Who is your favourite bear friends and which bear friends would you like to see in S2?
'''Kemono Friends'''
They're all so cute, I don't think I'd be able to bear not seeing all of them.
Why is this general still allowed?
I can't believe you faggots are still talking about this 10/10 masterpiece
Please no raping Shoebill
Is Boss really sentient?
how can we know he is sentient if we don't know his true agenda yet ?
His true agenda is being a park guide robot.
Grape-kun's gotten a lot of attention lately hasn't he. I just had to skim through like 10 threads to catch up.
>which bear friends would you like to see in S2
A 6'6 Polar Bear, ripped so much that her abs look like a tight bag of rocks.
Probably not going to happen.
was it rape ?
A liger Friend
The greatest meme of KF threads returns!
I want to marry this bird
>Kuma no Friends
How would a herbivore rape a carnivore
big saggy servals
That kitty has some big titties.
have you seen a moose irl ? they are giants and muscular as fuck
The saga of Grape-kun was a good thread.
This legendary Friend.
why is that fish eating serval ?
They grow up so fast. Still waiting for that one fanfic where the first generation friends live in human society.
I wanted the differences between the species to be bigger than stats.
I want more Auroch-tier big gals.
when will da burrss win da owwwl?
I want this friend to bear my children
whoa dude
Carlos you're fired.
this desu, kaban get /fit/ with the bears episode when ?
I was watching yt vids and randomly came across this
wow shoebills are truly evil
captcha: select all images with mountains
I don't like that captcha as much because sometimes some of the images that are taken on the slope of the mountain where you don't see the curve make it hard to tell if it's a mountain or not. Finally got a hang of the tracing captcha. Also is it normal to only get the mountain, sign, and vehicle captchas?
>Who is your favourite bear friends
Shinzaki-oniisan is the best.
Thinking about it, what if the park was abandoned just because humanity wants to see what would happen with the Friends developing by themselves like a big The Truman Show thing? It'd explain why the Lucky Beasts are programmed to avoid direct interaction with them.
In the game the size differences could actually get rather big. The anime lessened all size differences and outright removed some of them though (like the owls).
i would
Why is there a dakuten on い and る?
Change the captcha style to the old text one using the native extension, fuck street signs and store fronts.
It's used to represent stressed, shouting pronunciation.
that dog is fat
>Brown Bear-san, you're kind of lewd
>You're the last person I want to hear that from
Mirai did say that they have been forced to leave Japari Park because of a certain Cerulean threat (no idea if it's black dog or something else like the battle that took place in the maze seen in Tsuchinoko / Sand Cat episode).
While the threat seem to have been at least brought back to manageable levels, I wouldn't discount your theory as not plausible. But, let's not overdose ourselves with tofu and have everything in moderation.
Same reason with why there's sometimes ゛ in words like イク or アァ: stressed or overtly emotional pronunciation.
> no loli Hakase in the anime
Only in your heart.
Will there be an OST release?
in five minutes
Help, I can't stop thinking about Hakase
That's natural, keep doing it.
What if the threats the humans to leave were much bigger than Big Dog threat (and considering he didn't have much in special powers that is probably the case). I assume the true threat is the Cerulean Queen and the four guardians if you catch my drift.
>Eating a green banana
Gross, nobody does that!
I feel bad for the Lucky Beats. All they want is to be a guide robot, but there are no humans to guide.
Maybe it was a plantain.
Silly user, that was an jalapeno.
They have other tasks like maintaining food and giving out Japari Buns. They aren't called Boss for nothing.
>That spoiler
We don't have any confirmation yet about how much overlap the anime has with the other media so that could be true. Not dismissing it but it's fun to think about it. Maybe the new app game would bring things to light.
Don't worry, in the future they will become friends too of the furrier kind.
At least there's one
How much will the new game be based on the anime though, for all we know it might be a new setting entirely. Also wasn't the Vol 2 Guidebook suppose to drop a hint about it. I didn't see anything about the new game in it.
that's interspecies...
Either that's a big black man fucking a little white owl or doing the same thing.
I can't wait for the Hakase doujins.
I don't get it either!
BEARded seal
But interspecies relationships are the best user.
I really need to continue reading this manga but I am scared the confession arc will ruin it for me. I heard that part was terrible.
I find that the arcs since then have gone down hill even worse, Seal was stupid and Panda is worst girl.
Well that is sad. It was enjoyable
what friends are good at wrestling?
It's fine, people are upset because the confession arc was to soon, not even 20 chapters. We get to see Jin being Jin with a masochist panda.
You're fucking kidding me.
>You will never Sakamoto be sandstar'd and being the nee-san of every Friend.
>You will never see the professors arguing who's smarter over dinner
>You will never see Nano as a human with the screw still attached.
>You will never see Yukko and Otter doing stupid shit
>You will never Mio and Wolf doing a BL manga together
Life is cruel sometimes.
But Nano would become a cerulean. A very cute cerulean, but a cerulean nonetheless.
>trying to draw without actual technical drawing skills
How does Kaban's hair work?
Sentient AIs turn into Friends. See Tachikomas.
Should draw boxes and hundreds of lines first
Is Arai worthy enough to be the great Kaban's rival?
learn to draw real human faces then try to draw animey, mediocre weeb.