This is what real anime girl should be like, not some shitty moeblob or pedobait

This is what real anime girl should be like, not some shitty moeblob or pedobait

>tough but kind
>have great taste in music and can play it
>smoking hot body and ponytail
>inteligent and funny

are you implying that she is the first one that is like that,if so you watch more anime you pleb

There are so many reasons you should kill yourself.

From thumbnail it really looked like a 3DPG.

But you smell a little bit like tumblr with those characteristics you find great, but also you could be an Sup Forumsnon with different tastes.

>covered in tattoos

fun fact: no girl with tattoos has ever had a good personality

Those tattoos looks like they're from a poor Skyrim mod.

Stop trying to stir shit up between Sup Forums and /m/

Funny that despite degenerate tattoos her character is actually great

Literally Ui

That's like saying no girl who is single and has a kid has a good personality. Girls are better when they make retarded decisions like tattoos and not having their kids' father around. It builds their character and makes them better people

>this is the type of girl I like, every other girl should be like this

Are you an idiot or just pretending?

>This is what real anime girl should be like, not some shitty moeblob or pedobait
Exactly! Man, I would love a yuri anime done in such artstyle, I've had just enough of ayylmao like blobs pretending to be human


Literally watch more anime you fucking retarded crossboarder.

WTF is that thing between her eyes and her mouth??

Tattoos on a woman is instant trash tier.

OP gets me interdasted in this thunderbolt gundamer thing. think iam downloading.

>green stuff

Okay OP you got me interested, let's see what series she's fro-
Into the trash she goes.


Fuck off with that SuicideGirls shit.

Pic related is what real anime girl should be like.

Looks like a slut.
I rather have Kiki

>smoking hot body
seems charred to me. toss it in the garbage

Even looks like something a tumblr landwhale would draw, with those googly psycho-eyes, niggerlips, and ugly tats.
They must be importing them or something.

But that shitty trope is like 65% of series every season, don't pretend it's not

She is pure though

Not a single scene of her fucking other guy or even flirting with any

She only had jazz orgy with Io

See mate you can fuck up few things and still carry on with your life, and become a wise man, person with tattoos or fatherless child is marked as person with poor judgment for the lifetime, this is like losing an arm or a leg no matter what you do nothing can hide it and everyone with know you're disabled.

Looks like they tried too hard.

That's like just your opinion.