Cat, Crab or Monkey, Sup Forums?

Cat, Crab or Monkey, Sup Forums?

Marry Cat, Fuck Monkey, Kill Crab.


Monkey is best.


I want a waifu that can choke me with her thighs

Crab for MC, heart under bat for me.


Both flavors

Monkey. Maybe Cat. Crab can go to hell.


Tomboy every time.

I want to monkey around with Kanbaru.



Monkey for fun, Cat to marry, Crab can die in a fire.

Snek is for stepping on

Cat is for love





Hard for me to choose, it's the one show where I like most of the female characters

My list of favourites in order

Shinobu-teen shinobu-kanbaru
Heart under blade

Hate gaen and ougi

friendly reminder that Araragi is only allowed to make love with Hanekawa

Bee a shit.

I choose Snail




Monkeys gave humans HIV.

Let's not be racist here.


best girl

all I know about monogatari is that catfags are the worst, so she's probably shit too

>boy haircut
I'll pass


Crabs are also an sexually transmitted condition so I guess cat wins.

Monkey. Anyone who says anything else is lying to themselves.


Besides loli trio and imoutos, monkey is best gurk

who doesnt want a best friend who would get naked for you in an instant

She's not only a primate, she is also a Prime date

Cat always, she's best girl.

Cat, but Bat is best.

I want to make cat a mother.


I'm torn between Tsubasa and Kiss-Shot.


Izuko is best girl, followed closely by Kagenui, Oshino, Tadatsuru and Kaiki.

I've always loved Crab since day 1 but I hear she's turned to shit since they've entered college, which is a shame. I really like her and Araragi's dynamic. Most of the girls are great on their own though.

Monkey is the best
A cat is fine too
Crab a shit

>ywn have a best friend like Kanbaru
It would be so much fun.


no step on snek

Why did Crab cut her hair Sup Forums? Same with Togame and Medaka.
Why must nisiosin have such a shit fetish?


Pretty much all characters but snail had short hair at some point, but their let their hair grow up eventually at least.

And a couple of them look pretty good with it.

I like it when characters get haircuts, better than having the same hair forever like typical cartoon characters,

Never seen the series, so I'll go Crab. What mistake did I make, Sup Forums?

all of them at the same time is the true answer.

You made no mistake, Crab is best mix of loyal yet independent. If you don't like whiny girls that are useless in life, you made the right choice.


monkey > crab > cat

Crab Forever

Black or nothing.

That's what she said

He user. He. He is a male cat that improved on Tsubasas form.


That's a good order, though i'd rather go with Crab before Cat and Monkey.



Out of those three, cat.

Best hugger


She's a jealous control freak that forbids you to cum inside anyone but her, so if you're about to nut inside another girl she'll pull you out and you have to finish inside her

Hanekawa motherly look of scorn would make you lose erection as soon as try to put it in.

Best girl is a bat

Cat and Crab


Just another reason why I like the changes male cat makes to her when she goes full neko mode.

You find cat tied up in the gym storage shed

What do you do?

Good you keep them busy while I have a Bee and Monkey sandwich

Well, if it's the third movie you pussy the fuck out, and leave the audience with massive otaku blue balls.


Name's second best FFM fetish in world.

But she's evil

It's fantastic to me that Shinobu can be a sexy teen and also a lewd loli.

Very versatile.

Compare and contrast.

What is sex with each of them like?

What's the point of asking this question over and over and over again?

to piss u off

Cat is either completely aggressive or completely submissive depending on her form

Crab will demand to be in total control from beginning to end. If you finish before her, she'll pump you full of viagra and jam her finger up your ass to massage your prostate until you're hard again. If she's finished before you, she makes you jerk off while she watches. Either way all of her friends will hear all about it the next day.

Monkey is double-jointed with no gag reflex and she fucks like she's being electrocuted

What kind of flavor do you like on your crab?

Im from Maryland so its old bay. I would never choose her either way.

Damn. That does not make the choices any easier.

She's also perfect in every way, so I don't see the problem


Crab > Cat > Surugakanbaru

monkey will let you stick it in her butt

>Crab will demand to be in total control from beginning to end. If you finish before her, she'll pump you full of viagra and jam her finger up your ass to massage your prostate until you're hard again. If she's finished before you, she makes you jerk off while she watches. Either way all of her friends will hear all about it the next day
Completely wrong, her emotionless, dominant personality is just a wall she puts up. Sex with her is completely vanilla in the missionary position with lot of hand holding and kissing. Afterwards you cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Doll>> Snail > Snake > Bee > Bat > Monkey > Bird >> Spooky > Crab > Gaen > Rouka > Math > Cat > Kagenui
This is objectively right


It'll start out hardcore and then quickly turn into her getting flustered and embarassed as she tries to take the lead but fails. Araragi noticed it early on that she's a low-tier pervert.

Crab should just go off with Kaiki, and Monkey should settle down with Araragi. Araragi & Monkey can both dote on Bat too. All parties involved would be happy here.


I don't care about the others.

she looks like the crazy-ass bitch from Danganronpa