Watch 80s anime for a while

>watch 80s anime for a while
>turn on some of the ol 2010s anime
>turn it off in disgust
is there no way to go back?

fuck you
cannot unsee

Can anyone debunk this?

Too many normies watch modern anime.

this is correct

Your eyes are actually in the middle of your face

FUCK moeshit

You just realize that?
That's why I can't draw moeshit.

The OP picture shows them in the bottom third of her face

that's hot *unzips*

Obviously your scalp doesn't end where your hair ends, and she's also looking slightly down.
It's plainly a bait image and I assumed you could have figured that much by yourself.

>moeshitters on damage control mode

Now, measure the distance between your brow and the top of your head with your fingers.

Then, keep your fingers still and put the top finger to your brow and see where the bottom finger lands. It's probably your chin.

They are only slightly more oval than a real head (even that depends on the individual) and the eyes are only slightly off-center.

>Just draws an oval
>Can't into anatomy and perspective
>Doesn't see that it's not all forehead but there's the top of the head too
You need some Loomis son

That is, of course, if you forgive the artistic license with the humungus eyes, but come on, we've come far from the 90s in that aspect.

The only anime I've watched in the last 3 months dont have this problem.

They have other problems, just not this problem specifically.


You could try killing yourself

m*e is the ultimate fucking cancer
why are moeshitters not persecuted as much as horsefuckers??
both of them watch cartoons geared to young girls

Kill yourself manime faggot, stories in anime are trash.

Saying "moeshit" should be an instant ban

Very agreeable

Hyouka isn't even moe, moe is nothing but little girls being retards for 3 cours, while Hyouka was actually interesting

In this pic they assume hair is just painted on her skull. If you assume it's puffier, it gets a lot more proportional.


Why, because it triggers you? You no taste having faggot.

>there are people on this board that enjoy the shows on the right and think they look good

you can see this in a perspective way


Moe is lowest of the low.





how can moeshit HONESTLY compete??

>what is hair volume

Anime head shape obviously isn't the most realistic but that pic is exaggeration

They certainly look cuter than the junk on the left

at this point...
you moeshitters should hang yourself
if you could, at least
i'm sure your 500kg frame would break the rope or your greasy body would just make you fall out the rope
in any case, shut the fuck up and die

What is the show on middle left?

>reddit filename

Yeah. Moe is killing this industry.

Boku no Pico.
kill me right now

i'm honestly not sure how a grown (debatable) man (diito) convinces themselves that it's ok to watch cartoons for little girls

/ic/ here. well, the neck badly placed, that's why you can interpret the pic that way.
otherwise it'd be fine if you consider perspective and all.
that being said, moe-ish proportions always tend to have a bigger head. but not like that.

Is it any better to watch cartoons for little boys?


Seems like we're all manchildren here unless you are a little girl.

I wonder what it's like to be that upset about what kind of cartoons some people watch.

The problem isn't with 2010s anime, the problem is with you. You don't like anime.

There is no such thing as moeshit.

>both of them watch cartoons geared to young girls
Anime is not cartoons, and the kind of shows that people call "moe" are in most cases officially aimed at adult men.

>moe is nothing but little girls being retards for 3 cours
That's not what it means.

Is there even one single non-moe anime out this season? I don't think so.

Moe is not a genre.

Do you consider space jesus moe?

Slice of life/schoolgirl stuff then.


>Slice of life/schoolgirl stuff then.
This covers a very large variety of anime.

There's a bunch of non slice of life/school girl shows this season.

Name 82 of them then.

Then Seikaisuru Kado is non-moe anime of this season.

Also, anime that don't feature school girls this season includes at least Kado, Zero Kara, Sakura Quest, AoT, Re-Creators, Granblue Fantasy, Alice and Sword Oratoria. And some I'm not watching yet.




where is pic in the lowest left corner from

That one looks good. I'll give it a spin. Thanks.

How did they animate this scene? I think they made a 3D model of the background and rotated it, there's no way they animated it frame by frame

>Doesn't like moe

just shoot yourself, honestly.



turned off the 80s anime in disgust? Of course, because old anime is shit

>already 300 billion moe anime out
>"c-could we please have something different again?"

Hair fluffs up.

That's it.

>tfw to intelligent for new anime

This "moe anime" you are talking about does not exist outside of your imagination.


what is Lucky Star

What about Lucky Star?

>moeshitter tries to justify his shit taste

There are anons itt that would rather watch men in robots fighting rather than cute girls doing cute things. What are you, gay?

>all these newfags not actually knowing what the real meaning of moe means and thinks moe means cuteshit
You can tell everyone here is new.

Remove the moe portions of it and you end up with the blandest shit ever, i.e. 'moe' is its essence, and thus its genre.


>already 300 billion harem anime out
>already 300 billion mecha anime out
>already 300 billion battle shounen anime out
>already 300 billion sports shounen anime out
>already 300 billion comedy anime out
>already 300 billion action anime out

"Moe" isn't a genre

There doesn't exist any such thing as moeshit, and "shit taste" is a meme.

What are "moe portions"? What is supposed to make "moe" a genre?

At least post proper ballet-girl anime for real men.

a comedy

>anime for real men
ko no su ba

There are some QUALITY scenes on the right

If you're waifu doesn't look good bald she's shit.


There exists shit taste and all moeshitters possess it.

Moeshit doesn't exist and shit taste is a meme. I already told you this.

:3 cute

>I don't know what moe means: the thread

I watch both because only insecure idiots who've watched 100 anime care about genres.

Don't worry be happy.

Only idiots who have watched 100 anime think moe is a genre

Literally this. Sup Forums is full of newshits now.

>he has to keep repeating it to himself so he thinks it's true

TOP JEJ M8TE im kekking at ur life

>there are people on this board that ACTUALLY, UNIRONICALLY watch anime from post-2000, or even worse, from the 2010s
holy FUCK i SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this

It is true, and you repeated yourself first.

I made no such claim in my post.

anime 2015+ > anime 2005+ >>> anime 199x >>> anime 198x