The liberal mind

Why do liberals think the way they do? Why should a picture like this make them care about a civil war half way across the world? I mean, people die everyday, wars are always a reality, so is starvation. So why do they pretend that these 'tragedies matter to them? They have no connection with these people. Why are they so easily influenced by appeals to emotion?

Thank you, Mr Poseidon


They are just upset that they didnt get to rape/kill the child themselves.

>Why do liberals think the way they do?

Because they are theatrical narcissistic virtue signalling fuckheads who cry about everything in order to promote their own ego and their own selfish interests, at the cost of western world.

They deserve the rope.

Why is this okay but we cant see the sandy.hook victims?

Well they love to believe that they're feeling big complex emotions, and the news gives them just that. Everything is part of a grand struggle between good and evil. That kid isn't just a tragedy, he was murdered by the forces of evil (racism).

>after my parents threw a hissifit about evil trump when i laughed at the news calling him racist
i start to think they are kind of brainwashed or just idiots


Amazing to think that it was so long ago yet it feels so recent.

Pic related.

They're malfunctioning.


I have more:


Simple answer:

Women: the media tells them too act the way they do.
Men: they fake having the virtues the media preaches to try to have sex with said women.

she was a jew that's why

I would argue that there's nothing wrong with human compassion and by attempting to pathologize it you are harming your own ability to lead your people.

emotional immaturity, a lack of being able to think critically, believing they are empathetic when they are only sympathetic. Often they don't understand how to empathize with people at all because they can't separate empathy from sympathy.

They don't actually care about anyone but themselves, they just pretend to so they can look good among their peers.

>There's nothing wrong with human compassion
I'm not disputing this, I agree that compassion and empathy are important. However, liberals always cast their compassion upon far away places and people, yet will happily ignore the suffering of people in their own nations. I've always seen it like someone giving money to strangers while their own household starves.

Even considering the 'utopian' Scandinavian countries that don't have much class stratification, the idea of welcoming people into your country that you don't know or trust baffles me. As an example, I would donate to a charity, I would give people jobs if I had a business, but I would never welcome these people to live in my house. And this is for a single reason, I would rather let them starve than run the risk of them harming my family. Perhaps it is because in my country we are aware that unchecked charity will only make you poor, maybe it is different in the west?

Because normal people, not just liberals, but conservatives too, posses something called compassion.

I'd point out that an inability to relate to, and empathise with, others is a hallmark of autism, as is a need to double down and defend personal shortcomings, but you knew that already, didn't you?

I mean, you don't have to be all "let them into our countries now!" when you see a drowned kid washed up on a beach to feel pity. Unless you're an edgelord of course.

The actual state of Sup Forums where normal human reactions are met with disdain. I guess it was autism after all.

>mfw shitlibs emotionally suffer

fuck off reddit

I was brought up with the "feed a man for a day vs teach him to fish" analogy. And i have heard horrific stories of people who helped black people, gave them jobs, welcomed them into their homes and families... And then had those same people open the door for thieves and robbers to steal their livelihood, rape their wives and children and possibly even kill them. Perhaps in the west, the average person is too sheltered from this reality?

get your estrogen levels checked you fucking fruit loop



>Is lacking simple compassion autistic as fuck?
>No, no. It's normal functioning people who are wrong.

Didn't the journalists also move the boy's body to take that picture?

>Why do liberals think the way they do?
>Why should a picture like this make them care about a civil war half way across the world?
so that people will care about them in times of need
>I mean, people die everyday, wars are always a reality, so is starvation. So why do they pretend that these 'tragedies matter to them?
so that people will care about them in times of need
>They have no connection with these people. Why are they so easily influenced by appeals to emotion?
so that their social capital is obvious to people who might wish to assist them during times of need.

they fear abandonment at all times. which is why they want the rest of the world to be taxed so heavily.

They don't care. They're self-indulgent pigs willing to latch onto any cause that they think will give them purpose.

I loved the memes that the dead boatnigger gave us.

"The world needs ditch diggers too"

this will never stop being funny

They act opposite of what normal people would do, regardless of consequences, because acting opposite is their whole identity.
Explaining the drown kid propaganda requires delving deeper into the liberal mind, but part of the reason is that they hate art, life, and beautiful things, and embrace ugliness, death, and disgusting images.

Some follow, others lead. Some leaders manipulate feelings and are batshit crazy, hence libtards exist.

>feelings are open to manipulation

the way I see it, DNA gives us a bunch of knobs and levers, and liberals spend their whole time trying to work outside the system - "what you you mean your racism-generator can't go below 7?" "how the hell are you still awake at 2am without drug X like I would need?" "you don't enjoy this music because your IQ is not *arbitrary number*" etc etc fucking etc. LEOPARDS DO NOT CHANGE SPOTS. some people are whingers, that's dna. but they have no effect at all on normies. some people are followers, that's dna too. pedigree has more bearing on behavior than education and that's been known since the beginning of time. pedigree pedigree pedigree.

liberals shouldn't be allowed to breed just in case they spread the follow gene.

It's good practice to only give when you get something in return imo. Charity only encourages bad habits.

A black friend from Africa told me how his father invited a person who had been robbed to his house, feeded him, helped him, and then the nigger stole the TV.

Dead sandnigger babies do not impress me.

post the webm please, mine is lost

Yep, and in my experience black people are the worst people to give charity to. They have a mindset that the world owes them everything. They'll happily take until you have nothing.

It's very common. This is why blacks are hated by other races. White liberals in my country live sheltered lives in their gated communities so they don't see much of this compared to people like me. I'm coloured, since interacted with blacks pretty much everyday, they were in my schools, they recently began moving into my area, there was a stage when my family was struggling with money when I had to take trains and taxis pretty much everyday, got mugged and attacked multiple times (public transport is very dangerous in SA). So I think I know that kind of mindset very well.

Jews wage endless dysgenic warfare against us by creating circumstances over and over again where blind followers will breed and inquisitive leaders will die.
you live in a world where real men become social pariahs for life after one wrongthink post on goybook while men like this reproduce.

Average people are impressionable or don't give a fuck about politics. They have been brainwashed by mainstream media and will unquestioningly believe what is reported on TV, due to the fact that it is broadcast on their magic box they don't question anything the humans on the other end are telling them and will unquestioningly follow that way of thought.

Due to this and western education they have been conditioned into being this "compassionate" in lieu of having any reel feelings to their own society. It's a fucking lightning rod designed to marginalize any problems at home and to advocate the fraudulent claim "look how good we have it over here, we should help those people out by donating money to these NGO's so they can help these uncivilized africans".

I'm convinced that near the top of the liberal foodchain there sits a class of people that believe there warped view of their utopia is such a logical and correct way of doing things that everything is permitted to achieve that goal. So yeah, they're basically filthy fucking communists that deserve to be thrown from a helicopter into the Atlantic ocean.

Even if you just extrapolate that to the ideals of the elites, it's just full of holes. How can they preach equality and social justice and progressivism when they clearly harbour feelings of superiority towards everyone that isn't in their club. If they actually believe this bullshit it should cause cognitive dissonance on such a level that they should not be able to carry on believing it. Are they truly that deluded or are they simply showing the world a facade, while actually harbouring feelings of superiority, that the people are just sheep to be controlled?

>implying I don't know this
>what is war if not eugenics
>what is "domestication"

