Project Exodus

The ancient Aryan civilizations of the Levantine, Caucasus, North Africa and Mesopotamia collapsed gradually due to negroid genetics infiltrating through the slave trade over thousands of years. The torch of Aryan civilization was carried northwards. Free of niggers, it developed into what we call European civilization today. But today, Europe is experiencing the same faith as the ancient Aryan civilizations more southwards. How will we escape this tragedy once more? There happens to be a sparsely populated area NorthEast of Europe. It provides living and breathing space for the pure unmixed Aryan peoples to migrate to. Dense woodlands and cold temperatures will harden us and make us stronger and whiter. The cold will keep out niggers. We call this project Exodus. We will carry the torch of civilization towards the North East and rebuild civilization. Will you join us on this epic journey?

Fuckload of that area is tundra or subarctic boreal forest. Kinda shitty territory for when it comes to agriculture. It would rely on import of food from niggers and sandniggers that now occupy the good parts of Europe you are willing to give up without fight.

The cold won't keep out niggers. Winterchan is just a meme nothing more

>wants to escape niggers
>goes to the land of mongols
I'm not even memeing about all Finns and Russians being mongols, but large portions of this territory has native population of Uralic race, which is a part of Asian one.

How do you know this area isn't some kind of nuclear waste dumping ground from Russia or even Euro nations?

I was very disappointed recently to learn that some really nice areas in Southern Italy are dumping and storage grounds for nuclear waste.

>I was very disappointed recently to learn that some really nice areas in Southern Italy are dumping and storage grounds for nuclear waste.
Southern Italians are kind stupid and they do that by themselves. Mob, frauds and shieet.

>Southern Italians
You mean nigger genetics

Sigh, sadly I believe you're right.

Can you give me your definition of an Aryan?

I saw something the other day about how Russia moved a shit load of Koreans to that area during Stalins time. Does this have something to do with that or has it always been that way?

>The poo writhes in pain

>Dense woodlands and cold temperatures will harden us and make us stronger and whiter.
As an ancap I will offer hot cocoa + blanket delivery services to achieve maximum /comfyness/ while hardening in the dense and cold woodlands. anyone who tries to tax me will get shot

winterchan beat hitler and napoleon

i love tall mongol qts

No, most of them are just native tribes who always lived there. Rather autistic people due to being adapted to harsh cold, and very weak to alcohol.

Sounds fun

southern italy it's unbelievable strange place.
it's not real about "nigger genetic" they are white with a large prevalence of blondes, the problem is that Southern italy
it's destroys every theory about race.
You can find a blonde, pale, blue-eyes boy give problems and a darker boy be nice.

The southern italy it's in this way becaouse english masonry controls the mafia and it does not leave the country to progress, they created it after WWII

Sometimes I hate people like you op. Or people that are like. "We should all move to Greenland" We won't go anywhere. Southern South America. USA+Canada Australia+new Zealand are all white clay and belong to us so does Europe. We won't go up more north we should get them out of our countries. Imo every country in Europe is white except Albanians and bosniaks. We should work together to fix our shit instead of running away and try to life somewhere else. You know even if we all went to mars and made it a paradise eventually shitskins and others will try and come to our place.

Everyone else but you

The polony ideas/threads were the best

What are your thoughts on Sardinia, Cagliari? Good for wife searching?

it's nice, they are very "ancients"
their carnival is still pagan (watch their mask) . they sure are a little "old european" rampart in a multicultural sea

Thanks for the reply, yes I've seen some of their local customs. Pretty interesting

>Everyone else except you
So even the niggers, the chinkoids and the arabs but not me.
Feels good not being an Ary*n.

>takes meme answer seriously

Yes EVERYONE besides you. You will be alone

sardinia speaks the closest thing to ancient latin today

Yeah, I've heard the language there before, it's unique.

The war destroyed your walls and your castles.

The anglos destroyed your nation, your language and your economy.

You lost it all and you never looked back at what the consequences would be.

They warned and you refused to listen.

You can move here if you're an autist who likes cold temperatures, 6 months of winter and two weeks of summer, 30 sunny days per year, always dirty boots and pants because of snowshit on streets, changing wheels and so on.
You'd better pick Sochi or Crimea, they have more or less Mediterranean temperatures.