Not a lolicon, but Sagiri is pretty hot
Not a lolicon, but Sagiri is pretty hot
Elf is better
>Not a lolicon, but
You are just accept it.
You are now. Embrace it. Sagiri is love, sex, and best.
But we all know she will only suffer and won't win.
>Not a lolicon
Doubt. But you are right, Sagiri a cute.
I love both.
Just embrace it, faggot.
I'm a lolicon, and she's borderline too old
I'm a lolicon and Sagiri is almost a bit too developed for me but still good.
I'm a lolicon and 12 is pretty much the sweet spot for me, so Sagiri is perfect.
You don't have to hide it, user. At least you're a lolicon with nice taste. Sagiri is love.
Sagiri is sex incarnate.
Are you a lolicon if you love a loli and still loves her after she grows up?
2D loli should never grow up.
Well she's pretty tall (174 cm according to the LN extras). A body of an 18 year old so it's kinda like reverse loli?
Is 12 the prime breeding age for girls?
Except some anime/manga/LN do a time skip at the end where the main heroines age to be old hags.
>giant women are hot because they can dominate you with their massive vagina and anus
>smol lolis are sexy because smol and cute
>sagiri falls somewhere in between, although she's tall her shape is that of a loli so she must be thicc also
I'm not sure how to handle this new fetish.
what are you talking about
this little girl can't dominate anyone the whole point of the design is to inflict on the viewer an urge to be violent and rape her
>the whole point of the design is to inflict on the viewer an urge to be violent and rape her
No, I want to marry and protect loli, not to rape her.
Lolis are for vanilla loving sex.
>174 cm
>according to the LN extras
Are you really taking this even further? Why do people lie about Sagiri's height so much?
Do people think her brother is 230cm tall or something?
>he doesn't want to be dominated by a cute loli
What a fucking faggot you are, holy shit.
It's a meme, for some reason.
No, 12/3=4
>Not a lolicon
user, you're just in denial.
>not being a lolicon
lmao why?