fish statue
And if you actually care (because you don't, you're shitposting), you should tell that to other Sup Forums threads, buddy.

Full dialogues when?
Scripts when?
Translations when?

This, she did nothing wrong. It was all Pig's fault.

Pig a shit, dropped poor Chiho-chan for some crazy slav cock.

I feel warm and fuzzy knowing Victor likes Yuuri's chubby off season body became canon.

Someone shoop Pig's head onto Suzaku's

Phichit a best. Hope he gets art by Kubo as cute as the one she made for Jizz

Dammit Kubo

That was gay, is baldfat canon now?

How can Bald even compete?


I hope so too, Kubo tweeted about it but it sounds like she won't do one today.

>ever lights off
They need to see each other at all times. Yuuri has to make sure Victor's eyes are on him

Will the movie do well?

i hope the movie focuses on worlds so we can finally experience 5/5 eros and lewd thigh mesh

>those lines outside the event
>Yuri on Stage trending on Twitter
Hype is still fucking high for YoI and the BDs are continuing to sell like hotcakes, of course it will.

>"If I was in a crowded train where everyone else except me was Jeremy Abbott, I would definitely molest him even if I got caught."
What did she mean by this?

Jeremy Abbott was her husbando.

There's a beautiful irony to that phrase

Then by romantic candlelight.

Bullshit. If he were her husbando she would not think such impure thoughts.

Need more fanart of baldfat sitting naked on the rooftop together. They're so cute.

Much better.

Just stop replying

This is teenage behaviour. How old are they again?

Their love keeps them young at heart.

>movie catchphrase

Will this be the first late night anime film to gross 3 billion yen in the box office?

Been gay for awhile

Did any of you go?

I haven't gone to the one in San Francisco yet .

I doubt it.

okay so given the new information we can now determine:

Seung Gil

Chris (+ Masumi)


Michele (for Sara)

I'm not sure it'll do that great, it's not mainstream like SAO is.

if anyone replies to this seriously

Phitchit is most likely turbo homo.

Does anyone know if the BaldFat beach sex doujinshi has been scanned yet? The live drama lewdness reminded me of it.

This Chihoko stuff reminds me of this.

>Muh safespace ;_;
Neck yourself.

Paintanon knew

SF is God's circus attraction. How does that feel?

MSPaint user is clairvoyant

I went before the store opened. One person swiped all the Yuri on Flowers blind bags within the first 5 minutes. I didn't even get a chance to see them before they were gone. The ice cream buttons were pretty much gone by noon. There really wasn't much left that you couldn't get from AmiAmi. Aside from the random ice cream coasters.

Paint user was Kubo and Sayo all along.

bgm release (finally)

What the hell man. That person was dick to do that. I had a feeling that stuff would get sold out fast.

Fucking finally.

I went to the NYC one. Turns out they only give you one if you spent over $10, not one for every $10 spent. I got there an hour after the store opened and a good chunk of the YoI merch was already gone, with a small crowd in front of it. They had pictures from the anime on the wall leasing upstairs, and cardboard cutouts of Yuuri, Yuri, and Victor there as well which was pretty nice.

I'd say it's probably not worth it though, because the coaster is literally a circular piece of flimsy plastic (like paper). You can pretty much make your own by printing out a high-quality picture of a coaster and laminating it.

Which location did you go to?

>Victor tells Yuuri the view is more beautiful when they're naked together

This line is so underrated.

I already knew that user. I lived there for 4 and half years

They probably watch the sun rise after a night of fucking quite often.

>implies BaldFat watch the sunrise post coital
>implies BaldFat regularly play sexual games when drunk together

This drama gave amazing insight into how their relationship has grown


San Francisco location. Ours was pretty underwhelming. Just a wall in the front of the store. Pic related is the wall 30 minutes after the store opened.

The coasters were a limit of one per person. I managed to get two because I came back and purchased again. It was worthless though since I ended up getting Gook.

I'm dying to know how gay the track names will be.