Post your Anime Stats

Post your Anime Stats

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People will insult youfwergirtpgrtibgnrtnbibnirtgnbtrnbirtibnitbirtnbirtnbèo
I warn you

>Complete a new anime every week
>Never recorded them
I have no fucking clue.

Fuck off and kill yourself.


get a life

i dont score things.

>watching 56
That sounds like absolute torture.


Fuck off.


forget my stats r8 my favorites

Probably where I'm going to leave off at. I'm done using MAL.

I have re-read way more but yeah


Fuck off back to notepad manualfag

i truthfully should move some things to dropped, but i cant bring myself to do so.

>literally less than 100 series
Why do I still post on Sup Forums?

Don't forget to report.

I'm not worthy

When I see 750 shows watched and only 5 dropped I already know it's bullshit. Nobody watches that many shows and only drops half a percent of them.

I did some of my favorites too. The shows I re-watch the most are my favorites.

Pretty based 9/10

For fucks sake just stay on their forum.

just add me already you fucking faggots


Dokuro-chan a fucking shit.

>Anime Stats
LOL. Nani sore?


>completed 734
>189 days
You sure like your music videos

>plan to watch 235
Jesus Christ get on that backlog dude

>mean score: 10
What the fuck is the point of rating only anime you thought were 10/10s?

>completed 53
>days: 50
Stop watching shounenshit


Totally isn't lying or anything

>I-I actually read a lot more
Shut up, faggot


>Losing interest in manga & anime. I believe I'm just about done using this site as well. My career is going well, I am close to getting my bachelor's degree. My relationship is strong, and my friends' circle is getting bigger. I barely have time to read manga, let alone watch anime anymore. Love & Peace
What the fuck is this nonsense.

>MAL thread

>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.

>You sure like your music videos
>Stop watching shounenshit
What is the optimal completed:days ratio?

Everything is a 10 if i even remotely enjoyed it


Yeah, I'm tackling a full time job and a part time job as well as school. I've been busy lately so I don't really get opportunities to watch anime or read anymore.

>sure like your music videos
Average modern show has 12 episodes, that's around 5 hours. Now throw in a bunch of movies and I am surprised that he even reaches almost 200 days with that.

so is Sup Forums full with -100 animefans or you guys just didn't stat all of the anime you've watched

pls no bully

Dear fucking fuck

500 should net you around 125 days




Pretty sure you're looking for a 3 x 3 thread

> (You)
>>I-I actually read a lot more
>Shut up, faggot
Not wait I said but you're right either way

>Don't bully
You fucking know what you're here for.

New? boy please. I've been stuck with neck-beards like you since 07'



>Using MAL to keep track of manga
>Using MAL


>full time job and a part time job as well as school
This is so stupid unless you're in serious shit financially.

You don't actually like anime enough. Sasuga MALfag.

>Anime stats
Not sure if kill yourself or kill yourself after someone punched your guts.


Welp, here goes nothing.

I didn't know you could use ctrl + c to post images faster.

well, well, well, what have we here another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his Sup Forums faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the a mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the Sup Forums irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking anime board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound pile of shit. your days are fucking numbered

Theses should be an instant ban.

If you haven't dropped more than 100 anime then you don't belong here.

I usually read my manga online. Instead of book marking a page or leaving a note, I find it much easier just to list it.

I come from a very wealthy family here in Maryland. My family values hard work. School, work, and strengthening your relationships are very important steps towards in life. Being financially stable is one thing however, being depended on my family rather than working hard for myself is most deplorable.

Check em

Reddit sure is here.

Towards success is what I forgot to write*

>I come from a very wealthy family here in Maryland. My family values hard work. School, work, and strengthening your relationships are very important steps towards in life. Being financially stable is one thing however, being depended on my family rather than working hard for myself is most deplorable.
That's the whitest thing I ever read on this board

Just to annoy people.

Would probably have more, but i'm a lazyass.

I drop all popular seasonal anime every week, does that stack?



Well, I must admit, I am very white.

Favs are more important.

>500 completed, or GTFO



You have literally zero taste



Honestly, if you haven't seen at least 100 anime series/movies you shouldn't be allowed to even post here.


Honestly, if you have a MAL account you shouldn't be allowed to even post here.

Fuck off

Honestly, if you have posted your MAL stats or care about MAL at all you shouldn't even be allowed to be here.

Be it 500.


What's wrong with that?


Oh don't be silly. Hop off the bandwagon of hate. Embrace others, open your heart, body, mind and soul.

There's nothing wrong with having a MAL account as a way to keep your statisitics, you dumb newfag. MAL account doesn't mean you post on their forums


>Some people are unironically this stupid

Nice, now check these

Nuke this thread

I hate most manga.

Honestly if at this point in time you still thuink this cesspool is better than MAL then you're probably to young to post here.

Open your anus and embrace this cock instead.

I use MAL to track my stuff. I don't post in that place.

Just because I watch series instead of movies? :(

You should go back there then.

>newfag mal user calling others newfag


How did I do lads

>"mal is for fags haha newnerds xd"
>every mal thread gets minimum 100 replies

If you are homosexual then I will not judge you. You're free to live your life as gay as you want to.

Using newfag as an argument or response is the easiest way to show others you are new here. I have no idea why so many anons still use that word.

>implying that's not a compliment.