What do you think about the current state of Sup Forums?
Sup Forums meta thread
Ban tripshits
achoo I just sneezed
god help us
Satan worst girl.
Bless you
i have been away for 4 years. what the fuck happened to Sup Forums? where are all the elitists like me? why is everyone a fucking pleb who hasn't watching any show except ongoing ones. my head hurts from all these newfags on here i fucking spend more time reporting than posting.
Sup Forums more like /r/anime desu.
At least it's slower
Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
bring back /spa/
>but everyone will ignore the content of the posts for shitposting
Yes because there is no shitposting whatsoever right now and the content is always so important for Sup Forums. Also, as long you are not canadian and in a lesser degree a hue you'll be fine.
I don't think.
Canadians alone make up a huge portion of Sup Forums so posting will screech to a halt.
I think it needs more Saten.
Most of my running mangas get threads when new chapters are out.
Decent anime season.
Cake threads, loli threads, tomboy threads, old anime threads almost every day.
Apart from shitposters in generals and some crossboarder shit threads that get started everything is good, especially considering the decline the rest of this site has been through.
It could be worse, really.
Or maybe I'm just lurking the right threads.
the autism levels are off the charts now
>can't bother capitalizing the Is
Just report and sage the shit threads, tell the frogposters and falseflaggers to fuck off and everything is good on earth.
This is not how you start a meta thread on Sup Forums, lurk more.
Under-moderated. That is all.
Generals are unpunished simply because the word "general" is (deliberately) not used. Completely off-topic shitposts can take up to 12 hours to be deleted. 'Meme'-type threads (this is your, what did ___ mean by this, ___ best girl, what is the consensus, what does Sup Forums think about, etc) are not deleted at all, and are not met with bans. Under-moderation.
My filter-list tells me that there is, currently, four Shingeki no Kyojin threads, 3 threads with "rec" in the OP, 5 with "best girl" in the OP, and at least 2 loli threads. Under-moderation.
This is incorrect. There are plenty of threads and posts that get deleted in a timely manner, there were a few blatantly off-topic threads earlier that got deleted within the first ten posts. The issue is that generals or what is essentially a general in all but name is not going to be deleted. SnK especially since it has another season airing now, so they have a free pass. Not that they need one, no one cares about whether or not generals are going to be removed by now, especially not mods.
Sup Forums does not deserve Saten now.
/ag/ fucking when
its shit
bring back sadpanda
>There are plenty of threads and posts that get deleted in a timely manner, there were a few blatantly off-topic threads earlier that got deleted within the first ten posts
I did not say that they "do" take up to 12 hours, I said that they "can". It's completely true, you know.
>it has another season airing now, so they have a free pass
That's not how the rules work.
>no one cares about whether or not generals are going to be removed
Just because nobody says anything doesn't mean nobody cares.
this, made browsing my two favorite boards so much easier
That's not how the rules work but that's how they're going to be enforced. Also, people may have a problem with generals but there are equally as many people that outright don't give a fuck and the people inside them that are going to get butthurt about the threads being removed. What do you think is easier, letting a few vocal posters in meta threads complain or letting loose havoc from a much larger and vocal group once their containment threads are deleted, also angering the people that previously didn't give a shit since they could easily filter it?
i havent seen a single discussion about the anime
just shipping autism
/spa/ was just Sup Forums with flags, sports threads got completely pushed out
With that said, Sup Forums with flags is a great idea
"The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments."
Does your reply not sound as requiem for the damned?
The means of salvation exist. The saviors have simply turned their back on this place.
I've been out of the loop for years
There's so many threads about manga nowadays
What happened?
please no, every board with flags does autistic international bitchery bullshit and I'd really rather not deal with that here
Need more integration with Sup Forums, anime should be taken seriously as social fenomena.
That's my point. They're not going to do anything. Reporting only works when mods acknowledge the quality of content and that's only done when it's a blatant shitposting thread and not thinly veiled general threads.
Accept your fate.
Sup Forums has been dead since 2011. What is there to talk about? Just shut up and wait for it to shut down.
anime is shit
needs more Saten threads
satania ONLY girl
Read Just don't be a leaf and then everything will be fine.
>That's not how the rules work.
You're stretching the definition of "rules" pretty far. As it stands, the moderators are the sole arbiters of what is sufficient quality for Sup Forums, there's no one written standard for what is a decent thread. Implementing one would probably be too much of a shitstorm.
Bring back DJT
getting overrun by crunchy netflix twitter fags who think watching 2 shows gives them the right to speak
>Isn't watching any show but the ongoing ones.
Maybe you're confused, an elitist would have already seen everything that has aired and discussed it to death. The only thing they would discuss is the currently airing, because they're not plebs with backlogs.
