>This anime is shit
This anime is shit
Sounds like a reasonable response
I watched a movie where they completely changed the time, place, and method of a major character's death once.
And while it's true that the source is usually better, if you thought the adaption is shit you'll still probably won't like the source that much.
Manga is fine
LN/VN/WN is fucking unacceptable
Nobody is forcing you retard.
wasted trips DESU
Trip of truth
>this adaptation is so shit
>they only read a summary or some ESL translation
Get me everytime.
This is often very true for good LNs. Though good LNs are rather rare.
Most Japanese LNs are shit by default, since language they are written with is very simplistic and aimed at idiots - so you miss nothing watching anime adapations.
Its different for "not so light" novels, where there are proper work put into discriptions, context, details.
Alternatively, the appeal of novel can be author`s language - so watching anime of talented author you might miss big part of its appeal, since you cant transmit events to anime, but rarely language.
For example this season to "red the LN/Manga" belong:
Tsugumomo - anime is great, but manga is just superior. Great art, better fanservice and more gags.
Kings Avatar - for one good chink anime, but LN is 1720 chapters long and even if they give it whole 60 episodes, the anime pace is still too big and a LOT of context is lost because anime cant explain every ability and action in length.
Eromanga-sensei - belong to "no need to read" kind of LNs, but still if liked anime there likely pieces from LN that are missing in it.
Sagrada Reset - anime is so bad, LN cant be worse
Uchouten Kazoku - author with talented language, so watching anime you miss on it
This is valid in a solid number of cases, though. Low production values, anime-original bullshit (looking at you, 2000s JC Staff), and/or short runtime (particularly for old low-budget buy-the-anime OVAs) can ruin an adaptation of a good source.
you've had decades to get it right, faggots. I aint reading your manga if 2000 different0adaptations are shit!
I always thought this was just a low effort contrarian response. Then I read the Railgun manga. And I understood.
Literally every Re:Zero thread.
Re-does the origin story every 8-12 years
>anime adaptation
Starts at a random chapter with maybe a 5-minute introduction (if you're lucky) to explain why everything in the world is so inscrutable.
Who are you quoting? Why is this relevant to the thread? What?
>adaptations are always 100% faithful to the source material
>The anime is shit
Utawarerumono False mask is coming in english literally May 23rd in europe and the states.
Get it and compare it to the fucking anime.
>Animeonlyfag enjoying the show
>Lnfag : waaaah waaaah they skipped this scene and that scene
>VN has 10+ routes that are all completely different past ~30%.
>Anime tries to smash all the routes together
>Obviously fails
The only correct way is to make separate spinoff for every route.
Everything else would suck.
99% Light Novels are fucking trash. Read a real book instead.
VN is the best thing ever pleb.
Trips don't lie
>anime is so bad, LN cant be worse
Of course it can, if you remove the eye candy from a shit story all you're left with is a shit story mate
>this anime is shit
>"read this vn and compare it to the fucking anime and you'll see that the anime is shit"
VN in the orginal language is the only one that could possibly be true. The rest are just 3rd worlder damage control from machine translations.
dumb secondary
All VN adaptations are shit.
Professional translations, like Tokyo Babel's, are good. I've read it in both languages.
>>This anime is shit
You certainly can´t defend an adaptation´s quality by pointing at the source. An adaptation can take the most amazing source and shit all over it... or take the shittiest source and make it amazing.
They are just two different, independent works. I wish people wouldn´t put them together just to defend one or the other.
>New shitty LN adaptation coming next season
>Quickly skim through machine translated LN spoilers
>"Fucking secondaries"
>wasted trips DESU