Fucking dropped
Fucking dropped
>I'm in love with someone
How? She never leaves her room
guess that's why he dropped it then
Maybe she's in love with a 2D, like we are?
i feel like the plot is being rushed for some reason
Over the Internet.
He's actually a rapist kidnapper, of course.
fucking lol, nice
its him, she just doesn't want him to love her because retarded plot.
Is there anyone in the world who didn't immediately realize this? Fushimi is a goddamn hack and needs to take his shitty writing elsewhere already. People only like him because he's the "popular" incest author who got an anime.
>anons completely missing what she meant
I am NOT a rapist kidnapper. Why does everyone call me that?
I miss this imouto.
You forgot your XD, faggot
Sagiri isn't for orange chimps.
Sagiri is for for me
She obviously means her brother.
She said that to plant a seed of jealousy in him.
I fucking hate women.
I want to cum in Sagiri's mouth to be quite honest senpai.
She's in love with her Onii-chan's light novel's main character.
since the main character is essentially a self-insert of the onii-san i can totally see this being the case. sasuga oreimo author
Better late than never. Next time you'll able to identify a shit show and drop it as soon as possible. Don't be like the plebs that watches this show and drop that piece of crap.