Ufotable did nothing wrong

Ufotable did nothing wrong

I'm playing this gay right now bu I'm not really enjoying it. It has way too many cutscenes and the combat is mindless button mashing.

Should I just quit and watch the anime? The story is not that intersting, but some of the girls are cute.

See the game story for YouTube, the ending is much better , also you will enjoy more Berseria after Zestiria.

I'm glad I dropped this lgbt shitfest halfway


Watching anime you'll miss 80% of the story they didn't used.

This shit was fucking AWFUL, are faggots this fucking desperate?

You were wise and honestly missed nothing

Things done wrong: the gay shit
The rest is fine.

Well, duh, it's Ufotable.

Is that not a plus?

Someone get me a Tesla coil.

So they made this homosexual shit canon? I know people joked about Sorey and Mikleo being gay after Zestiria release, but they actually put this into the anime? Never watched it btw, but wow.

the gospel of true yuri love spreads across the wolrd

>You'll never find a husband at this rate

That chicken really steals the scene

Looks so yummy.

best boy

Alisha gets to lick this tummy every night.

A hug? That's it? That's not gonna trick any fujo into buying your filthy BDs, Ufo. This shit doesn't fly anymore.

The waifu of financial failure can even deflect fujobucks.

was hoping for something that hints a 3rd game

>I'm playing this gay right now

To be brutally honest if there was going to be a hypothetical third game you wouldn't get the announcement from a third party anime that has none of the Tales staff working on it, and has no rights to the IP. Announcements for Tales Games happen at TalesFes. And even then if you expect the anime to be canon you're at a lost, because Bamco doesn't give a shit about it, and neither do Nips.

>Ufotable did nothing wrong
Except the enterity of the part2 season 2 or whatever you like to call it.

The pacing was terrible all the season and on the top of that the final battle lasted 30 seconds and the rest of the final episode was an epilogue.

They could have, at the very least, finished the story on the 24th episode and use this one as an epilogue only.

The game was way gayer

It's not gay unless their dicks touch

Desperate last ditch to save a fucking dumpster fire show. I feel bad that ufo keep getting fucked by shit IP where the only way to try save sales is sudden faggot pandering.

Ufotable fucked themselves and deserve no pity.

They knew from day one who the most popular characters and plots were, but they decided to ignore them in favor of listening to the vocal minority. That's why the the anime flopped.


Ufo is so damn retarded. First, they ditched the only relatively popular pairing and push het shit, which makes potential actual buyers drop it. Then in the second season they try to push gay agenda while it's still not too late but they do it with a pairing that isn't even popular. Which makes hetfags drop it alonside with fujos.
So what was their problem?

>know Mikleo, Sorey and Edna are the most popular characters
>focus on rose and alisha because they think waifubucks are stronk
>the show flopped

Meanwhile the Mobage erased Alisha and Rose, had Sorey and Mikleo date and it made money.

You mean "normal"

>being anything less than an extreme minority
SorAli is the least popular pairing for both Sorey and Alisha, and in general. The most popular het pairing that surpassed SorAli by a mile is actually RosexDezel.

So pandering to them was a deathknelled in itself, but they made things worse because SorAli got pandering purely because they were pushing Alisha. The thing about Alisha is that her popularity comes from pity, people don't really like her they pity her. Ufotable stupidly removed her only draw and thus made Nips get tired of Alisha. It doesn't help matters that by pushing her to forefront they also lost focus of Sorey, Mikleo and Edna, aka the most popular characters.

This solidified the fact that Alisha is really an irrelevant character to the Nips, because she had zero connection to both Zestiria main story, and everything in Berseria. So people lost their patience with her.

I'm jelly.
Rose has a 10/10 body.

>had Sorey and Mikleo date and it made money.
Tell me more.

>It got a homo end.

Wew wasn't expecting this. I do wonder if this is going to become the next big thing

But ufotable doesn't really care about sales, no? Who is making profit from this?

True end.

After two seasons of bland plot and waifu pandering it went off from fujo radars.

Ufotable are the ones who went to Bamco to request making the anime.

Bamco makes the merchandise and thus they're the ones who reap the sales of all the fujobucks they get from SorMik, those sales are actually because of the mobage(Sorey and Mikleo were the MCs of the last chapter of Asteria) not the anime. Ufotable makes money from the BD sales and the cafe.

Homo end?

I'm glad I didn't start this series yet. Dropped as fuck.

What the fuck? Picked up at the speed of light.

Nothing regarding zestiria anime will be a big thing, since they got rid of their audience except for rosalifags.

Hetshit is pandered in the first season though. There is almost no homoshit pandering, and second season is pretty much all about yuri pandering.

Well, if ufo makes money from BDs, they fucked up big time.

>Hetshit is pandered in the first season though.
I will endure it.
> second season is pretty much all about yuri pandering.

>anime ends
>everyone talks about the shipping instead of plot/characters/themes
Must have been a really boring anime.

I was ready to dismiss that scene as friendship but

>I like you Rose
>Alisha leaning close to read
>That romantic fade away

Eh, first season has more /u/ and /y/ than het. Het only exists in like the last episode for a small moment that got fujos all riled up.
It was. Shipping is the only saving grace of this shitshow.

It was.

Isn't one of them a Princess?

At the very least, she'll have to marry a girl of her own class.

