Is there any day that you wake up feeling like gassing all the invading hordes in your country?

Is there any day that you wake up feeling like gassing all the invading hordes in your country?

If you say every day, is there any day that its particularly stronger than others?

I'm torn between my desire to kill them and my desire to let the white Leftists be killed by them.

I guess what I'm saying is there isn't really any country to fight for

Daily Reminder: Hitler only killed white people.

White people manipulated by kikes are as good as trash.

Deportation is fine. No gassing, please.

not gassing because that doesn't work in large scales, but trying to figure out how to do the things I need to do without getting interrupted by a bullets

>White people manipulated by kikes are as good as trash.

Germans, Americans, British, etc....

That's who hitler killed, the very people he "Claimed" to be trying to save.

You are retarded.

He defended himself over a war he did not wish to partake on. The deaths were the result of its defense over its aggressors for breaking the balance of powers, and dealing with its aggressors in the only way the wanted to be dealt with.

Now shoo, shoo you damned kike.

>You are retarded.

So, let me get this straight... your great Aryan leader, got tens to hundreds of white people killed, and didn't even kill any jews?

He tried, and that's what matters. If he'd won, we'd be living in paradise.

Yes and yes

Kike, you underestimate how tough it is to take destiny, and the fate of your people into your own hands.

People like you want every single country to sing and dance under the same song. Hitler sang a different one, and that was the price to pay.

Take 5 million whites, 10 million whites, 20 million whites, and the extermination of people like you.

That's the price to pay for the freedom of your people? Than that's the price we were willing to pay for when we went to war.

Now fuck off Jude.

>He tried

Tried to do what?

Save white people and kill jews?

Wow, great attempt, Hitler gets a gold star.

>Kike, you underestimate how tough it is to take destiny, and the fate of your people into your own hands.

Dude, hitler wrecked germany on purpose, you fucking fool.

Shoo, shoo you damned kike.

>Shoo, shoo you damned kike.

I'm white, not jewish.

And I don't understand why you guys idolize a man who did everything he could to kill off white people, and save jews.

>I'm (((white)))

What did he mean by this?

>What did he mean by this?

I meant that i'm white.

I really have been carrying you fucking fools for years, haven't I?

>Is there any day that you wake up feeling like gassing all the invading hordes in your country?

Yes, every day.

It's like you read my mind.

>If you say every day, is there any day that its particularly stronger than others?

Christmas, when the Muslim shitskins attacked our Christmas Markets, murdered 12 of us, and tried to get the government to cancel Christmas and ban it.

The day I went to the bank shortly after the rapefugee crisis and saw these fucking rapefugees waiting in line for their free Merkel Welfare Check while a 60 year old homeless German bum was freezing outside.

Every time I see one of these filthy unwashed rapefugees leer at a 12 year old girl.

Every time I go in a train and I fucking have to smell one. These camel-raping bastards never fucking bathe.

These shitskin hordes fucking ruined my home. I hate them.

Where in my explanation did you not understand (((white))) boi?

You see all the disaster that you see throughout all nations? The creation of Israel? The guidance of all nations towards its self destruction and liberalism?

Hitler tried to stop it. A lot of people died and that was the price to pay to stop what you're seeing around you. You cannot fault a man for trying to stop the reality you see today.

Go back in time and show them a gestalt of this reality and all the people that died in world war 2 will seem like a small price to pay to avoid it.

The will of the German people alone were not enough to circumvent and stop the greater will of what caused things to be the way it is today.

If you still don't understand this, and still try to argue you're 1000% a kike, and I am fucking done with your ass.

The man is no hero, he was person trying to do what needed to be done for freedom and independence of international and external forces. That is a crime under the international jew and to free from it there was the price to pay.

Now for the last time, fuck off.

No you're wrong. You need to gas them. Otherwise they just come back.

Alternatively you can deport them and on the deportation ship walk down a line of them and shoot them in the kneecap. Problem is the fuckers can still crawl. At least one or two of them won't get the message and will still come back.

>Hitler tried to stop it.

