Here it is, the resolution of Volume 5 and the closure of Papa's arc.
Hello Abyss - 38 - "The Challengers"
"Don't die!"
Here it is, the resolution of Volume 5 and the closure of Papa's arc.
Hello Abyss - 38 - "The Challengers"
"Don't die!"
Other urls found in this thread:
i almost thought today was a no-go
god bless you user
Except I fucked up and posted the wrong volume, goddamnit.
Hello Abyss - 38 - "The Challengers"
"Don't die!"
"Don't talk...!"
"I'm going to heal you..."
"Instead of that... Riko...!"
"It... it... hurts...!"
"Nnaa... hold on,"
"I'm checking your wound..."
"Your hand..."
"I've... calmed down a bit..."
"The... incinerator's... making me sleepy..."
"I'm at my limit..."
Thank you for waiting, user.
here it is, best time of the day
I miss Prushka already.
"Please take care of..."
"Come on......."
whoa there Reg
this fucker is unstoppable
"Get it already, would you."
"How stubborn..."
"I'm surprised..."
"Being able to activate the detached arm... and decisively unleash all of its power..."
"Well done... truly moving..."
"Enough of your needless talk."
"I know, just how much you focused* on attaining that body of yours."
"From how it looks, there's no one left that could come and protect that body, and that you've also run out of Praying Hands capable of fighting and capturing us."
"We will destroy the rest of your equipments,"
"And the Soul-Slave Machine(Zoaholic) as well."
"You've multiplied so much, you won't truly die even if we kill you..."
"Your [aspiration] ends here."
"Serves you right."
*IIRC, "shinketsu wo sosoida" isn't meant to be translated literally, is it? Might need a stronger word than just "focused" though.
Is it finally over?
"I do not mind."
"Your prayers,"
"Your wishes have chosen your own path, to move towards upon."
"That is superior, compared to how mine is."
"Indeed, it is a shame that this body has been destroyed..."
"However, meeting you... crossing paths with you has brought me an irreplaceable joy..."
"For you to be able to push further, beyond here..."
"That is my new aspiration."
"It's useless saying anything to you, huh."
"Damn you..."
"It's not as if I'm miserable or anything..."
"Even though... I've always been dreaming of the day where I bring you down with me..."
Daddy's got no more rod.
What does Nanachi smlel like that its good enough to make megaman pop a chub?
"Ah... I am glad..."
"If that is not so... it would truly be..."
"Now, raise your face..."
"May your journey... be overflowing with..."
"Curses and blessings..."
"You talk too much..."
"You truly are... cute..."
"It's ironic..."
"That I have to fall for your sugar-coated words..."
"You know, I..."
"Dead already, huh..."
>"That is superior, compared to how mine is."
what a villian, holy shit
"You finally woke up..."
"I'm really glad..."
"Don't get up just yet. I checked your wounds, but it doesn't seem like it'll leave a scar."
"Disinfection didn't really work,"
"But judging from your condition, you'll probably be fine."
"The wound is even starting to close, already."
"Really did it..."
"There are still some of the Praying Hands left... but they won't have the strength to bother us anymore..."
"That's go..."
"I don't... want this..."
"Re... Reeeg...!!"
"Your... your bellyyyy!"
"I... I'm just fine... and also..."
"Aa... uu... Pru... Prushka, you know!"
"Even though she's this warm..."
"Even though her heart still beats..."
"Huh...? Her... heartbeat..."
"She's... struggling upwards!?"
"Is this..."
"Is this..."
"Prushka is spilling..."
"Is that..."
"Is it... Prushka...?"
"I feel it... I wonder... why..."
"Oi, what is it."
"What's wrong?"
"My... belly's hot..."
"What is this..."
"The notes it makes has the strength to pull out the true purposes hidden within relics."
"For real... A [Life-Reverberating Stone]."
"But, as long as the packed subject doesn't desire you... This means..."
"For her to be able to think of another person... while receiving the curse..."
"Also... it was such a short period too..."
"Lend me for a moment."
"To be frank, well..."
"It's not so..."
"Na... Nanachi..."
"This might feel rather complicated..."
"But, without a doubt... being entrusted to Riko is Prushka's will."
"No one but you can use it."
"It's terribly misshapen, but... it is your white whistle."
>Bondrewd congratulates Nanachi, and wishes her his best as he dies
Why is Bonedrewd such a cool dude? Holy shit.
"I'm guessing you have about 10 shots left?"
"I guess it's decent."
"It's decent!"
"Both of you,"
"You... eating, crying, what a busy person..."
"That bastard..."
"The mask... it's a good thing we busted it open..."
"Is it fine?"
"It's fine."
"I'm respecting our captain's will."
"Come on, hurry!"
Why is he just letting them go?
>that eye
oh mymymymymymy
He recognized their motives to go below was stronger than his.
"Our adventure,"
"Is about to begin!"
"...It feels kinda profound."