Yeah they shot themselves in the foot.

96% of fujos dropped the anime because of the last episode of season 1.

And just like that the fucking landwhales ruin another franchise.

She's a queen now, she can do whatever she wants. Like letting Hyland go under because it's not gonna have any heirs the way things are going

There is adoption and magic yuri babies.`

This is sad. While I haven't played Berseria, many people praised the game compared to Zestiria, and looking at it I feel like there's a genuine intent of making something. A story. A game. Zestiria's game was a disaster, and the anime just became a shipping fest. It keeps happening. It's really depressing. Like, I feel a genuine sadness in my heart.


Waifufaggotry go read the manga, it's at least decent.

I'm not the only one who thinks the art looks like cheap CGI, right?

Best boy and best girl are together, thats all that matters.

I hate that guy. I don't know who he is but I already hate him

Elizabeth I didn't have descendants and England continue.

Elizabeth the first could'nt have descendants because the political climate at the time. The people wanted to reunite Great Britain, that's why she couldn't have descendants.

Alisha's situation is different.

It was ruined because of the lack of homo though. Fujo dropped this shit hard and that's why it failed.

>Gay ending

AHAHAHAH! good thing i dropped this at the first ep!
never see you again on these threads boys!

Wow, Rose got even uglier. They should have abandoned Zestiria as a whole.


Tell that to your divorce rate.

So Luke and Natalia hook up?

So I assume you all finished this show? I only played the game, can someone summarize fast on how it went down in the anime? Or better yet someone that have played the game and watched the anime, what´s the big difference?

And yeah, the game´s story was kind of garbage. Debating if I should watch this to wash the awful taste away.

The only redeeming quality of the last episode were those 2 scenes.

What a fucking pile of garbage the whole series was.

Alisha took the place of Game Rose and made Rose her bitch, they also included three new characters whose sole reason for existence is kissing Alisha's ass. Her story still isn't connected to Sorey's though, and she doesn't develop she just has a lot of screen time.

Anime Rose became Velvet lite, except Ufotable didn't have to balls to let her turn into a hellion.

Anime Sorey became a moralfag who gives speeches on friendship to Hedalf, and killing is bad to Rose. In fact he didn't kill Hedalf just purified him (Hedalf is still cursed though).

Mikleo and the other seraphim do absolutely nothing.

Nobody dies everyone lives, except for Lunarre and Dezel.

Wrong, the yaoi won and survived humanity being wiped out. Stay BTFO yurishitter.

Kill yourself degenerate sc/u/m.

>fujoscums get shitted to no end
The irony is hilarious

And that one episode of hetero was more than all the garbage homobait shit in the entire first season.

>girl touches anothber girls face means they're dykes
Kill yourself.

>literally the only yurishitter in Japan who watched that garbage all the way for some ship nobody cares about

>There is adoption and magic yuri babies.`
One still kills her bloodline and the other is some retarded bullcrap made up by your braindead retards.
It does not exist and girls cannot procreate with each other, yurifilth.

boring samefag

>muh gay agenda is all that matters, anything hetero is disgusting! I only watch gays and homosexual LGBT anime!
The t/u/mblr crossboarders aren't even hiding anymore.

Except everything but mainly including adapting this flaming turd.

>what mightve been a good adaptation ruined by yurishit and females in general
FUcking garbage, should've just kept Edna as the waifubait. Scrap the rest and don't pander to yurifags who dont buy BDs
Can't wait for Touken Ranbu so there's no degenerate lesbians shitting that up and all the yurifags can fuck off for good from our Ufo threads.


They even double confessed.

>And that one episode of hetero was more than all the garbage homobait shit in the entire first season.

That's a lot if butthurt.

I can't be the only one that noticed they throw the ''I like you'' around like it's nothing on this adaptation.

Jesus fuck. How did they fuck up worse than the game. Oh well.

I don´t get it. As a straight male, why does yurifaggotry piss me off more than yaoishit?

>action fantasy anime with cool character designs
>decent flashy animation
People latch onto style over substance anime all the fucking time.
That's literally all you need for people to latch onto shit like this, characters/character development and story literally don't matter.

>staight male

>implying any type of orientation doesn't have its pitfall

Because the waifus like each other and not you?

Tell that to your Aids death rate,buttfucker

>yaoi is purest form of love
What a fuckin degenerate.

Because you're butthurt that you can't self-insert as Sorey to give your waifu a dicking.

did they save best boy?

The city in the epilogue is so obviously photographs of some modern European city. It looks really out of place, even if they painted over and touched up most of it in the closeups. It's surprising considering how top-tier the backgrounds otherwise are.

Pretty ho-hum series if you ask me, aside from the production quality.

I recommend that you just stop watching anime, it clearly is not for you.

>all this butthurt from self-insertfags

Kind of, he did recover his own self but he still has the body of a dragon, Edna hits that he will recover slowly over time plus sorey did purify the furry so he can totally purify eizen.

>straight marriages failing

One of these things is dropping in rate exponentially, the other is only on the increase. Hint: the one without a church or a state official involved is the one with the declining rate.

Enjoy your failed relationships, bitter unhappiness, and knowing you brought it on yourself by sticking your dick in crazy and thinking it's "normal". There's no PrEP for heteros, your disease's vaccine is dick.