Code Geass R3

All he wanted was to share his Vitamin C with the world.

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What did they mean by this?
What is the context?

Oranges are evil!!!!!

What is this and what the fuck is Cornelia doing there?

It's probably some kind of geass magic or something.
The real question is how overjoyed is Jeremiah going to be when he learns Lelouch is alive?

His loyalty levels will jump even higher

>The real question is how overjoyed is Jeremiah going to be when he learns Lelouch is alive?
Feeling of Betrayal once he knows Lelouch tricked him

>Orange being mad at Lelouch ever

Jeremiah knew everything though. The only variable is whether or not Lelouch knew he would live, and if he did, whether or not he told anyone. Even if it's a lie, I think Jeremiah would accept and be happy with an excuse such as "I needed to completely disappear for the sake of the world."

Jeremiah knew about Zero Requiem watch the final episode, he lets Suzaku run past him and up to Lelouch on purpose

Didn't he know of the plan?

Of all the endings to be eventually trampled, this saddens me the most.

Jeremiah had his corpse so he probably knows he isn't dead

Remember to thank the nameless otaku who spent the equivalent to around 7000 dollars to get an official lewd sketch of CC.

Have to censor it for obvious reasons, but you can find the uncensored one quickly with Google.

I've missed you so much Lulu, but you're here at last

real dedication
would sell for much more If they had already known about the sequel

I'd feel pretty cheated if I were him since he paid so much for something that can be seen by anyone now. Unless he's the one who uploaded it on the internet so we can see CC's vagina along with her green pubes for free. In that case he's a hero.

Just in case, someone didn't saw the HD PV

Reminder she's gonna be after Lulu's D in S3


She's going to have to get through CC's huge ass first.

One thing Jeremiah does not know is that Lelouch went against Marianne.

Is there any denying Cornelia is best girl?

Wait, don't tell me that this is already released

maybe he knows and doesn't give a shit
yes, because CC exists

this is Sup Forums, believe me, you would know

Why is this piece of shit alive? Why did he get a happy ending after all the bullshit he pulled? Didn't he also take advantage of the brown chick? Why does she end up loving him for real?

But his entire reason for going for Lelouch was Marianne, right?
Why would he not give a shit?

Is there anyone left on Sup Forums that has those Rivalz and Clovis pictures from R3-6? I'm trying to remember but I know zombies were involved and Rivalz was super ripped

Lelouch became his new lord, so I don't think it mattered to him that much at the end of the day

Who is the pink haired girl by Rivalz?

you could check in the archive I remember them being posted in the sticky
The justice in the form of God Emperor himself will come for him, don't worry

I'll call R3 a masterpiece, even if it is a piece of shit, if Ohgi is killed.

Post ayano!!! (lelouch with tits)


I think he knows.
He admired Marianne and wanted to avenge her death and protect her children, but then she wasn't dead and was using her own children as pawns in a plot to turn humanity into some hivemind consciousness shit.

Is he as hated in Japan too?

You're such a level 1 viewer.

Come back in 10 years

Oh shit is Anya back?


Should I watch Akito yet?

Yes, it's not only a meme here. They'll kill him off in some spectacular way for sure

are you a masochist?

I wouldn't expect Cornelia to get along well enough with them to get invited to the wedding.

The mastermind behind S2

They should have invited the wall marking girl.

>file deleted

Imgur that shit

Will they top this ?

It was pretty lame in my opinion. Would've stayed in the depths of obscurity if it hadn't the Geass fame attached to it.


The reveal to the world that he is still alive, with everyone shitting themselves, will be equally great

I'm seeing a knightmare frame's long sword inside one of the not!knightmare frames, buddist statues which implies south east asia and what almost looks like european engineering uniforms from Akito

Clearly Lelouch is on an adventure to avenge his friend Cart-kun.

anyone here bought this?

>buddist statues which implies south east asia
Schneizel was based out of Cambodia at the end.

are you Irish?

probably not, but it's really pretty

Btw, anybody can translate ? Is there some new infos in this ?

Just wanted to post this, hopefully the guy sees it. I'm off to bed anyway, it's quite late here in Australia ;)

I've heard delusion is often accompanied by avoiding the facts, such as perhaps the ones I've presented. As I've said before, no biggie just move along to a community better suited for yourself ok?

so Rivalz finally got a gf?

When they ruin series I be here

nah, that's impossible

Will someone upload the full picture drama?

Rivalz is forever destined to be friendzoned.


Why do I believe R3's plot will be 2/3rds kill Ohgi/Nina and the final 3rd is Geass Ayylmaos

As long as Nina dies for real I'll be happy with it.

No matter what else happens or how much of a trainwreck it ends up being, if they kill Ohgi and Nina it will still be AOTY to me.


I just want my girl Nina to have a happy ending.

He was a good boy

>he'll probably won't smile like that in S3 ;_;

When she finally get some therapy done. You can thank Schneizel for the sleazy way he took advantage of her fanatical obsession for revenge during R2.

>tfw believed LELE was alive all this time

>that gif
ah, can't wait for new memes


What form will Suzaku evolve to next in this season?

I doubt much will happen. We'll get some stuff but nowhere near as much as we used to. The internet has become creatively bankrupt in the past few years.

His final form



it's pretty huge user

more Kaguya SOON

I hope they bring back the discarded subplot about him being entangled with Geass, it would give him a path to develop into as a character as opposed to being simply locked as a Batman/Zero for the entire season

Moreover, it would give him a reason to run into Lelouch again

I see the samurai guy on the left there. Maybe.

That guy in the center looks straight out of the Romance of Three Kingdoms.

No that's Orange.

>more Kaguya SOON

I don't know where all these Kaguya fans suddenly came from. But I like it.

>Calling it Code Geass R3
Please stop.

Do you want people to type out "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection" every time?

it basically only mentions the 3 recap movies at the end and how the 1st movie will be released sometime in 2017.

Code Geass R3

Kaguya is Cute (!!) and now that Shirley is resting, she is the only non-wierdo who actually understands Lelouch

They could just call it Resurrection.

I want a SoL spin-off, but not a school setting.

Code Geass R3 is easier to type.

I want a pre-Marrianne's death SOL of the royal children, with a second season immediately after hanging around Suzaku's family's shrine

Revival of L

he's probably jelous

>Jeremiah is going to die

Sunrise wouldn't shoot itself in the foot. He has lived through worse shit

I want see C.C again and the force of her anus, Nunnally too...

I just hope she gets a bigger role