Why doesn't anime run at 60 fps?

Why doesn't anime run at 60 fps?

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Because not enough key frames.

Cos anime is shit.

Because the human eye can't see past 2D frames .

Iroha is cute

Because it keeps Sup Forums away

Still frames are more cinematic.

Why not use interpolation software for that?

It does if you use SVP

Not enough slave animators.

Because high rate of failure.

ladies and gentlemen: Sup Forums fags

Iroha-chaaaan iiiiiiiiii liiiike youuuuu

Because the human eye only see 30fps.

Because animators need free time.

How many fps is real life on anyway


Because human eye can't see past 30.

Yukino best girl

The human eye can roughly see 23.33 frames per second

About 159490000000000000000000000.
(repost because of silly mistake in the original post. Also rounded to a slightly saner degree)

30 fps is enough for a 2D anime. Ye don't need more.

Silky smooth 24 fps.

the studios cant afford a 1080ti

you gotta go back:

[/spoiler]what's a 60 fbs[/spoiler]

You are fucking retarded.

human eye can't see past 10 fps*

i've been here for two years and still don't know how to spoil a text


human eye can't see*

if we wanna kill what few animators we have left, sure.

If that's true you must be seriously stupid. If you understand the first thing about tags in general, you would get it on the first try.
Here's a tip. The slash always indicates the end tag.
That's why "/thread" is a thing.

Did Iroha win the 8bowl yet?

thank you

When it comes to the animation, even doing a movie running at ~24 FPS is too much. Akira was ~12 FPS. TV anime varies the framerate wildly.

As for the video framerate, 24 FPS is probably used because it makes it much easier to handle the animation, which is usually 6, 12 or 24 FPS. If the video was running at 30 FPS it would complicate things, though it would make pans smoother. Some anime from the early digital animation era are 30 FPS.

Unfornately nah, Yukino won.



Because it would look extremely disturbing.

This poster gets it.

Chronon sounds like a nice girl's name.


Because that would make me feel dizzy and I'd have to stop watching anine

To trick you into buying screens with interpollation.

24 frames per second is already faster than your eyes can even detect. That's how fast old film played at, and it looks like perfect smooth movement already. 60 frames per second is honestly just a meme for gullable people, like audiophile wires that cost 2000 dollars but literally sound exactly the same as normal ones.

She looks a lot like Haruno in that image.

Why is anime sub 30 fps (with multiplied frames to get to 30 fps)? Just use software for it and manually adjust the frames with very fast movements/scene cuts, which famously get fucked up.

Actually pretty low, you could cut most of work.