>a girl who programs
Aight this broke my suspension of disbelief
>a girl who programs
Aight this broke my suspension of disbelief
And she's better at it than you will ever be
user please, I'm not even a lefty but don't post this.
It's not because of political reasons but unrelated to anime or manga.
Yeah I think I told you this broke my suspension of disbelief
>Whoawhoawhoa. Girls that can program? That;s where I draw the fuckin' line.
There have been fine woman programmers
Just because most women are shit at most things doesn't mean all women are shit at everything
OP probably think he can't get a job because women and pajeet took them all from him.
At least women are good at being 2D.
Wait, is a girl?! I thought she was a man all this time (didn't watched the anime nor readed the manga though)
Neh she's fine.
All girls I know who can program have autism, aren't cute, and have boyfriends
>a girl (male)
She'll be out of a job in 5 years.
Programmers will be the among the first to be replaced. Enjoy your meme skill.
Then what am I supposed to do with my autism?
>programmers being replaced by machines that require code
youd need actual AI for that- and at that point all humans are replaceable
Less likely than humans getting pushed out of the oldest profession user.
Actually 'creative' jobs will be the last to go.
You can replace bunch of people carrying shit in a warehouse with roombas+robot arms but we're way too far from machine intelligence being actually able to create something new.
>and have boyfriends they ship with other male friends
The very idea is fucking ridiculous.
>not knowing that the world's first computer programmer was a woman
>who is Ada Lovelace
OP stop being an asshole
Oh look, it is yet another misogyny thread. I will now proceed to spend the next 6 hours talking about how worthless and despicable women are with my fellow neckbeards on a Nepalese pottery forum. I'm feeling so euphoric right now as soon as my mommy comes back with the tendies I'm gonna make this same thread on /r9k/, that will show those roasties what's their place in the world. And last but not the least:
>tfw no gf
Fuck off roastie
You have to go back
nice meme but computers didn't exist back then
You should watch new game too.