Or you can go make a cowboy bebop thread and go fuck yourself as no one posts.
Too many anti-anime/anti-Japanese normalfags.
This desu
>purge DJT and sadpanda threads while trying to get rid of cancerous generals
>generals are back
>DJT and sadpanda are still banned
Great fucking job.
try 2009
DJT was cancer though.
Every thread would devolve into
>fuck off leaf
>how do you have internet in Brazil
>of course X nation thinks that
and rare flags would never be able to have an actual conversation.
It was fun but in hindsight adding flags to Sup Forums would be a mistake. It would just lead to "nationalism" and shitposting.
I don't miss Panda threads.
DJT maybe
Sup Forums voted and agreed, don't bother anyone about it
>rare flags would never be able to have an actual conversation.
>Vatican user posts once
>thread derails
come to /jp/
I have one or two shows left in my backlog. I can't bear to watch them because then I'd have to delete it. I can't do that to backlog-chan she been with me for so long.
>going to a board that was killed years ago
Is that pic from that Tokunou Shoutarou manga?
pls no
If Sup Forums was a mistake then the whole website was a mistake
Sounds like you anons have something to hide.
The banner asked me to please not go there.
it amuses me that channels that had br banned during the old days of fansubbing probably still have the ban up today
bans for ru probably too
users that got banned had a decent amount that were ca or au
Life was a mistake.
Leafs are easy to spot
Leafs are easy to spot
Thought I recognized the art style
And that's wrong because? Just ban Canada already, and a little of bantz doesn't harm anybody, not more that what we already have here with the 99% of replies being shitposting and the 90% of threads being just templates.
>rare flags would never be able to have an actual conversation.
Welp, you can't have a perfect system but is still better than how we are right now.
I was wondering recently. Do you still do those folder icons?
Flags have nothing to do with anime and manga.
>but is still better than how we are right now.
You are deluded if you think that's correct.
>and a little of bantz doesn't harm anybody, not more that what we already have here with the 99% of replies being shitposting and the 90% of threads being just templates.
Adding flags would turn that into 100% shitposting and 100% template threads. Every single time nationalities, identity politics or politics in general get brought up in threads as it is they're always fucking derailed to the point of no return.
Go the fuck back to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, reddit or whatever shithole you crawled out of.
Sup Forums sucks
Every thread I see has an autist going overboard because somebody used a forbidden word or something.
It's still the best anime place in the internet right now except for the secret club, though.
How the shit would knowing where people are posting from improve anything on Sup Forums, you fuckwit? It's related to anime and our discussion of it, not the user's piehole it's coming from.
if you want to have ebin country "bantz" then fuck off to Sup Forums or Sup Forums or Sup Forums or any other board that have flags enabled. this board is for anime and manga. Nobody thinks your jokes about germany or sweden are funny except for your twelve year old boyfriends, with whom you will need to play grab-ass with elsewhere.
>Notice your trip because of
>Google "Awful Anime After Dark"
>It's still a thing
Oh shit, if only I had known.
I'm pretty sure I filtered you a while ago. Please refrain from changing your tripcode, you retarded faggot.
dear chinese moot
i would pay money , to add flags to a board, for a temporary period of time
I'm getting pretty sick of those anti-lewd normalfags.
Basically a big ass circle jerk were no one is allowed to have taste.
normalfags wouldn't have the moral courage to stand up against the nasty things people say about the k-ons, the biyoris, or akari
Yes. Same place as always or you can check the archive.
No, that's over. Streams aside from r/a/dio during certain dates and the occasional series like SZS, SnW, etc. aren't allowed and it's impossible to keep a consistent date now so that's too much trouble anyways. A shame too, it's fun watching silly anime and I have a few new ideas for it.
If by a while ago, you mean 2011.
>all those butthurt third-worlders who got triggered from your post
to many stealth request threads
I've seen a lot of them getting boku no pico'd lately. I had been seeing recommendation threads getting hundreds of serious replies for awhile.
It's not mine nigga. I saved it from another user.
Oh, I saw the last stream date as April 2016 and thought it was just a few weeks ago.
2016 was one year ago.
I said it wouldn't be worse and would obligate people to think before posting, nowadays people think that "anonymous" is a shield made for them, while anonymous was a way to neglect the responsibility of having an identity and focus on the content of the posts, not the person, the IP count was implemented to avoid said situations but it doesn't help much, my main point is that compared to what Sup Forums is right now, it wouldn't make things worse. I could be talking about anime right now and get the exact same "epic" replies, without to mention that without flags right now we still get "redditmoeshitpedo/v/vg/pol/r9k/int/tv/tumblrfacebook" etc, etc, etc, no flags whatsoever.
did you by chance also type out the title, if so I am ashamed of the time you wasted