What will they eat next?
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Where does the magical girl shit? They are in an abandoned building with no plumbing.
Did she even shit in her world? Is she going to shit herself because she doesn't even know what it is?
The only postive thing about this series so far is the surprising lack of edge
Magical girls don't poop.
Hime will have tea.
Magical girls don't commit terrorism either, but here we are
I don't know about "what", but I can tell you "who".
The cutest!
What did she mean by this?
wig needs some work, doesn't look too bad though.
Marked for deletion.
How can one girl be this cute?
I like how this anime confirmed that a creator-character relationship is like that of parent-child
Meteora will never get to see her father yet she now knows he loved her so much. My eyes got little bit moist you know ;_;
I want to play her game.
What do you think Souta did to Hitler-chan to piss her off?
Since he's clearly a hack he might have given her a rape backstory
I know that I'd like to eat out all of them
Nothing. He's not her creator.
Shit is so going to hit the fan once notMadoka dies.
notSaber is going to go on a freaking MUH JUSTICE rampage for sure.
Even the dudes?
>implying it won't be the other way around with the magical girl getting mentally broken and going on a rampage
She needs another fifty wefts in that wig, but I'm amazed she churned this out in three weeks.
I hope its an accidental kill so that the show gets even more fucky
Of course, the dudes in this show are fucking mint
When are they going to use their autism to summon a Space Marine?
Or does this shit only work in Japan?
Name one scenario where that isn't the twist. It's been telegraphed like crazy.
>muh dying
Piss off.
Her creator is the is Setsuna, the suicide girl. That's literally been spelled out for you.
But who is setsuna?
Why is it such a stretch to think someone might die in such a wide cast of characters with weapons/abilities on two clear sides
Because this is clearly a show about food.
Woop, meant for
The girl that died in the first episode.
MC's dead sister
What kind of a mother/wife will Meteora be like?
Why is everyone a fan of chuunishit in that world? It's like the world of every creation so far (other than the magical girl) has some deep conflict going on.
inb4 that's part of the plot
I guess you're right
What if this show pulls an Endless Eight and every single episode is just eating and talking and nothing happens. Then in episode 22 they don't eat or talk and that alone is the emotional climax of the series
Yuuya's world seems pretty okay
The kind of wife that talks for 2 hours straight about why giving a blowjob is unhealthy
the perfect kind, if you're making enough money to keep her well-fed of course
She's a wonderful wife and after the leglocking last night will be a wonderful mother!
>it's another hybrid theory's infodump episode
Yeah but we don't actually know that right? If she's the MCs sister why do they seem to not aknowledge it at all? She's never mentioned once. I thought she was the MCs creation. But he seems to not like drawing anymore and maybe doesn't like his creation. She found that out and decided to kill herself because of that. What was the little bit of his art we saw in that book? Did it look similar to her?
We have the same chair.
Report the genre of your life, Sup Forumsnons
More importantly, what would sexual intercourse with Meteora be like?
Fuck the plot, just give me two cours of Linking Park explaining things to me.
Very informative.
are there any CUTE BOYS in this show for a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL like myself, or is it really mostly girls?
I thought the mech rider dude was a girl at first.
You're in luck.
There's this dude. And then there's a cute mech boy
genuinely thought the same
>that's a boy
thanks anons
What did she mean by this?
I hate the MC. He literally ruins every episode.
Meteora's infodump this episode was the intro to In the End. Maybe next episode will be A Place for My Head unless they switch albums.
>the catgirl
Confirmed for not being Hime.
It's funny because sex. Ha ha.
What the fuck are they eating? Enormous cookies? Sesame crackers?
That reminds me, when is Souta going to unleash his godlike catgirl OC on the world to fuck everyone up?
Whatever they are, they seem delicious.
The cookies too.
>a boy
pick one
Next episode. lol jk, have some more meteora
shitty sitcom in which i'm a side character
They kinda look like shortbread cookies
Speaking of which, if the god-emperor showed up would he be against humanity of this world? Or would he try to have them unlock their creator abilities in which Humanity ascends to their perfect height?
Or would he just try to fuck off because he knows he shouldn't be here? (After visiting Games Workshop that is)
After showing only japanese websites it's weird seeing tumblr there
I still see japanese viewers on twitter wondering this.
Rui is a girl name.
Hime will eat my fresh cum from my cock
I was pretty disappointed. I wanted my cute tomboy with short hair.
How did he ruin this episode?
He was practically not there
What does this mean?
>Or would he try to have them unlock their creator abilities in which Humanity ascends to their perfect height?
Real risky. So far this world seems like it's pretty sterile with zero evidence of Chaos or even alien meddling. Trying to awaken any hidden human potential might result in the creation of Warp 2.0, which would be a massive problem.
I think he would ultimately say "let's get these crazy bitches dealt with so they don't destroy this paradise, then figure out if I'm going home to reconquer it or staying here for a do-over."
So this game is like Zestiria or some shit?
That is literally what this terrible show is giving you right now.
He was there.
He's not even the MC, he's the narator.
I like seeing the creators as much as the actual characters, probably more.
I thought it was final fantasy.
From the cover design I thought the same.
>Warp 2.0
From the undertones of the show, it seems like one might already exist there maybe that's where all their story worlds exist in.
What will he do if he finds out about his creator?
>Rui's theme
It's like Sawano actually gave a slight fuck for once
Does any Final Fantasy series have a NPC like Meteora?
You and me both.
Sperg out until the authorities come to take his pathetic ass away.
What will he do if he finds out about his creator?
Ok, i think i figured out, by the law of conservation of energy, the energy cannot be created or destroyed in this universe, and by some theories the total amount of energy in the universe is zero, so the Creations affect this universe by unbalancing said equation, they have already created aditional matter and energy out of thin air, something that it's physically impossible, that could carry some weird consecuences later on
Play idolm@ster together.