No, he didn't.

He was controlled opposition, he sabotaged Germany by appearing to do what the german people wanted, and then compiling military errors on top of eachother into the largest military clusterfuck on the planet.

Stop making excuses for him, he was a fucking failure.

>He was controlled opposition, he sabotaged Germany by appearing to do what the german people wanted, and then compiling military errors on top of eachother into the largest military clusterfuck on the planet.

lolo his military and industrial success more than destroys your argument, if he truly what you portray him for he'd be similar to a neocon and never really even go close to name the jew

which then your kike argument boils down to

>he's controlled opposition because he wasn't perfect and made mistakes ;(

kek, you fucking kikes need to die in fire


>his military and industrial success

you mean the military and industrial sucess of the german people?

>kek, you fucking kikes need to die in fire

I keep telling you, I'm not jewish.

You disgusting lying piece of shit, he was the greatest champion we ever had. One of the most succesful people ever to opose the NWO and their plans. As someone else said, had he succeeded we would be living in a great world, not in this nightmare.

Thanks to all red-pilled (US especially) posters opposing retards like this one.

>he was the greatest champion we ever had.

He got his people killed, and his nation destroyed, and he protected the jews.

hitler was fucking retarded.

Why would he name the jew if his aim was to protect it?

Was the success of the german people not due to the policies he implemented after he drove all the jews out of their positions?

The holocaust might not have happened, but sure as hell the kikes were forbidden to ever talk in the name of the volk they did not belong in.

>I keep telling you, I'm not jewish

You lying piece of shit have gone this far with your lies, you ask me to believe in you further?

You don't need to end yourself kike. You bastards will bring about that on your own.

would you step into this oven pls sir

>Why would he name the jew if his aim was to protect it?

controlled opposition... there was already anti-jew sentiments and hitler was sent to "Become the leader" of this movement in order to sabotage it.

>would you step into this oven pls sir

you first.

Here's the thing... many of you elieve that Trump is the second coming of hitler, or whatever...

and I fear that you may be right.... that he will get a LOT of white people killed, destroy america, and protect the jews while claiming to hate them.

It was also long before white lands were flooded before diversity and really didn't matter. Whites have been killing each other for thousands of years. It only matters now that our lands are at risk of being lost, which was not a factor in 1939 except possibly by the soviets. Some of their most brutal regiments were from Central Asia.

you have to go back

You have to be replaced




>be Sup Forums
>say holocaust is fake because Hitler would never do such evil
>fantasize about gassing people every day

Hitler made a deal with a faction of 'Jews' because both wanted jews out of Germany, this faction to justify the creation of Israel. By the time he realised he was being set up by that same group he was drugged to the gills.

Could also be true, especially if he did survive why would he not speak out if he really was for the German people. Why was Deputy Rudolfh Hess the one imprisoned for 26 years in a prison all by himself after the war when he tried to stop it during. Hitler didn't create the Nazi party, he joined it

>be canadian
>suck subhuman cock daily

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Deportations is the worst that should be supported.
But before WW2 such things would be something entirely new and monstrous. Now that we have had the propaganda shoved down our throats for decades such an idea is no longer unfathomable.

Never too late sweet user

Every day. When I have to go to a big city it spikes.

Yeah I won't fight for the west in the future. There are too many native traitors.

>Never too late sweet user

for what?

Next time. We fight side by side.

he didn't want to, though. the kikery led countries of France, UK, Sovjet Union and USA wanted war with Germany.
> Poland got vast parts of Germany inhabited by Germans after WW1
> start to massacre them
> Hitler says: leave then alone
> Poland says: fuck you we'll do whatever we want
> France and UK have a defensive alliance with Poland.
> Hitler and Stalin split Poland
> France and UK declare war ONLY on Germany and not on Russia
> Hitler tries to negotiate a peace treaty with France and UK, which the latter don't want.
> Hitler takes France in a couple of weeks. Lets their military escape to Britain.
> Hitler keeps trying to reinstall peace with Britain which doesn't want it
The rest you know already