
Sup Forums is reaping the huge benefits of psychedelic drugs for personal and spiritual growth right?
>INB4: muh degeneracy

Other urls found in this thread:

>Wall of text
The left cant meme


before shrooms

after shrooms

>implying I'm left wing
I know the books you read generally have a higher picture to text ratio but you could at least try

Why harm yourself with drugs? What's the difference between taking psychedelic drugs and obsessing over moving pictures on a screen? There isn't any difference between heroin and acid, except for the physical harm difference. You're just neutralizing yourself.

you've never done any psychedelic have you? Heroin is completely unearned numb pleasure DMT/LSD are like taking journey deep into yourself and finding out about your place in the word, not just sitting there drooling feeling good like you would on opiates. Also they're not addictive and desire to trip usually decreases after you've learned all you can

ive taken the trippers and honestly its a novelty. people who go down the rabbit hole are just wasting their time.

once you properly percieve the drugs effects it ecomes a dull tiring experience.

this shit grew as a poison on the shrooms to deter people from eating it.

>this shit grew as a poison on the shrooms to deter people form eating it
what? Also
>reddit spacing

Have you done heroin? I'm sure heroin addicts would tell you something completely different about their experiences, despite the fact that it's destroying their minds and bodies. Somebody who is addicted to drugs talking about their own personal experiences isn't a reliable source. Of course they're going to say good things about the drug, they're addicted to it.

It doesn't matter if it's caffeine, marijuana, heroin, or LSD/DMT. They're all the same in principle - a dependency that the human body doesn't require.

No I've never done heroin but I've known heroin addicts and all have been deeply unhappy people who have known exactly what they were doing to themselves but lacked the means and willpower to stop

Most psychedelics have a very, very low addiction potential and nerotoxicity risk. Not all drugs are equal you shit talking leaf retard.

also give me one study saying any psychedelic drug is at all dependence forming
The real redpill is that the ((FDA)) and ((big pharma)) want you to believe these substances are dangerous and comparable to other drugs while they shove oxycodone, which is literally heroin, down your throat and then throw you in jail for drug possession after you become an addict

The reason why heroin addicts are self-aware is because of the physical deterioration that they experience. It's easy to regret first taking heroin when your arm is falling apart. But would they really feel regretful if they didn't have the physical conditions? Or would the numbing feeling that they experience be enough to completely wipe away any feelings of regret?

If that was true, how would that apply to other drugs? Psychedelic drugs have virtually no adverse physical effects, but has a host of psychological effects (insanity, clouded thought process). Your perspective is distorted and biases towards preference towards drugs. The reason why psychedelic addicts have a strong preference for drugs isn't because it's an amazing experience, it's because the adverse psychological effects are causing mental issues.

They have a very low physical addiction risk. Try and tell me that Terence McKenna wasn't addicted to LSD. As a result of a mistake he made in adolescence, he lived his entire life in servitude to a chemical. How is that any difference from the physical dependence that heroin addicts experience?

do you have any evidence that psychedelics cause insanity? You may have a clouded thought process the day after a heavy trip because it takes time to process everything you learned but this effect isn't permanent or damaging
there's also increasing evidence that tripping helps combat other types of addiction because you may discover what in your life lead you to drink/use other drugs in the first place. So either post some evidence of your claims or stop creating false equivalency between substances with basically opposite effects you uniformed leaf mongoloid

Psychedelics, like other drugs, are too highly correlated with bad hygiene and a generally weak and dirty physical appearance for me to take an interest in them.

>psychedelic addicts
You're talking out of your ass about shit you don't actually know much about, you dumbass leaf. The classical psychs (acid, shrooms, dmt) simply don't activate the brains opioid systems that cocaine and heroin do, so they are not comparable as addictive substances.

Grow up, stop being so retarded and so afraid of exploring your own mind.

you're a bong, you're left wing

i was a big tripper back in the day. it was fun but you're kidding yourself if you think you're going to find the meaning of life.
A good book will teach you more about life then psychedelics. It's just entertainment.

I'm right with you OP. Ignore all the phony puritans who think they're on a high horse because for the first time they didn't beat off this morning. Shit truly helps you understand the world for how it is on a whole new level.

