What anime do you still own on VHS?

What anime do you still own on VHS?

What's a VHS?

It's like a shittier version of beta.

This reminds me of when I use to tape shows off Toonami. When I was younger I would have my mom make sure the VCR was set right so I could record Tenchi Muyo and Gundam Wing. Life was easier back then.


Everything was easier. I'm on the internet like 12 hours a day now. If my power went out I don't know what I would do with myself.

It's like a shittier version of laserdisc.

For all of betamax's advantages, it was beat out by VHS because of fundamental flaws like the 1 hour recording cap, not to mention a pricier product for comparable quality in the home environment

My power went out earlier. I drained my phone battery down and when it was about to die I was close to falling asleep on my bed, but then the power came back on.

Princess Knight (Or as it was called on my VHS, Choppy and the princess).

Was anime better back then or was it so hard to get a hold of that we would literally watch anything & be happy with it? I feel like you could take any tape off the shelf back then & be satisfied with what you got. Questions like these keep me up at night.

I've got two volumes of Nadesco and one volume of 8-Man After sitting in my collection

more likely is that we were little shits who didn't care about animation quality or scrutinize the already feeble plots of what was available

ah, to be young again

Anime was at least animated back then. I'm so fed up with seeing cgi in anime. I'd take simplistic drawings and repeating backgrounds over cgi any day.

VHS had porno, betamax didn't. VCRs & vhs tapes were also 33% lighter, so it won in the end because it was cheaper to ship/create. Betamax was obviously a better product, but it was too damn heavy.

Ushio & Tora wasn't what I was expecting at all.

>Went to local VHS store as kid
>Went inside the +18 only curtain
>mfw seeing tiddies for the first time in my life
>mfw I Cried


None, anymore, sadly. Wiped out in a flood, along with one of the biggest pre-2000 fansub libraries in the Southern US.

did your peepee get all hard and then you thought it was a disease so you cried all day?

The two main reasons VHS won were because of recording times (Beta was just never gonna cram in much more tape into those small cassettes) and because JVC actually bothered to license the format out to a millionty billionty companies rather than the 5 or so Sony licensed Beta out to.

I don't know how you managed to fit weight into the equation.

Probably. Only thing I remember is getting beaten for going in there

I got rid of all of my VHS a long time ago, but I think I still have some Dragonball movies in a box somewhere. I own them because Blockbuster had them for sale but not rent.

There is a store called the exchange nearby that has a bunch of old anime and video games.

Should I go buy anime? What are the upsides of owning anime on VHS and DVD?

Bunch of old kids' shows. Kochikame, Chibi Maruko-chan, etc. Sold off my English language tapes a few years ago along with 400+ volumes of manga. I don't have many of my DVDs anymore either and I'll probably end up selling most of the ones I do have off since I just have all my old shows on my hard drive now.

Yes and no. The volume of shows then was less than the volume we get today, so it was easier to find the better stuff, but there were a lot of licenses that were grabbed just because the companies importing them could afford it and consequently, a lot of shit came in that we ate because most of us were young and didn't know any better. Additionally, a lot of the popular plagues of today had their origins in the 90s-early 00s. If you want to know for sure, go rewatch something you watched when you were younger and see how it holds up.

>Having a complete sequence of box art on your shelf
It was a good feeling, probably the only thing I miss about my tapes. It was also nice when manga publishers gave a fuck about book design. I remember when Viz(?) stopped giving a fuck in the mid 00s and started having a white spine with a blocky sans script font with the title (usually red, sometimes yellow). Their cover fonts became ugly as sin too.

Even then you couldn't count on things being especially animated.

>What are the upsides of owning anime on VHS and DVD?
You can get some upboats on Reddit by posting pics. Besides that, nothing

sailor moon. gaogaigar

Half of what was released on it never got re-released. Horror & wrestling fans love it for those reasons.

Not much. I have a bunch of Gundam Wing, Tenchi, and DB taped off of the Midnight Run/Toonami too. I don't own much more on DVD either though, and I have no BDs. I prefer torrents in the end. I stopped buying anime all together after Funimation dropped my favourite series after S1 instead of bringing over the last 14 episodes.

I do have a shit ton of manga though, I buy a hearty amount of merch, and I see anime in theatres when I can so I don't feel like I'm not supporting.

>I see anime in theaters when I can so I don't feel like I'm not supporting.

You're too good for this site. Saints like you should leave while they can.

I've been here since before we spun out of Sup Forums, I'll be here until the end, be it of the site or of me.

For all its troubles, I will always maintain that Sup Forums's userbase are largely good people. Christmas/St. Valentines exchanges are proof of that.

I still buy DVDs, BDs, and manga occasionally. My latest BD purchase was the release of Outlaw Star. I bought the UK region on accident thinking I could play it over here in the states...so I had to rebuy the region for America. I recently went to Movie Trading Company (sells new and used media) and browsed their anime section and picked up a few older DVDs. Green Green was one of them. I remember watching it in my teens probably getting the torrents off a /h/ thread.

I've been here since '07. I don't always want to, but I know I'm going to end up being here until it dies. For all I could say about how shitty Sup Forums has gotten over the years, its' actually still pretty good.

>before we spun out of Sup Forums
>Started here because my friend kept showing me stuff on old Sup Forums whilst i was drunk
>Eventually started looking it up at home
>over time left Sup Forums and branched out to boards more aligned with my interest.
>Im 27 and have been here for about 10 years

I don't actually know if Sup Forums has gotten less relevant or i've just grown up, but a time ago that was the entry point for Sup Forums for most people.These days it seems like Sup Forums is where most people enter from.

>What anime do you still own on VHS?
Fansubs. - Maison Ikkoku, Card Captor Sakura. Kodomo no Omocha, Vampie Princess Miyu.

All the subtitled Ranma 1/2 VIZ elected to produce. When they were switching reproduction facilities, there was one 2 episode tape along the way they didn't make, and a friend sent me a CDrom with MKVs of them years later.

Key The Metal Idol
Oh My Goddess original 5 OVAs.
You're Under Arrest original 4 OVAs
Original Dirty Pair OVAs

This is not a complete list.

>It's like a shittier version of beta.
Beta was plenty shitty in its own regard. When it couldn't figure out the tracking speed, it fucked up a lot.

>It's like a shittier version of laserdisc.
Except Laserdiscs can rot and become unplayable. Yeah, I've heard of mold on tapes, but really, you have to be pretty careless for that to happen.

Search out TechMoan on Youtube. He shows HD Digital VHS in one video!

pokemon 3

Ranma recorded from TV.

All three Sailor Moon films and Pokémon the First Movie. Not counting the box of self recorded stuff.

I got rid of most of my tapes years ago. I ripped the ones I couldn't find in a better format. Most of the anime came out in a better version.

I only kept my original star wars.

Stuff recorded from Scifi, not Syfy.
Couple of movies like Vamp Hunter D Bloodlust. I got a bunch of old cartoons that I keep hanging on to.