Flip flappers

This work was very good.
But it is not very popular.
Why is that?
Please do not tell me 883.

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It started and then it ended.

Being good isn't enough. The most popular things are ongoing. Even more so if they have huge casts and an expansive universe. If there is a lot of potential for fan content, there will be lots of fans. Flip Flap didn't really have that.

Pick one or all of the following list:
>hard to target demographic
>not based on any original wor
>basically no marketing
>no big names behind it
>uninteresting premise

>This work was very good.
It was shit. And it's unpopular because it was shit.

It wasn't good. It had good animation, and that's about it.

it was released the wrong season
2017 is year of the yuri
also pic related


Well, they have to hurry with season 2 then.
It's comming right?

>season 2

Not happening

it took a dip in quality as it went on, also all of those people rambling on about how it's the best thing ever and super deep because of it's focus on the sexuality of girls just entering puberty, were rally fucking annoying

Really feeling that writer change.

you... don't know that

people complaining about their perceived dip in quality were much more annoying.

nah senpai, treating a throw away show like it's the most revolutionary thing for LGBT rights in history is way more annoying

I never really encountered that faction, it definitely didn't exist on Sup Forums.

for me it was the ending

you can play the long mystery game a la madoka but you really have to come up with the goods

this show just fell flat

Needs more Thomasson

The fanservice somehow felt out of place. Some full on nude scenes actually seemed more tasteful than the fully clothed crotch shots. Like they went back and added panty shots to Spirited Away or something. I would have liked it if they either went full lewd or full notforsexual, instead of trying to do both. I still love the OP and action scenes, though.

The show is easily one of my favourite anime of all time and I'm glad it'll never get a season 2 although not for the circumstances which guarantee that outcome.
The story wrapped up perfectly and covered literally everything it should have and could have in its runtime. There's nothing a second season could do that an new and unrelated original project couldn't probably do better.

it was popular, but theres not really anything to talk about, there isnt other source material (i think) and the ending seemed pretty wrapped up

i would watch a spin-off about adventures in pure illusion, monster of the week type show,

>spin-off about adventures in pure illusion
Funnily enough that's what most people wanted, and why they were disappointed when the seriousness of the events took center stage in the last four episodes.

A new character each week somehow encounters Pure Illusion. It brings their inner turmoil out in the open and/or messes w/ their loved ones, causing all sorts of trouble. Their efforts to deal w/ it fall flat, until they encounter a character from the original show or previous episodes in a dream, online, by chance out shopping, etc. They either resolve their problem, get their shit wrecked by weirdness, or get sucked permanently into Pure Illusion, and forgotten forever, depending on how it plays out. You could keep making those forever.

Word of mouth isn't enough, and the show's poor advertising and poor merchandising mean that there simply isn't enough people who know about it. What little promotional material exists is really mediocre and a very poor representation of the actual product.

Imagine if Renai Boukun this season was actually amazing (it's not). How would people learn about how amazing it is and being convinced to watch it? Countless shows drip from the creative tap every season with nary a sound or a ripple because they miss that narrow window where self-promotion is effective. Most of the time, they miss it because their productive isn't worth the money to promote. In Flip Flapper's case it's really a goddamn wonder why it wasn't promoted more when they were clearly willing to spend the money to make it, but them's the breaks.

At least if Osahiyama ever gets big as a director, Flip Flappers will always remain that surprisingly good thing he debuted with.

Why are you talking about Yuri on Ice in a Flip Flappers thread?

relly i'm talking about any anime with gays in it I guess, is YoI actually good, I missed it when it was airing

OP sucks so I'm going to turn this question on its head:
For most people, this was just a minor 1 cours show that passed with obscurity during a season where it was overshadowed by much bigger and more popular series, yet it sustains this small but cultishly dedicated fanbase that continues to make threads and fanart and spread the series even now more than 4 months after it finished airing.
Why do people like this short, self-contained little one-off so much that they're still obsessed even now? What do they see that the rest of the people who watched it and moved on didn't?

Romance is a beautiful illusion.

I think they could've done so much more cool stuff with the whole deeper layer of Pure Illusion concept.

>Word of mouth isn't enough
Kemono Friends says otherwise.


Because it was a masterpiece, plain and simple.

It was a love letter for the anime medium, and it has a loot of stuff to analyse to boot.
You can't not love it

Reminder Sup Forumsutism is always a thing.

Flip Flappers is the Space Dandy of Evangelion, the FLCL of Madoka, an avant-garde post-modern helter-skelter aggregation of, more or less, discordant phantasmagorical acid trips laced with yuri fanservice in which all current partaking female's breasts are no larger than A cups.

>it's still not done
The show has been over for 4 months, user. What the fuck?

Hmanga never

Mimi had to be rocking a B

This argument fell apart when Papikana's huge knockers were introduced, but still it sounds so nice you can't just let it die.

>very good

That show was nice, got into some real good /lit/ stuff out of it.

