Face it, NGE is a terrible series. The only thing you actually remember or like is the spectacle of EoE and some of the angel scenes. Almost all of the rest is a big stupid mess. You don't care or remember all of the episodes of Shinji going to school or any of the other shit.
Face it, NGE is a terrible series...
Dude, just stop. There's nothing brave about preaching to the choir.
That spectacle made it all worth while.
Good or bad, it was a site to behold.
>The only thing you actually remember or like is the spectacle of EoE and some of the angel scenes.
spoken like a true casual
>You don't care or remember all of the episodes of Shinji going to school or any of the other shit.
yeah i do
No. You only think you remember, but you actually don't.
I honestly sometimes forget NGE is technically a mecha series because the parts of it that I love most are the character drama. All my top 5 fave scenes (except Asuka's EoE fight) are conversations. Your tastes are not everyone's tastes.
No anime will top Evangelion because they don't have the balls to.
Nah I remeber too. You might be dumb. Or you just paid attention to the action. All the dialogue was important to understanding the story. Besides the random technical made up stuff.
Eeeh... Got to the end of the movie, did some research on what the shitballs it was supposed to mean, and then I just kinda realized I don't really give much of a shit about any of them besides Rei. And even that is kinda ruined because I thought she was autistic and not some 5-dimensional time god or whatever the fuck.
That used to be correct, until pic related happened.
>series is shit because you don't care about the non-exciting or philosophical parts
The first half is generic lighthearted shonen. Not bad by itself, but not groundbreaking.
It picks off in the second half, starting with the toji episodes.
#non-philosophical parts
i liked how they discussed a view point in humanity, the necessity of polarity and self-love
You have the misconception that something needs to be an ambitious edgy drama in order to be good. There are plenty of superior, more polished, and well-rounded shows than NGE, but they aren't recognized as such for the previously mentioned reason.
Something like episode 24 in Neon Genesis.
Any other show would've hammed it up, hammed up the final scene.
What other anime can introduce a character in ONE episode and give that good of a resolution?
That episode has fucking guts.
This, OP is obviously baiting
You're projecting
For me, at this point Eva is like the Moon: you don't extract any joy from it, but it's there and it's irrevocably there and it's important that it's there.
And, much like the Moon, you stay far away from anyone trying to say something about it.
Nice pasta
Thanks, feel free to use it.
Thanks I will!
I never watched Evangelion, should I give a try? I don't dislike beta and pussy MC if they have reasons to be like that.
I loathe harem beta self-insert though
You should since you aren't allowed to post on this board until you've seen NGE.
I agree.
>did some research on what the shitballs it was supposed to mean
that's a pretty good way to ruin the experience
>I thought she was autistic and not some 5-dimensional time god or whatever the fuck.
well I guess you weren't paying very close attention considering she warps through time and dimensions in the very first episode
>There are plenty of superior, more polished, and well-rounded shows than NGE
like what?
Like Rahxephon.
>it's popular and I didn't like it so it has to be objectively bad
Fuck off dude.
>Face it, NGE is a terrible series. The only thing you actually remember or like is the spectacle of EoE and some of the angel scenes. Almost all of the rest is a big stupid mess. You don't care or remember all of the episodes of Shinji going to school or any of the other shit.
>What other anime can introduce a character in ONE episode and give that good of a resolution?
Cowboy Bebop?
Sure there's some upbeat moments, but it's not exactly a cheerful show in the first half.
>something needs to be an ambitious edgy drama in order to be good
It doesn't need to be, but it certainly helps.
The long shots in 24 and 4 (i think? early on when he's about to leave) were the most memorable parts of the show.
Last 3 eps are total trash. Was really into it up until I got literally no resolution. If it wasn't for the movies I'd still be really upset. Also Shinjis a faggot.