ITT: Characters you still hate
He almost ended Miyata's career and everyone pretends he's a good guy deep down.
ITT: Characters you still hate
>almost ended Miyata's career
his genes are going to do that tho
>He almost ended Miyata's career
that's Miyata's fault for being weak tho
One of the only interesting characters on the series.
I wish he woud have killed that boring repetetive cunt Miyata
What a fag.
Does Miyata really deserve to have a career though?
Miyata is a fucking edgy retard
Miyata must be one of the shittiest "rival" characters areound.
The character itself has stayed the same since the beggining and his core personality is one of a dull cunt.
he's probably on the spectrum
>Disliking best boy
what the fuck op, firstly as all the others have pointed out miyata is a garbage rival who's incredibly dull and edgy to the point of being one dimensional.
Mashiba is an interesting character and has some of the best fights in the series, notably against Sawamura, and also provides comic relief.
Miyata is worse than Sasuke tier. If anything i only feel bad for Kimura, but he didnĀ“t feel the need to blame Mashiba for being better.
Ippo isn't better.
Everything he has learned throughout the years, he apparently forgets.
Or maybe that's just the concussions.
>Mashiba cheats
>gets in a cheap blow
>too scared to fight miyata on literally one leg
That fight made me fall in love with Miyata. Miyata is the perfect rival for Ippo. They are complete opposites. Miyata has reach, fight intelligence, and confidence. Ippo has power, endurance, and oxygen.
It's like people don't understand anime tropes around here.
Ippo/Miyata is a goddamn Goku/Vegeta dynamic, people.
That arm, fucking kek
> fight intelligence,
Ippo has it tho.
Miyata. He is such a fucking arrogant asshole. And I hate all the bullshit abouy how tragic and hard his life is everytime he has to fight. All his fights fucking suck. I hope he fucking dies.