Isn't Sagiri too sexy for a 12 year old?
Isn't Sagiri too sexy for a 12 year old?
Yes, and it's great. She's pretty cute too.
Do real 12 year olds do this?
Unironically yes.
Isn't this show too shit for you to continue watching it?
No. it's not great but if anything, all the shitposting against it only made me watch, and I'm enjoying it so far.
It's not shitposting if it's true.
Lolis shouldn't be this sexy
does she base her lewd boob art on her own nipples?
and does she realize this when showing her onichan?
How would you cure her hikikomori?
I'm not talking about legitimate criticism, but even those have been subjective and shallow. No matter, I'm having fun.
It's pretty fun after a couple beers which is the only kind of anime I can tolerate now a days
throw her outside during a snowstorm
With my dick
This show finally turned me into a pedo. Congratulations japan
Is Sagiri your first loli?
Yep Been resisting until now. But for Sagiri, would commit a crime
Cute though, but not sexy.
"I don't lewd lolis
Your dick must be really useless, onii-san.
Sagiri is pure
she's just getting a reference she'd never share online or show it irl
Sagiri is impossible to resist.
Fushimi is such a motherfucker, ruining my hopes of jerking off to more than just one character this season.
G-girls do this all the time because they can't see it.
>implying the entirety of Sup Forums didn't lose their loli-purity with nemesis/kuro/illya
The fuck? Try Sakura from SCC or at least Nanoha.
loli wasn't mainstream back then, baka
This is her best picture
>the entirety of Sup Forums started browsing last year
Does the CIA spy on Sagiri through her phone?