>TLDR: alt-centrism without fence sitting, cowardice, indifference, nihilism, lack of conviction, or virtue signalling.
AKA – Not being a moron, a bigot, a hysterical privilege checker, or a fascist.

The ethos of “The Alt-Light” is to empower anyone with the knowledge, the community, the observational objectivity, the psychological fortitude, the skeptical nature, and most important of all, the focused, anti-nihilistic, historically reflective and forward thinking determination required;

To object and to ask questions wherever doubt, reason or ethics demands, (whilst respecting the rights of others) as an independent, clear minded individual with both society and the individual in equal focus.

To protect the freedoms and privileges that previous generations fought and died to establish, and defend against those who would pull out from under society (intentionally or inadvertently) the cornerstones of its “current” foundations; freedom of speech, freedom of thought, the preservation of history (good and bad), and the right to fight/protest for that which is worth fighting for.


Other urls found in this thread:

o respect those same freedoms and privileges we hold dear for ourselves in other opinions from the Alt-Left, the Alt-Right, the Centrists, the Libertarians, Feminists and any other group, doing your best to present objective realities in a clear, factually verifiable and respectful manner, and as more than a thought bubble or brain fart with no basis.

To detect, investigate, expose and maintain public pressure on false and/or incomplete truths, downright lies and fabrications, networked bias against an objective truth [or truths], and hypocritical displays of partiality and cognitive dissonance, regardless of what side of the political or ideological spectrum it aligns itself.

To reflect upon, talk about, and visually assess objective truths. The truths that, whilst being awkward or painful to talk about at times for those they concern, can be verified with either objectively structured discussion, recollection of relevant historical facts and events, or basic standard data mapping, plotted out according to its relevant factors, revealing patterns or trends within the question’s point of focus.
These truths could concern the world at large, the groups we are divided between at birth, the groups we choose to occupy of our own volition, or our own self-destructive patterns and behaviours.

Questions concerning such things are among the hardest subjects to speak about publically, but if credence is not given to the objective truths that can be revealed because an issue in focus is uncomfortable to talk about, it is ignored, discussion about it is stigmatised, or it is in the interests of certain parties to pretend it doesn’t exist, then the problem remains, and it festers like a wound, becoming larger, more pronounced, and increasingly difficult to treat as time goes on.

Everybody who is worth anything wants the world to be a better place. But many seem to have forgotten the price that was paid in the past by those who fought for that which we hold dear now. It required effort, courage, and discipline to make a change.

We can start making a change here. But if we put in enough time and the effort, who knows how far we might get.

>AKA – Not being a moron, a bigot, a hysterical privilege checker, or a fascist

These are all pejorative terms. True freedom of speech and thought applies to these kinds of people also.

Alt Light = Left wing pretending to be Right.

Op likes to finger his bum hole.

drop the name ALT
drop the name LITE

fucking faggots, what is this, fashion show?

Otherwise known as being a faggot, you arent fooling anyone shlomo, Fascism is the only current solution to the worlds problems

>to respect those same freedoms and privileges we hold dear for ourselves in other opinions from the Alt-Left, the Alt-Right, the Centrists, the Libertarians, Feminists and any other group

everything is a cultural/fashion show now

Leftism is a mental disorder

You say you need women on the right, then you call them thots because they aren't white extremists and have a life. kys bucktoothed britbong

Because Kekistani's aren't the fucking ugliest abortable pos on /pol

Rightisim is a response that is ignored as racist/XXXist.

I'm honestly at a point where i realize you fucking cowards will eventually become incapable or even unwilling to hold us back in time when reality continues to bash your fucking head into the ground.

>The Left ignores objective facts and stats concerning divisive problems because they are politically correct pussies, and by ignoring truth's they come to incorrect conclusions -

>The Right lauds facts and stats, but makes the mistake of making too broad a generalization using those results, and being assholes and impolite about it to boot, and in making to broad a stroke, the right also comes to an incorrect/unrealistic conclusion.

If it goes;

Alt Left, Left, Centerisim, Right and Alt Right,

indifference and nihilisim below centerisim

why not make an Alt Light above centerisim that isnt just pussies sitting on a fence offering nothing like all centerists?

Alt Light would just put a face to being a normal rational human being. Strange that we dont have that anymore. Either you are a supporter of the status quo, or your an evil bigot.

>You say this you say that
t.low iq abbo I said none of that
The only purpose a women could have on the right is to attract more thirsty betas to the right, I will call a whore a whore, because that is what they are, women follow social norms so they can either act modestly or be left in the gutter

>"An evil bigot"
Why do you think we are "evil"?

Nah because it's too weak. It'll always be subverted cuz of the lack of JQ knowledge. It's no different from Cuckservatism.