Thanks for your intelligent input to the discussion in this thread mr mutt

kek, that banter

you dont know shit. you can get addicted to anything if you do it regularly. Do computer games activate the opioid systems? didnt fucking think so.
and ketamine is extrememly addictive.

forgot pic

Ayahuasca is medicine. No one in their right mind would take it for fun

If you have a headache and give yourself a papercut, your mind suddenly shifts towards the more intense pain. Suddenly, at least for a short period of time, you trade your headache for the sharp pain of a papercut. Why would you give yourself a papercut to subside the pain of a headache? Why would you cut off your nose to spite your face?

As far as the harmful effects, perhaps insanity isn't as common as I would have figured. I thought insanity would have been a given, especially with the possibility of bad trips.

Alright, then we'll stop comparing the drugs. Let's say that cocaine and heroin don't exist, and the concept of physical addiction doesn't exist. If somebody takes a psychedelic drug and experiences a life-changing experience and suddenly decides to dedicate his entire life to psychedelic drugs (as you people seem to have), is he an addict? Definitely not physically, but maybe mentally (not reactions within the mind, which would be physically, but within your own psyche)?

I literally just quit meth, vaping, alchohol and phenibut all at once and Im now withdrawal free. Mind over matter. Also dont do drugs ever.

Computer games are a perfect example. There isn't anything physically addicting about computer games. If it was a dopamine addiction, why would they play video games that are virtually unwinnable? It's comparable to a psychedelic drug; you take a hit, experience the endless source of information, and suddenly you can't escape.

'bad trips' don't truly exist they're just learning hard truths about yourself that you may not be quite ready to hear. I should know psychedelics helped transform me from a socially awkward fedora tipping aspie into a deeply spiritual, religious and right wing functional member of society I am today
>thread about psychedelics
>vaping, alcohol, phenibut
irrelevant post

So you had a bad trip and it changed your personality? Is it unreasonable to say that it could have gone in the other direction? I'm sure you're deeply religious, but not religious to the point where it's an impairment to your weekly activities. Right?

Oh boy one of these threads again. Why don't you tell us all the amazing things you have learned while on drugs.

>Do computer games activate the opioid systems? didnt fucking think so.
Well you should rethink that, because they do:
>In my interview with the Navy’s head of Addiction Research, Commander Dr. Andrew Doan, he stated that there is an endorphin-increasing mechanism that’s not entirely understood; he embraces the notion of screens acting as “digital pharmakeia” (Greek for pharmaceuticals), a term he coined to explain the neurobiological effects produced by video technologies.

Ketamine isn't a psychedelic drug, shit-for-brains. It's a disassociative/anesthetic that does in fact have some opioid interactions in the brain.

These people, the vocal unwashed minority of people that have tried/often use psychs, just lack a strong sense of identity so immerse themselves in a pre-existing subculture where they can don a pre-packaged look and pre-packaged opinions. Yes, they're annoying faggots, but the problem isn't the drugs, it's their lack of community or a true sense of self.

A good trip with a good set and setting can be a very rewarding experience, you aren't going to get cravings/withdrawals so anyone with average will power can easily dabble without getting hooked like it's smack or some shit. I highly recommend trying shrooms at least once. Or are you too afraid you wouldn't have the will power to not take it more often than you want to?

I used to do a good amount of LSD/Mushrooms a few years ago and in retrospect all the trips were was just me imagining a bunch of insane nonsense and convincing myself their was logic to what I was thinking. And yes I was that faggot who would go around telling people how great psychedelics were and how they can expand your way of thinking and increase spirituality yada yada yada. I think really what I was doing was finding any excuse to not be a fedora tier atheist like I had become but couldn't accept that I had really jumped on the atheism bandwagon as a teenager without having any fucking clue what I actually believed about anything. I became increasingly aware of this as I began to realize how susceptible I was to this new train of thought that was purely based on emotion rather than evidence and reason. Long story short I haven't don't psychedelics in years and I don't really have any intention of going back. Maybe it was a positive things for me because it made me more critical of my beliefs and myself, however that was not after I had not done them for an extended period of time. I feel like if I had not quit doing them I would have dug myself deeper into delusion and may have not found a way out of that mindset.

The argument is whether or not it's rewarding to take psychedelic drugs. I don't think anyone, except for people who are genuinely addicted to drugs, is willing to argue that there isn't a addictive (not necessarily physical) component to EVERY drug. People who aren't drug addicts are a minority on the Internet, and I realize that.

As far as whether or not it's rewarding, it really depends on how much value you put in the material world. From what I have heard about psychedelics, all of the experiences are practically the same. Bright colors, strange shapes, loud noise - if you're willing to destroy your mind over that, why not just buy a VR headset? I bet it would've been just as "awakening". The argument that I won't know until I try it is as valid with psychedelics as it is with heroin.

