Shingeki no Kyojin 93

Warriors are best shingekis.

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Endgame right here, brothers.


Obvious end game. Erencucks can't do anything.

Go eat a banana in HELL!!!

Titan effectiveness ranking from best to worst.
>Colossal titan (Nuke everything and gtfo)
>Founding titan (Control a titan army)
>Beast titan (Create a horde of titans and throw shit)
>Armored titan (Tank , punch shit)
>Jaw titan (Great fighter , agile and effective)
>Attack titan (Punch and kick shit)
>Female titan (Punch and kick shit and you have tits)
>Mule titan (Carry shit around)

Endgame right here, brothers.

Mule titan is more effective than the Jaw honestly.
Also Beast should be way uptop below Founding since it has a psuedo-coordinate ability.

Why doesn't Zeke care about his warriors as much as Reiner cares about Gabi and her friends, eh? He couldn't have been less bothered about what happened to Annie and Bert, and he threatens Reiner too. He's not a good man

Manlet endgame is death

>page 5
>make new thread
For what purpose?

Because Zeke a shit

I doubt it.

is that just weird translation stuff or does he honestly say Rosy?

That's like saying it's sad a dick won't get to be rubbed in piss and feces.

Cause he's a little shit.

Can't wait.

read the chapter where Bert asks her about who she ate.
She doesn't remember anything, she was a Titan for too long.

Psuedo-coordinate is only because of his royal blood. Its not normally that good.

>colossal over founding

Honestly if the first king story is true then the founding can create colossal titans and control them. Also I'm pretty sure the shifters are susceptible to control considering they felt it, so with enough practice an experienced user of the founder can control pretty much any of them.

Everything else is good.

Zeke doesn't lovey the Eldians like Reiner does. He's just doing this because he has wangsty daddy issues and is still a manchild inside, whereas after his expedition Reiner became a man.

Because they are evil people. I mean, how can you even stomach genocide your own kind?

>Zeke is scared shitless of manlet
>Doesn't want to see him ever again
>implying fujos's wet dream will ever come true

Female Titan gives the user great tits regardless of their original gender (As Peick showed the reverse of), it wins top metal just for that alone.

That doesn't make sense.

prove to me Peick is female.

\they're soldiers, they die on war. Zeke has more important things to think about than to whine about it like Eren.

Bert also said they can't remember who they ate.

The only good guy left

In this case it's just jews genociding other jews because marley jews sent them there.


>How the fuck did he survive the entire war?

Maybe because he aim for the objective,so as a leader he should treat his soldiers as "expendables"(even trought they aren't).But he seems to know Annie very well and Reiner and Colt seems to respect him,maybe we just didn't had the chance to see him interacting properly with the others Warriors.

She wears a skirt.
You saying she's a crossdresser or tranny?

It's Honesty Day. Post Jean.

Well done user


Burden of proof lies that Pieck is male on you, not us having to prove Pieck is female.

Kill, marry, fuck

Delete this

He lost faith in Humanity. Plus, his horse is amazing. Give it a lick.

So what? Ymir was a titan for a long time, but then she ate Marcel and then she transformed back into a human. Marcel's memories were fresh and yet she didn't know anything about him, but somehow Gallard instead could see her memories and even know how she felt.

Also she remembered her past pretty well, as described in the letter, so I doubt that your memories get erased if you stay titanized for too long.

Marley (globalist) Jews < Madagascar (Israeli Jews). Also funny. Before shit hit the fan in Nazi Germany, Hitler wanted to relocate all jews to Madagascar.

By Isayama forgetting he exists.

I know this is a gag but I wonder if any user of the female titan considered this a serious tactical advantage. People that search for shifters are generally going to assume and look for the same gender as the Titan's form. If your Titan looks like some chick nobody is ever going to suspect you if you're not one.

Kill Annie

Fuck Mikasa , cum inside to create Ackerman children

Marry Historia and make 101 babies

>Marry Historia and make 101 babies
Ymir pls

>mini girl
>abs meme girl
>based Annie
It's obvious

Good song wtf

ghost ymir please stay in the oven.

Who will win Mikasabowl?
Eren,Jean,Armin,Levi or Annie?

It's kinda sad that, although we consider that a dystopian outcome that's basically what ended up happening anyway but with praise for it (Replace Madagascar with Palestine).

