Why are assertive girls so much better than subs? Why don't we get more of them?
Why are assertive girls so much better than subs? Why don't we get more of them?
They're not even uncommon, it's just that the MC is usually a fag so nothing ever happens.
What's with Japan and dickless, beta or faggy MCs? Why is this so common?
Japs are fags
>implying Yamada isn't a sub
Pick one.
I am extremely introverted. Having extroverted friends can be good because they challenge you to be more outgoing
There's usually one or two in every series.
The ojou-sama, nii-san, most tsunderes fit the bill.
Assertive girl x sub/beta guy is a trope i'll never get tired of if done properly
Assertive girl x Assertive guy is 100 times rarer but also 100 times better
>assertive guy
is such a thing even possible?
Read more shoujoshit
Actually on second thought, don't.
Yes, yes it is.
To be honest, we're not worthy.
The ones who aren't worthy are the japcucks manga readers who force the authors to make the majority of females be submissive shits. Please don't group me with them
Their rarity contributes to our ability to enjoy them.
Is there a purer slut?
They're not.
They're usually the ones who get broken down the most and declawed by the MC. Most of the stuff that made them assertive or otherwise abusive in the past (read any poorly done tsundere) are toned down to the point where they are hardly a threat or a real mover.
>having shit taste
is watching shoujo the only way to get alpha males? The only alphas I remember are from DtB and Kaze no Stigma
Yeah, pretty sure alpha MCs are only allowed in shoujos. Life is not fair