These drugs are ego killers, when you are tripping you can look at yourself in a non biased way, where you are the one ultimately responsible, no what ifs, no blame on others, you have accepted what has brought you to this time in your life and psychedelics can be used to see what needs to be fixed in your life. The human ego is very powerful and sometimes you just need to be rid of it to see the truth about yourself.
t. recovering degenerate

if something makes you feel good it releases endorphins. It doesn't have to be physically addictive in order for this to happen. You can get addicted to anything if it makes you feel good. You seem very naive and it looks like you are desperately trying to justify psychedelics.
They are slightly less of a waste of time than computer games. Thats about it.

the fact that you even tried it in the first place should be grounds to be shot in the back of the head

If you haven't trained yourself in understanding psychedelics and also have a low brain capacity then you will probably not understand anything.

>spiritual growth

>yeah man, like, it's all connected duuude
determinism. Causality. No need for drugs
>I, like, rediscovered myself and my feelings and what I was doing wrong
Develop a backbone and morals, learn to judge yourself and others. No need for drugs.

Alteration of the mental state is a jump in the dark, if you have such problems you think you need something like that to bring it out, there's no guarantee the breaking of the ego dam will "free" you instead of destroying moral restraints, making you irresponsible, thus at risk of damaging yourself and possibly others.

Just go snd see professionals that took lsd and DMT for studies (trained people that know shit)

Psychedelics have there use to teach you about self reflection. Thats basically what Jesus did. He took shrooms, realised how to look at himself and reflect, then he spread the word. Jesus was a magic mushroom.
You can dribble over the visuals all you want but it gets boring after a while. Once you've tripped for long enough it really does fuck you up.
I went through ego loss which I dont suggest anyone to try and discover. I also have long term effects from too much tripping such as..
if you think im full of shit then its clear that you don't know anything about tripping.

I tried almost all of the major psychedelic drugs; lsd, shrooms, mescaline, salvia a couple of times in my early 20s and stopped using them once I felt I had got all I could out of it. Haven't touched them in years now. Your assumption that lifelong addiction is an inevitable conclusion to eating some shrooms is ridiculous.

Yes, weak willed fags can do anything too much. I'm not denying that acid casualities exist. I am not addicted to psychedelics in any way and I am arguing that my experiences with them were rewarding. They were great bonding experiences with good friends, opportunities to experience a different perspective on the things that concerned me and over all a lot of fun. They're not magic enlightment pills that will solve every issue of your psyche like too many hippyfags claim, but they're not the schizophophrenia life traps that will have you robbing your grandma to afford that next acid trip you need to ward of the cravings like you spergs seem to think either.

tl;dr: you fags are just pussies that have no confidence in your own self control.

>no confidence in your own self control
there is no self control if you let your brain go haywire on psychoactive chemicals

Ayahuasca made me see that all our values in modern society are inverted from their natural form. Now I hate degeneracy and all I want is a wife who wears a dress and a family who praises god.

Drugs distort your sense of reality.
You ever see niggers on the street dancing and talking to themselves, high on some shit?

I bet they believe they're in some other realm living it up, but instead they fuck their brains up and, when they come down, realize they're back in the real world where nothing's changed.

Thinking that these drugs enlighten you is just self-deception.

you are at most a 22yo. Enjoy Exploding Head Syndrome a couple years down the line. Soon your hearing will become very sensitive. Beware.

skip to .55 secs for a little taster of your future.

>once you properly percieve the drugs effects it ecomes a dull tiring experience.
This is the truth. The first few times the magic is boundless and you think of the potential of this wondrous landscape. Shocking revelations might come to you basked in colours from neon realities.

But most of them are clouded in delusion. The life changing things you might realise about yourself you could of done through honest introspection.

I loved time with psychs but by the end of it I realised most of the trips were a big waste of time. Trips are much richer the more you have in your mind, doing them in close proximity to each other isn't the way to go. Don't believe the hype.

Even a single LSD trip vastly increases risk for developing an anxiety disorder. Read up in it

My cousin is getting schizophrenic because of LSD.
I loved that shit, but that's a huge sign that I need to avoid it.


I lost a friend who went full schizo from a shroom trip, even at a low dose.

Talking to his father and explaining to him what happened was heartbreaking.

I knew jdif loves to say inb4, degeneracy confirmed

>tfw want to try psychedelics but have no where to obtain them