"To the challengers who shall devote themselves,"
"Towards the Abyss of which even darkness itself does not reach,"
"The Abyss shall give you all."
"Live, die."
"We're going together..."
"Curse and blessing,"
"The entirety of it all,"
"At the end of your journey,"
"What shall be the closure of what you obtain."
>"Get it already, would you."
>"How stubborn..."
"Though I already knew it"
"You really are a tough bastard aren't you..."
> "shinketsu wo sosoida" isn't meant to be translated literally, is it?
"I know, just how much effort you spent on attaining that body of yours."
may sounds better?
i don't think that's supposed to be bondrewd. nanachi said they were gonna destroy the soul relic thingy and he doesn't look the part; also what would be the point of his "death" scene if he doesn't die
"The ones who shall decide upon it"
"Are only they who challenge."
[Fifth Layer - Innermost [Altar of The Absolute Boundary]]
Even nanachi said she knows he won't die here. The death scene was the death of his rampant ambition.
>"It's not as if I'm miserable or anything..."
>"Even though... I've always been dreaming of the day where I bring you down with me..."
"There is no way I'd pity you..."
"I've always been dreaming of the day where I bring you down with me..."
I might translate the next two pages (including this one) later on, along with that cooking page on an earlier volume.
Yeah, effort sounds better, I think. Thanks user.
Thank you too user, as always.
>"If that is not so... it would truly be..."
"that it it didn't turn out like this...really.."
And that's it, we're out of completed volumes.
Join us next time as the cast tackles the sixth layer, on the next chapter
whoa there
thanks a lot user
Thanks for the translation.
Was this chapter shorter than usual?
Can it be true? We've almost caught up to the current chapter? It's amazing how that went by so quickly, thanks to one person with a little time on their hands every day. You're the hero we needed.
If one guy can pump out translations this fast and consistently, what the fuck is with other scanlators?
Thank you user, i hope you are enjoying these threads as much as i am.
Thanks user!
Thanks user!
I must know what this says about nanachi. This is important.
damn I rember when some time ago we had translation threads of Abyss on Sup Forums but I dont remember what happen to it. It was like 2 years ago
Yeah, it is, probably has something to with how the previous chapter was longer than usual.
>If one guy can pump out translations this fast and consistently, what the fuck is with other scanlators?
It's pretty understandable if you consider that my translations are pretty much speed ones that should only serve as a primer to get a guess of what's going on. I also can't redraw or typeset for shit, so there's also that.
I certainly do, user.
A lot of stuff about how she smells. It's from Reg's perspective, so you can probably deduce quite a bit from that.
Yes all of this information is massively important. I can't believe you would deprive us of this plot-vital information.
>"To be frank, well..."
>"It's not so..."
"'s not good..."
"if we just left it naked*"
*There is probably a more suitable word but I can't think of one.
>"The mask... it's a good thing we busted it open..."
"The mask... We should've destroyed it.."
I wan to sniff cunny bunny so much
Still, even if they're speed translations, they're damn good. They're easy to read, have proper grammar with trivial problems if any, and they're consistent. You do damn fine work.
Indeed it is, however, fate my lazy ass dictates that I do it later.
Yeah, I'm fucking up a tad too much, I should really sleep. Sorry for having you clean up all the mess, user, thanks.
>"if we just left it naked*"
"if we just left it uncovered"
is what I meant. I need to sleep as well.
where mia toc?
They did destroy the machine right? I'm fine with lesser Bondrewds, but hopefully they prevent him from making more.
Once translations have caught up with both the current chapter and special chapters, would you consider translating the second half of the author's One Shot - From Star Strings ?
It would appear whomever had been working on this stopped midway.
Forgot link.
>"...It feels kinda profound."
"...It feels kinda heavy."
Thanks for translating this adventure user, nothing really sparks my manga reading mood like this does.
>It would appear whomever had been working on this stopped midway.
Oh, does it? I've only sneaked a peek at it, so I didn't know.
If so, yeah, I'll finish it.
God bless you user.
mia toc
Ch 20 Ch 21 Ch 22 Ch 23 Ch 24 Ch 25 Ch 26 Ch 27 Ch 28 Ch 29 Ch 30 Ch 31 Ch 32 Ch 33 Ch 34 Ch 35 Ch 36 Ch 37 Ch 38
>nearly caught up already
It's almost too good to be true. Thanks a lot, user!
also mega up to 19
It's left ambiguously, but Bondrewd doesn't have the fucky three pupil eye anymore that he had even back in volume 3, so it's pretty likely.
So 2 chapters left and then these threads are kill. What will you do?
Perfect place to end the anime.
we will wait for typesetting and redraws
how many episodes can we expect ? 12 ?
This is exactly where it needs to end.
Rico saying "Our adventure is just beginning!" or some shit while bondrewd gives his musings, the sound of roaring water grows louder and the last thing we see are the three of them entering the sixth layer before the cut to black and credits roll over scenes from the abyss and the SoL images of the three of them.