>realize you fucking cowards will eventually become incapable or even unwilling to hold us back i

and anyone with a brain realises that with people selling their autonomy to censored social media platforms that the freedoms that have been fought for and paid for in blood are being threatened by leftist fags, and the Nazi fags, fat white ethno-nationalist and KEKistani fags are only digging the hole deeper.

If your only solution to a problem is flash burn and pretend that makes you smart then you are not worth listening to.

>Someone needs to be WORTH listening to. And at this point, the only people that are are divided along political lines.

How about no?

I dont moron, re-read, people who lean to the right because they are intelligent enough to see that OBJECTIVE FACTS are ignored or suppressed by the left have no other pathway to react apart from one that the MSM deems either racist, bigoted, or hatefilled

This shill is trying to slide.
Sage and move to wnat they're trying to slide right now.



thot pic

believe it or not, there are women who want men to be actual fucking men, not beta pussies. Most women prefer this which is why they gravitate this way and leave beta fags behind where they belong.

Stop sliding from roblox happening.

not a slide thread, pol is political discussion, what am I doing?

I curse you with autosage, cunt.

If you have based black people saying BLM is stupid, Leftists dont know how to react.

If you have based women saying modern Feminisim is cancer, Leftists dont know how to react.

Your proposal sounds gay and because of that, I will not be participating. Good luck though.

>wet ar der wummeral pffuegs win tah da moovwhen hurr hurr hurrr *claps*
Animals and moral fags are the answer, thankyou, eternal chink.

nihilistic smelbournian I see?

thanks mate, your boi pussy prob belongs to a paki's now, and you will be participating whether you like it or not :)

The time for a political solution is gone, sophisticates that continue to denounce action as the ship is submerged in water are fools. How many elections do you have to lose before you realize it's over? What percentage of the population needs to be foreign?

I am also curious how you plan to debate people about nihilism? What argument will you use against them?

Ur dum op. CNN will pidgeon hole this movement onto the alrtight and you will be at square one all over again.

Ur a dum bitch and i hope a car hits you twice in two minutes.

>op starts autistic cuz itz cool idea thread
>gets treated like a cuz its cool idea thread
Amazing. Expand dong.

If you have gay people saying gay pride parades are fucking degenerate and that a straight pride parade would be extreme, lefties dont know how to respond.

If you have a western muslim saying that Islamic countries are fucking shitholes, ect

If you have an african saying that african countries are fucking shitholes, ect

If you dont have victim privvelage armour. You have nothing to protect you.

If you destroy the concept of being from group (a), (b) or (c) makes you a victim, then the voice of people who cry discrimination are no louder than the voice normal rational people.

If foreigners from #shithole countries are no longer automatically victimised and privvelaged by leftists fags because they are brown or muslim, and are told to sort their shit out by the vast majority, then no where near as many.

No one who is unironically nihilistic is worth the time debating. Why put in effort. If you cant even be bothered reading when your grandfather or great grandfathers were getting limbs blown off and wallowing in trenches, then your a pos

I never complained? Why would I? The whole point is to talk about why objective truths, facts and stats are no longer valued as they once were.

How about you don't try to force it because you can't, dipshit, fucking autists holy fuck, go back to jerking /x/ off over juice, anything is better than this.
Trying to unironically subvert roblox would be more useful, kys.
You can't do a god damn thing you've mentioned in these cute based cuck lists.

>"Heh we'll debate everyone to death"
>2 seconds later
>"Heh you honestly think i'm debating people about nihilism which i listed as one of the main things we have to stand against in my blogpost...."
You are a faggot, Provide your argument or the books you've read on the topic at the very least mongrel.

Different approach. There is always hope in restoring sensibility in our lands.

I genuinely hope you have a good day burger :)

(a, you don't need to force people to support something that they know is true

(b, subverting roblox wont do shit,

(c, people do, but they do it as based individuals who get shit on by either side.

God bless

But we already have all of those things. How does the left respond? By going full retard as always. That's why you get lefties calling people uncle toms and house niggers. It's why you get muslims being called islamophobic and jews being called Nazis. Once you realise that the left don't really believe in this stuff, and that they are only using it as a weapon in order to achieve their real aims, then it starts to make more sense.

Let me guess the alt-light thinks isreal is based and niggers can be the same as whites

fuck off

There's already people called alt light. It's Alex Jones, cernovich, etc. You may want a different term.

The problem is these alt light that exist now are mostly classical liberal, libertarian. Those arguments are not sufficient to address the concerns of the new extremists. Just look at how goofy Sargon looks. No, and Peterson is closer to what you need. You need something that is aware of dialectic, maybe call it dialectical centrism rather than this "head in the sand centrism".

