Come at me
Come at me
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it already exists in niggerland
go there, and live a grand total of 10 seconds before you are eaten for majik vuudoo
>muh shekels
muh dady issues
Basically this
People need to organise around an Idea and group. Its unironically why the Jews are so successful. Despite persecution they have managed to maintain an ideology and sense of group identity.
>literally spreads ass cheeks for banksters and hierarchy
>says others have elder issues
how's the rent in your country, obedient wage slave?
idk i own a house, i also rent a house to someone outside the country in europe so i earn pretty good. its called capitalism something your brain lit wont understand.
>lol idk
another Russian criminal in Israel? what a surprise!
I'll teach you:
>inb4 tards think anarchism=anarchy
Explain please.
German actually, oh look a a video of lazy hippe lefits who wants gibs from the goverement, hahaha, fuck them. I love capitalism.
Anarchy = absence of order, ie chaos
Anarchism = absence of leadership, decisions are taken collectively.
Anarchism is basically direct democracy to the max.
>hard working people who have jobs in the capital
they should send your lazy ass back to Germany if you're even from there which I doubt
Molotov said during the Russian Civil War, that the white armies were about to encircle Moscow, when Makhno attacked the white army from the rear, and they had to turn and fight him. So he saved the Russian Revolution.
oh look more leftis, these type of people who support socialism and want gibs. they need to be gassed. fuck the retarded poor hahahhaha.
>retarded poor
stop pretending to be European or Israeli, Ivan
you mad that i am whiter than you? i thought anarcism didnt care about race. ahahah dumb 56%
>be anarchist
>achieve anarchy
>non anarchist area steam rolls your little commune and makes you all rape slaves.
Where is the protection in this scenario?
>random picture without time stamp
>implying there aren't a fuckton of Russians in Germany too
you're just posting more proof of how uncivilized you are, Ivan
Ancap in the nutshell
Come now user, that could & should never happen because my ancom books say human nature is selfish yet cooperative.
>The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), "not, without" and ἀρχή (arkhi), "ruler, leader, authority." Thus, the term refers to a person or society "without rulers" or "without leaders".
Literally full communism
Commander of an anarchist army.