Fuck Historia
Marry Annie
Fuck to the death Mikasa

Titan effectiveness ranking from best to worst.
>Mule titan (literally heroic when used right.)
>Founding titan (Make use of the Wall Titans)
>Armored titan (makes you invincible)
>Attack titan (straight B's)
>Female titan (fucked up Squad Levi somehow)
>Colossal titan (got outskilled by Armin.)
>Beast titan (Jobber even when pumped with Royal Blood)
>Jaw titan (nearly got punked by normal mindless Titans)


eren 100%

She's not in an oven she's in a little blond shota, waiting to takeover and come out again when he finds Historia.

Marry Annie
Kill Mankasa
Fuck Hisu

fuck annie
marry mikasa
kill no one

Best boy will win at the end


Marry Mikasa
Fuck Annie
Kill Historia

What kind of screwed up list is this?
>>Jaw titan (nearly got punked by normal mindless Titans)
Nah that's because Ymir doesn't really know how to use it effectively. Galliard was running through tank fire and machine guns with it.

Annie is dead. Eren will be dead in 8 years tops. Armin will be dead in 13 years. So Mikasa is either going to be dead, a widow, or settle.

>raking titans with memes.
MT is the strongest, CT only wins of jaw and Doggo. (depending on the user.)

>the face of a cuck

i cant find a good pic of ymir apparently dying in the manga but i don’t care what happens i don’t believe shes dead or gone for good. im not just upset and in denial, until the manga ends i won’t actually believe shes dead lol. imagine writing a relationship as pure as historias and ymirs, imagine writing two amazing female characters then taking a massive shit all over them. theres going to be some plot twist or ass pull and they will be reunited, i genuinely believe it you fucks.


Literally me

Marry Historia.
Fuck Historia.
Kill Historia.
Become King.

I wish Jean would, but if there's a winner it will be Eren

he got lucky that he wasn't hit.
>implying Machine Guns could do anything anyway

So she will marry 3 times

Marry and fuck Hisu
Kill Annie and Mikasa

Also Ymir got the bad end of the serums. Galliard got an top one.

Only for 8 years. Jean will raise Eren'a kid after he die.

Marry Historia
Fuck Mikasa until boredom
Kill the freak

Jean can do it m8

Marry Annie. Fuck Hisu. Kill the guy.

>Eren will be dead in 8 years tops
Implying Eren won't devour all titans and become God.

Hisu best waifu
Hisu will avenge Ymir

Annie is jew

Titan effectiveness in sex ranking from best to worth
>Mule titan (doggystyle expert)
>Colossal titan (he's BIG)
>Female titan (tits)
>Armored titan (always hard)
>Beast titan (good at fisting?)
>Attack titan (last 5 minutes max)
>Dancing titan (what can he even do?)

>Only shifters who never jobbed are Gilliard and Pieck

Really tingles my bajingles

>Mule Titan-Based scout and aid
>Founding Titan-only Royal blood can use it properly
>Armored Titan-Pretty tough,but don't get hit by a "Anti-Titan Canon"
>Attack Titan-A good balance between strenght,speed and mobility
>Female Titan-Fast and good for combat and scout
>Colossal Titan-Is big and has "steam weapon",can be deadly if is trow by the BT
>Beast Titan-Sniper,morter,shotgun,catapult,canon,all in one,is strong enough to defeat the AT is CQC
>Jaw Titan-He is fast,agile and has a powerfull jaw,he can move pretty fast around

objectively right choice

Jews are white and based


Nah. Marrying a man who wouldn't give your own personal space is torture. speaking from personal experience

Marley will win in the end and take the island. All the islands resources will have been used up trying to prevent them. Eren will have ended the Founding Titan and the curse of Ymir . The Marley Empire will crumble without the power of the titans or the technology of the other nations.

wrong board shareblue

Beast Titan-Savage sex
Attack Titan-Fuck you up
Jaw Titan-Can do the "anal flip"



this is too sweet, I never imagined them, do you have more jean and mikasa user?

It really don't matter, a titan's effectiveness depends solemnly on the shifter controling it.

>Lost to Reiner the Armored Titan
>Became a shifter after BRZ came back
Galliard is jobbed before even become a Warrior.

Don't pretend, shariablue. Your obvious shilling is obvious.

Coordinate = controls 10 million colossal. Colossal shifter is just a slightly larger colossal titan. He's not even that big compared to Rod titan, which coordinate can control. Just imagine an army of Rod titans buried beneath the island serving as the foundation so it doesn't sink under the weight of 10 million wall titans.

Beast titan just has strong arms. Creating more titans is a trait unique to Zeke because he has royal blood. Nothing more.

Female titan is jack of all trades. And also requires the 2nd least stamina to use, allowing for multiple uses without rest.

Attack titan is the berserker.

Mule titan has the longest endurance. Otherwise it's just a normal titan.

Galliard a SHIT.