The way to combat nihilism is to not be a fucking nihilist. Nihilists by definition DONT CARE, why try bringing people kicking and screaming to the table when they are so weak and spineless that they give up when shit looks weak.

Also, its not "we" will debate everyone to death. Its only me. 1 person. Discussing politics and the way things are sliding down into acceptance of Alt Left extremist orwellian subversion where shadowbanning, censoring of facts and the erosion of what made the west good and free is clear to see.

Im not saying that the right is wrong. If I had to choose one or fight to the death for a side I woulld choose the alt-right or right leaning people all the way.

Im suggesting that the method of dropping redpills and blackpills could be refined in a way that brings more people back to sanity and self awareness.

In order to do that however, you would need to have a seperation between this and the alt right to distinguish different values, whilst also dispensing OBJECTIVE truths with all sources.

You can only argue with hard truths for so long until you embrace them.

Do you think nihilism is irrational? If so explain why and provide your alternative philosophy.

nope, the foundation of Israel is one of the primary reasons the ME - West relationship is as it is with muzzie terrorisim.

Also, African Americans need to accept that flipping cars, breaking, looting and thug culture are the primary reason why people of ALL races dont like them.

Im just one person. Never heard of alt-light elsewhere. I just want our old social psyche back where people could speak and talk online or offline in normie spaces without fear

>day of rope

Anything less is futile

Nihilisim = Defeatisim, or
I am unable to affect things because that is what I believe is the case. I will just care about myself because everything is going downhill, but who cares, what can I do, I'm a nobody.

If everyone shared these sub-human attitudes, nothing of note would have ever been achieved,

I don't serve Minerva. You chose your side already, it was not light.

Are you trying to change this decision?

Its funny to say, but its a reaction out of frustration.

Frustration because people who are "victims" are given a louder voice over people who, liek you and me, have suffered individually, but do not consider ourselves "victims".

There was a point in time where resilience was the ultimate virtue in pop culture and society. Now its vulnerabiliy and effemininity

please explain?

Just give me a yes or no instead of dodging endlessly. If you are not of the belief that there is a life after death then nihilism is rational. "Sub-human attitudes" The majority of the greatest minds in philosophy were nihilistic, or existentialist. What branch of philosophy do you subscribe to?

The one that accepts death as permanent and innevitable, and the one that belives its permanency and innevitability IS WHAT MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING.

If you had all the money in the world, but nothing to spend it on, would you be happy?

Immortality though legacy

alt light are simply the top of the iceberg

Better name, OP:

or Buddhist Extremist :D
I agree with you totally, Immortality through legacy. I am merely asking questions that are posed to me to see if you can better rationalize them.
I wish you the best but this idealism is futile, you are trying to patch holes in a ship already underwater.


That owl is a sigil, ward of Minerva.

That's not bad, but your proposed movement is not inherently buddhist
I suggest radical centrist because your movement does call for action, it is neither calling for movement toward "progress" or "tradition" only "improvement"

Crap, its late, read minerva as miranda. Though we were doing a dark web creepy pasta deep dive

radical centerist makes me thing of people jumping up and down and screeching in a circular bullfighting ring

Whats an extremist centerist then? Someone who sits still but huffs and sighs really loudly?

Right, and all I'm saying is that this has already been done and the left still called them evil and all the usual stuff. Being female or black or gay or muslim or whatever might mean that you can get away with saying certain things that a straight white man couldn't say, but the left will still give you shit.

sounds pretty gay.

You can never have exactly what you had in the past. If that past had been worthy, it wouldn't have led to this.

There are two extreme positions now but you don't solve this by denying both of them, nor by plotting a "centrist" position that's just in the middle of both of those extremes. You need to think dialectically which means the real solution is possible only by integrating the two extreme positions, reconciling even their most extreme concerns into a new normal which is not different from the old normal. It will be better. And yeah I would want it to include freedom of speech and many other freedoms but with better arguments justifying them than what's offered by alt light people now.

Well extremist centrist would be something like "death to all people who are too biased one way or another"

If you want a name that really says "autistic screeching incoming" you can always go with alt-light

*which IS different from the old normal

>this has been done

Its not past tense. Its done every day, but not enough to drown out the reeeeeing and triggering and virtue signalling. Even groups like politifact and others are owned by left leaning institutions and prove that they are biased.

But what if, instead of having pepe twitter bots you had negro, muslim, and homo bots agreeing with redpills and blackpills ect

I know that time cant go back. But we feel like we have lost something because we HAVE lost something.

Things were Alt-Right / Conservative leaning forever, things were changing, then things started flipping, now we literally live in an Orwellian Leftwing scenario.

