ITT: Best girls from their respective series which all of Sup Forums can agree on

ITT: Best girls from their respective series which all of Sup Forums can agree on.






Get that curryshit out of here.

shit taste

Soi-fon would beat your ass if she heard you call her object of affection curryshit.




Eririfag please go

>all of Sup Forums

at least everyone can agree that himiko is the best bnha girl, right?


You can't just throw a few best girls into a grid of shit and expect it to be more accurate.

Not a pair of lips on any of them.

I disagree.

Nagisa A SHIT
Tomoyo and Kyou are the only good girls in that melodramatic shit series


Yui is The Best Girl and Best Waifu of TLR

Follow by




I am a Houki lover but
Char was the best girl in season 1 and Tatenashi is the best girl in season 2
Season 3 Houki become in Best Girl

muh Nuigga

Best girl.

Every best girl thread I see.


Literally worse girl




Her design would be even better without those armor pads




Too late skeletonfags and celeshitiafags
Lisha Best Girl




Top tier taste. Why is Rumiko Takahashi such a best girl generator?

Touka Takanashi is Best Girl in Chunnibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai
Kallen and C.C are Best Girls
Tsugumi is Best Girl Chitoge is 2nd Best Girl
Yakumo and Eri are Best Girls
Uryu Mineme Best Girl
All Dxd girls sucks and xenovia too but I like her design
Baka to test shit tsundere


Overrated "best girls"
saeko, kurumi, rem

ESL get lost

Best Drill Girl

Elma > Kobayashi > Tohru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lucoa repulsive tits


best taste

Inb4 someone posts a monogatari girl and causes a monogatari waifu war as always

Fuck off shit taste faggot



shampoop sucks, Ukyo Rules

Learn English or fuck off retard



The best of all

got you

I hate how she got ntr'd by her own mom.

Yui is as much of a best girl as Argentina is at being white

She NEVER have a new season and she lost agains Rei
Rei is not my favourite but I like her than your Psychotic Sadistic Yangire Marie Sue Slut Shitty


>Yui is as much of a best girl as Argentina is at being white
Sorry what are you trying to write
Yui obviously is Best Girl

HnG still have a extra chapter
Please Hata, Hinagiku deserves to be happy with Hayate

>Being white

Keep telling yourself that nigger

No argument there, user.

Rin is Love, Rin is Life, Rin is Best Girl
Wakanafaggots are cancer

Really are you retarded?

Lurk more





Good taste.


lmao k


Best girl of the universe*