What would you have done in her situation?
What would you have done in her situation?
why this sucked, was it for thr NTR?
>interactions when you're a child have any meaning to your adult life
>all interactions with the opposite gender are strictly for romantic purposes
Maintain autism, Sup Forums
>Usagi Drop's MC adopts little girl
>fucks her at the end
>Sup Forums gets mad
>Erased saves little girl
>doesn't fuck her at the end
>Sup Forums gets mad
I'd hope he survives because I recognized the things he had done for me, then I would get involved in the shit I have in my own life (education, relationships, etc.) and when I learned that the kid who had helped me when I was younger survived I would be surprised and happy but I'd be older and have gone through a lot of complex things that have nothing to do with him
Wished I was in a good show.
It's not so much the fact that he found another man, but the fact that said man was MC's friend.
>Usagi Drop's MC adopts little girl
>fucks her at the end
>Sup Forums gets mad
More like normalfags get mad. Usagi drops ending was perfect.
Doesn't matter because he gets the better girl in the end
This gave me the most rockhard erection, one of his best friends who he went back in time to save fucked the woman he loved who he also saved while he was in a coma. How much do you want to bet that they fucked on his hospital bed right next to him while he was in a coma?
i'm happy to see that patricians are still on Sup Forums
>all interactions with the opposite gender are strictly for romantic purposes
Yes this is my belief
How is this wrong?
Stop fucking your grandmother.
Post that webm
Common sense is hard for idiots.
It's fine that she moved on. But there was no good reason to bring her kid in to show off. It's basically rubbing salt into the wound of someone who suddnedly lost several years of their life.
I'd probably snap and find a way to kill her for the betrayal.
Kill myself for being a roastie
>wasting your entire life so you can save an ungrateful bitch that cucks you with your best friend
the whole coma thing was bullshit anyway. biggest fuck you they could have pulled, and the villain was so blatant I literally thought the shit they were doing to imply it was him was just a red herring, because no way would they end it that badly. if they'd spent more time on the other female characters maybe it wouldn't seem so much of a cockblock, but since they just cut all the shit with anyone else, had entirely set it up to definitely end with those two, since they were pretty much the only two characters that did anything in the tv series, just cucking him with some coma bullshit was literally the most ridiculous thing they could have done.
I didn't like this anime, but I respect the author for being faithful to his vision of the story while disregarding self-insert fags and waifufags altogether.
Jesus fuck, parents take their babies with them when they go places. If you're seeing that as rubbing salt in someone's wounds, you've got issues.
>rubbing salt into the wound of someone who suddnedly lost several years of their life.
Why do you assume the MC is as braindead as his audience?
>Implying Sup Forums is some amorphous hivemind blob.
How many people post on Sup Forums, a couple of hundreds? Expect opposing opinions.
Remember when people tried to pretend this anime wasn't trash?
Usagi Drop did it bad though.
Shitty writting =/= outrage, when you get some actual taste you might be able to tell the difference yourself.
>it's trash because muh OTP
See The kucked meme is strong in this one. However the reason why Sup Forums dislikes it is because it's just shitty/lazy writing for a show that had a pretty interesting premise.
Move on with life like any other rational person. Don't know why she was there. If anything they could have caught up later after he had got on his feet again. That part is just for drama and cuck fetishists.
ask her if I can watch her make babies with Hiromi