I told you idiots this story was ruining itself once they started adding plot to it. If this was a fun Alice in wonderland type adventure story that focused to exploring all kinds of new wonderful and scary worlds and the two friends having fun together and possibly falling in love as a bonus this series could have been legendary but no, they decide to throw a shitty makeshift plot into that amazing idea and completely fuck over the entire series. I could feel the dread in my body slowly build as the series progressed more and more into the story while forgetting the thing that made it charming in the first place. Flip Flappers could have been great but it ruined itself and it's as simple as that.

>current partaking
This is the important qualifier.
Papikana is no longer with us, and Mimi only managed a B while those pregnancy hormones were still raging. She's as tragically, wonderfully flat as her beautiful daughter.

You're wrong. Madoka did just fine.

Original work without any "promotional" adaptations, adapted by a studio that had (and has) yet to have a hit show, little-to-no advertising or merchandise, weird artstyle, few big names (except maybe M.A.O. and ZAQ), pacing issues, and "unusual" writing, to say the least.

Pretty much this.

>Fip Fappers

>pacing issues
The show was masterfully paced for the first nine episodes. It's only when they introduced the plot that the pacing went to shit, and by that time, it was already over.

Sounds like you just took the show at face value. The plot was always there, perhaps you were too entranced by the pretty colors and yuribait to notice.

I got the impression that that was just another stage of intimacy in their relationship. They finally learned the darkest parts of each other pasts and personalities that they had been keeping hidden away. It was a test of the power of their platonic love, that they passed by beating the shit out of the ghost of Cocoa's disproving parent.

I wouldn't even say that the pacing was weak, just that the information density was too high. Like, 10 and 11 were great episodes and worked well, but you realize in hindsight that some of the things they touched on would have worked much better in a big-picture sense if they had been expanded on a lot more.

I think the show's main plotline had enough content for a full 24 episodes, and condensing it into 13 left a lot of character detail and really thick background context only really sort of nodded to in passing rather than helping to build up the whole work. It felt at odds only because the first several episodes had gone to such lengths to never gloss important character details, and instead bring the viewer right into the nitty gritty and walk us through the experience vividly. So, when the whole deal with the parentless child slaves being used as experiments in a shady secret research lab is glossed in a few quick flashbacks as a boy (and girl) meets girl story, it's a little bit funky. The least important part of the flashback, I think, was the fact that two people got together and conceived a Cocona because the viewer can obviously ascertain that already. But it was the forefronted piece of information, and in the end the flashback mainly just showed us that and how Mimi went nuts to hurriedly establish a villain instead of giving us a hands-on look at the kind of compelling psychosis a lifetime in abusive captivity had produced.

I actually really enjoyed the breakneck pacing of the last four episodes.I wouldn't wan't anything else after the fantastic climax that ep 9 was. There were good chunks there where Oshiyama managed to cram in like 8 holy shit moments into just the span of like 3 minutes. It made them feel dense enough to wrap up the story in a satisfying way.

I knew it was there the entire time. I just chose to ignore it towards the beginning because I knew it was going to fuck up the series.

Decided to not have plot for 8 episodes and people lost interest. The ones that stayed became 883.

Lesson of the story: You dont waste half of your airtime in episodic bullshit and expect things to turn out well.

How'd that work out for you user?

It simply wasn't cut out to be popular. Didn't get the proper advertising, and the demographic it targeted was very weak.
It was a good show, though, and most of Sup Forums agreed up until the last few episodes. Admittedly, for the creativity of the earlier episodes, the ending was just a cheap ghost-mom move that stinks of EVA copying.
The threads were fun, at least

Worked for Cowboy Bebop.

Today is Disc 5 birthday.
Let's celebrate together!

I feel the same way. People who rag on the ending don't make any sense to me. Beyond a couple animation errors the show pretty much concluded perfectly.

I can get that some people wanted a kiss but honestly we got a ton of intimacy and the call backs focused on the growth of their relationship so I wasn't bothered.

Cowboy bebop was cancelled in Japan

It was pure style over substance, albeit it a really enjoyable style. Nevertheless, sakugafags will defend this shit, as the single greatest thing to come out in the recent years.

Is Papika genderfluid?

Kill yourself. The only gender fluid in Papika is Cockona's semen.

>Original work without any "promotional" adaptations, adapted by a studio that had (and has) yet to have a hit show, little-to-no advertising or merchandise, weird artstyle, few big names (except maybe M.A.O. and ZAQ), pacing issues, and "unusual" writing, to say the least.
Madoka hits all of those checkboxes with the exception of no advertising. It had so much advertising that people had been proclaiming it a masterpiece even before the first episode rolled in.

Also agefluid.

Bullshit. Madoka was promoted as a collab between multiple big name staff members.

The big name was Urobuchi. No one in Japan cares for Kajiura and Shaft.

YURI ON ICE was made into a movie
But Flip Flappers was not made into a movie
What is the difference?

Papika and Cocona didn't have yuri on ice

> 77,773 > 883

* 73,733 >883