I fail to understand how people can deny it doesn't look gay

No matter what you say JoJo looks gay af, so is the author gay? what's his deal?

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Jojo doesn't look gay at all. You must be insecure about your sexuality, OP. It's ok, we all know you're a faggot.

You are insecure and possibly a closet case.

OP cant handle high test masculinity and thus thinks JoJo is gay.

show it to any normal person who doesn't watch anime and yell me he didn't say it doesn't look gay, i've try it many many times
You jojo fans just can't accept it looks gay and instead would call the person who thinks it's gay gay

I'm pretty sure we all embrace the homosexuality in jojo just because it's super masculine at the same time.

>He's not in on the joke
Okay bait made me reply

>not gay

dumb anime watcher

So a handsome male automatically makes you think its gay? Lad, i've got something to tell you..

Sorry, OP. But you need to go back.

it's snot about handsome males, I've seen a lot of anime with handsome male, it's actually about their poses, just look at their hands, their waists and their backs

Sounds like you're jealous because you're not flexible.

It's kinda gay. Even as someone who loves the anime and manga, and has introduced friends and family to it, ill usually get something about how "metro" or "flamboyant" it is. And I live in San Francisco.

Can you also give me your phone number, house address and bank account?

no i'm not, but these guys seem like they can suck their own dick

If you're flexible enough to suck your own cock then you've reached peak masculinity.

You may not think location matters, but in this situation, it definitely applies.

>sucking your own dick

Literally nothing gay about JoJo

I would say Part 5 has some well "gay" undertones. Especially considering Giorno and Mista

Mista seemed into Trish.

>Giorno and Mista

Both his and Jotaro's outfits look uncomfortably hot. I'd be worried about how much I'd smell like sweat. Especially Jotaro who didn't even wear socks. He probably smelled like sweat and feet.

Mista let Giorno slip his hand down his pants with no problem.


I have never seen such low test.
Go eat an avacado with your girlfriends, faggots

Literally no one in denial about looking gay, besides the author likes the fashion model aesthetic hense the posing.

I don't read/watch jojo but I don't think it looks gay, just bizarre

Drawing men at peck fitness and style will always look gay. No one cares tho because it's not a homolost anime.

Close, user.

>He probably smelled like sweat and feet.
That's kinda hot.


You probably think getting your dick sucked by another man is gay too.

Anyone got a link to that part 5 abridged-parody thing?

no, willing sucking it is gay

well he is repressed.

It's Camp not gay.

While yes there's a lot of gay Camp that doesn't make JoJo gay.


>No matter what you say JoJo looks gay af, so is the author gay?
Mate we're on earth in the year 2017.
The average male looks gayer than that.

How is JoJo possibly gay?

Part 5 is JoJo at its gayest
Fuck, there's even a gay couple in it

this is honestly less gay than the OP when you realize that johnny cant actually walk and thus would need gyro to help sometimes

Jojo Defense Force, everybody.

Yeah Jojo looks gayer than 3 dudes blowing five dudes. But it's still an awesome as fuck.

Pucci is JoJo at its gayest.

Where do you think you are, faglord?

It was funny when the characters had muscle, but past part 3 it just straight up looks gay

giving yourself a blowjob isn't anymore gay than giving yourself a handjob

this. Battle Tendency is the best JoJo arc.

t. animeonly fags

No, no it's not, I get joshep is a funny Charcter but every other character beside wham and the Nazi pretty much sucks


I don't know, Wham and ACDC were pretty good as villains and characters, and the ending is my favourite among all the parts' endings (and my favourite among all battle manga arc's endings). It's kinda underrated because animeonly fags like it a lot.

I don't know why people like OP complain about it looking gay as if it were a bad thing. It sounds like when tumblr bitches about oversexualized female characters. Why is it a bad thing?

Also, every jojo fan knows it looks gay, denying it it's an internal joke that OP doesn't get. After reading Part 2 nothing can faze you anymore, anyway except maybe Part 6 Dio, holy shit that's gay

Of course it's flamboyant and over the top, that's part of the appeal

>Goes on Sup Forums
>Isn't gay
Where the fuck do you think you are?

Showing off masculinity and being proud of it isn't gay.

To me it this goes back on what Joseph was good at, tricking monsters and outsmartingthem , he just wins by luck in the end

I thought Josuke was pretty hetero for a JoJo, unlike Jotaro and Giorno he's flattered as fuck when girls fawn over him. Let's not even get started on Gappy.

Jojo is so HETERO STRAIGHT, that it actually warps reality and space-time, making it appear anything but straight.

>what's his deal?

>take female fashion poses
>make male characters do the same pose

That's why JJBA is the way it is. It's not a problem when he uses poses done by males. Not sure why Araki is as into fashion as much as he is though.

Fashion passes. Style is forever.