Was there ever a point of balance?

>include freedom of speech and many other freedoms but with better arguments justifying them
Son, what is a better argument than rights endowed upon man by God that shall not be infringed?

autistic screeching can be fun...

Although being serious, as long as it was something that stuck, and it had a mascot or something for autists to develop in the beginning, it could spread. ??? or not I don't know

Honestly man, you want to stay as far away from the Alt-Right as you can in terms of branding

>endowed upon man by God that shall not be infringed?

And if your trying to redpill people who aren't religious, all you end up doing is limiting and segregating your audience and miss more people who could be turned towards speaking up for what they see and what they know to be true but cant say because of social media stigma..


Britbong = Nihilist who's country is beyond saving. Your Monarch's former prison colony says good riddance :)

That's not a good argument by itself. You could say God endowed me with the right to rape everyone I see.

Of course the way you stated it, is not the whole argument for rights. The real good argument is that individual rights benefit society but that we need to encode a religious justification as the ultimate statement of rights or normal people won't take it seriously. We need to state something higher than human logic to pin down and make absolute. That itself is a good criticism of some people's cheap understanding of liberalism, that which is supposed to be logical and based on fact ends up having to create a "this is God given" as it's ultimate justification, proving that you can't be totally non religious.

do you think being an australian is about citizenship hans?

I know, but you need something in this click bait age that sticks in peoples minds the moment they hear it or see it.

and humor + objective truth + false leftwing assertion or conclusion how the funniest memes work

Do you think in the next few years being a britbong will mean anything other than being a paki or african dudley?

>And if your trying to redpill people who aren't religious
>limiting and segregating your audience
>social media stigma
This has been a main theme in people on here trying to create a new movement parallel but more left leaning than the alt-right.
I believe that God has set aside rights for mankind that is sinful to transgress. And I think that even a nonreligious person could enter a country and appreciate that
I will agree that we need a more concrete definition of what these righteous values are. Although I firmly believe that everyone, in their heart of hearts, knows these Truths innately.
I think radical centrist has some meme potential

you really don't know anything do you?
i care about as much about deluded pakistanis thinking they're british as i care about you thinking you're a real australian

so your a nihilist. ok. I understand. God bless

i'm not a nihilist though you daftie

As long as it ain't racist sexist or anti Semitic I'll consider it

To be devil's advocate, we haven't lost things in the way you think. We've always lived in a violent society. The neoliberal world order killed millions of people in the middle east in the past few decades. We just weren't affected. While the system was strong it had the ability to displace violence, but it was still violent. What you're decrying is the loss of luxury and comfort of not being affected by the violence of the system. And since the system was corrupt already, of course it eventually lost that ability.

The only way to prevent having wars on your soil is to go to your enemy's first

You could avoid all the stuff you listed, yet still be against them if you hate all the fat, the ugly, and the stupid.

go back to the donald.....faggot

If by more left leaning we're talking less blatantly offensive and coming from (real or larp) diverse characters.

If you believe that God has set rights aside the it is YOUR RIGHT to believe that and hold it dear. I'm not religious because I am psychologically incapable of actually believing in an "omnipintent" force that "cares". But I would fight to defend your right to believe what "you know to be true", and I would fight along side you if that day ever came.

Does the west even support its core ethos anymore? Is it defined? Freedom of speech is degrading, equality under god, law ect has been undermined by privellage checkers (with the vast majority being white people who can process past historical events without acceptance that past is past, now is now, and all humans of all societies in ages past were savage to a lesser or greater extent.)

The International Radical Centrist Alliance



mate, I know, I take no shit flung my way seriously. Pussification of The West has affected the whole anglosphere. When day is dark, always rember happy day


what if (((those))) who say that war is imminent so you must act now actually have vested financial or pollitical interest or incentive in getting you to get your boots dirty?

In some cases. But it's more than that. Politics is violence, always. A strong system channels and controls violence. We're coming out of an age when the system was extremely strong and it's just not going to be that controlled anymore no matter what happens.

Think back to 2000. Yeah it wasnt like this, but you know what else? There wasn't any real politics then. Nobody cared and nobody felt anything they did mattered. What we are seeing as this scary development is in some part just the return of actual politics, where you do matter and where you can make a change. Of course that's dangerous, that's why the system prevents us from having this power if we can. You could say whatever you want back then without upsetting people because everybody knew it didn't matter.

? At what point have I come across as a plebbit?

Another problem that has fucked the Alt-Right is that all the faces that stand up eventually either get shit on, shit on themselves, or prove themselves to not actually stand up for the principles they say they do.

Maybe you need a different kind of face?