It was only that Bondrewd that had fucky eyes. He's the only non-human Bondrewd with the tail and all (the Bondrewd that chased Rico and co had no tail and everything). The boss Bondrewd was always that 2nd Bondrewd.
At least he's been humbled though. He'll probably descend soon if his whistle works for any Bondrewd, though I don't know if there's any top-tier combat role ones left (since Reg killed most of them when fighting Bossdrewd).
I'm guessing 12.
It's doable as long as they trim down the part before they go down into the abyss.
This doesn't really have enough material for 24 episodes unless they put in some filters.
This is the only acceptable end for the anime. I wish they studio could do 15 episodes though so we could get everything done properly. The prologue/first vol is just really long for a lot of people (3 episodes untrimmed until they really start descending). I think if they compress it to meeting Ozen around episode 4/5 we can get Bondrewd.
Let's say we get 12 episodes, and Bondrewd as the final fight of the anime.
>1: Intro, meeting Reg and the worm
>2: Orphanage antics, plan to escape
>3: Delve into the Abyss, birds and Reg's Incinerator
>4: Ozen introduction, buildup to fight
>5: Ozen fight, send off to next layer
>6: Return of the worm, then Riko hand stab
>7: Reg breaks Riko's arm, meet Nanachi
>8: Mitty episode, Nanachi joins the group
>9:, Meet Bondrewd, Prushka and Riko antics, see Reg's torture begin
>10: Escape from Bondrewd
>11: Battle vs Bondrewd pt 1
>12: Battle vs Bondrewd pt 2, end
Would that work?
Thanks again, good user.
You're amazing.
Eh? So, it's no refresh for incinerator?
Well he only had 3 before. If he keeps finding electrical sources he's golden.
Episode 1
>Introduing the world
>Meeting Reg at the end of episode
Episode 2
>Read Liza's letter
>Start decending into abyss at the end of episode
Episode 3
>Chased down by the black whistle whomever name I forgot
>Ozen cliffhanger
Episode 4
>Ozen fight
Episode 5
>Ozen fight cont.
>surival training
Episode 6
>Riko getting poisoned
>Nanachi cliffhanger
Episode 7-8
>Nanachi arc
Episode 9
>Riko recovered
>Bondrewd cliffhanger
Episode 10-12
>Bondrewd arc
I wonder how many Bondrewds there actually are, the base is fucking massive.
Then we will never get season 2 since only fews layers left and those aren't enough for another 12 episodes.
+ the show will probably bomb in japan due to nip shit taste.
works for me i guess
>Season 2
I would worry about Season 1 first, user, no one wanted Berserk S2.
eh, nips like it right now
also so far it feels like the 6th layer alone could end up taking 6+ episodes
>3 episodes for Bondrewd's arc
Cramming 2 volumes into 3.5 episodes is a bad idea. Their return to the Forward Base is 2 episodes alone. Cramming the field burning + zone crossing + Prushka + 1st Bondrewd fight and post fight into 1 episode isn't going to work. Minimum 4 episodes after the field burning.
We're on the precipice of uncharted territory. I think this is where the meat of the story will take place
Now that I think about it.
it'd be funnier if Prushka didn't become a whistle.
then they are forced to have Bonedrewd travel with them since only him can operate the elevelator
>now shall we continue down? This will be so interesting, children.
>Prushka is tagging along as a small rug thing
>everyone is on edge except Bondrewd
Can Bondrewd even use his whistle? I don't think we've ever seen it used, and if it's attuned for a single person, we still haven't found out who it is. It's probably the most protected one/never seen or the new mask guy.
Yeah every Bondrewd can use it as long as he is focusing his consciousness on that one.
So, it'd be like that Connoisseur guy from Tokyo Ghoul, but not gay? Sign me the fuck up.
I dunno, it feels like his character arc had a nice conclusion. Having him tag along all the time would ruin it. Maybe they encounter him again later, who knows.
which doesn't make much sense insofar as making a working whistle requires that the sacrifice be willing to give up everything for the one making the sacrifice. the abyss doesn't really regard the random slave-bodies as people.
How did Ozen and Liza obtained their white whistles?
Bondrewd was his own sacrifice. Also, the abyss only treats the mindless "uninhabited" Bondrewds as meat. Otherwise it never would have been able to bless Bondrewd in the last fight.
no one really knows so far, even in the untranslated chapters it doesn't talk about it
It's not confirmed, but Ozen may have sacrificed a daughter, judging from the way she gets possessive over younger women.
No idea about Lyza.
Probably a child or lover
It can't have been her husband because she was a white whistle when he died. Unless the white whistle was just a placeholder at that time and she got a real one with his death.
>No idea about Lyza.
maybe her husband/boyfriend ?
Can't Bondrewd still peek into Nanachi's eyes? He'll have an easier time descending if he knows the path they took.