Did you have a good Easter?
This too, why not
this really breaks me even until now
just let it out
alternatively: youtube.com
Thank you for reading.
Thanks for the dump. I've been in the mood to read ARIA and YKK again.
The first Aria manga dump threads showed up just about this time 10 years ago didn't they?
Good times.
What volume is this?
Sometimes people say the ending felt rushed, but reading these makes me feel the opposite, like if the manga was saying goodbye a good while before it actually ended. The pacing, the time skips, it's a little sad, even, like if Alpha is running out of people to be with, including us.
I dare to admit now that it's chinese comic books like these that changed my outlook on life.
It's vol. 13
As the OP, they did the same for me.
It would be nice to have a gf like Akari.
sensei was the best
why even live?
I became a less angry person, relaxed, got married and moved to the countryside thanks to Aria
I should write Mrs. Amano a letter really.
I want to write to her too. Does anyone know if there's an address for fanmail?
She used to have a fansite, but that's a bit old fashioned and seems to have disappeared. Her twitter might be your best bet.
Miss me yet?
both of you
I feel like I owe her something.
At least because I watched and read all of her works for free while they mean so much to me.
I'll read this when I get back from work tonight. Thanks OP.
Did you stitch these pages together, because I'm sure they didn't come as a spread.
is Aria the Masterpiece just a rerelease or are there some extras?
Aria the Masterpiece?
What's that about?
I do stitch just to dump quicker and make desktop reading more comfortable.
I wonder if weekdays are a better time for these threads aftter all: anons are probably more likely to be in and on Sup Forums trying to relax on Mondays than on Sundays . . . maybe.
Is the Aria manga worth reading if I've seen the anime?
Absolutely, especially if you bring the OST over (not that it's necessary). The art quality and comedy are better in my opinion, and many of the stories are slightly different from their adaptations -- there are also several chapters (a lot of them from AQUA, the first two volumes of the series) that were never animated.
The only drawback is the absence of the VAs, who did a brilliant job on the anime, and Ai-chan, who is anime-original.
That said, highly recommended. Same with YKK, which is even better, honestly.
Thanks for the dump OP, appreciate it.
I don't know, it would feel really lonely, man
Thank you, OP. I just noticed what translation of the YKK you are posting - the other one has better quality of scans, but I like this much more. Its note and typesetting is somewhat fitting to the mellow atmosphere of the manga.
seems to be reprint+some new color pages
I would post higher quality scans, but there don't appear to be any for this stage of the manga.
I agree the translation is good, and the comic sans isn't as offensive as it could be.
That volume looks gorgeous, god damn
Does any user here own any of these series? I'd fund their localization myself, once hunger and disease and crime are gone.
some guy showcased them, only 5 volumes released so far. they're great and i wish there was a second reprint for YKK in that format
Damn they look amazing. ARIA HQ re scanlation when?
Asuming I'm not American, where can I buy either YKK or the Aria Manga? They sell them in Amazon but they don't ship to my country and they re-sellers jump the price really far.
YKK wasn't published in english, was it?
No but I'd buy it Japanese either way, I'd like to own something YKK related before they dissapear forever, as years go by it's harder and harder to get the CDs and the figures are even worse.
Good point. I planned to buy YKK in a couple of years, after learning Japanese. But it may be better to get it first. By the way, is Amazon the only option here? It seems there's no chance of finding it in stores, if I happen to visit, say, Los Angeles.
We always have the chance if it getting a reprint... or an english release... someday. ;_;
I wonder if a fan-made kickstarter project of an official translation and publication could succeed. Kodomo no Jikan made it in a similar fashion.
You're looking for a niche manga several years out of print, and looking for it outside Japan. It's a tall order.
Meanwhile, copies of YKK are destroyed in Japan every year as otaku rooms are cleared out and businesses refresh their book inventories.
I've thought about doing it. But it's just such a big project that it's overwhelming, especially when I'd be working on it alone.
Do Otaku like YKK? So far from what I've seen (for granted it's been over a decade since it ended) regarding YKK on the internet it's a bunch of westerners praising it. The farthest I've found it's some 3D-made AMVs with Hatsune Miku and Alpha in NicoNico.
It won some awards in Japan back in the day.
Well, it was big enough in Japan to get a second edition, two OVA seasons and auxilliary merch.
But it would be kind of funny if it's virtually forgotten in Japan by now, and its biggest fans at this point are Westerners who are stuck squinting at scans, because even if they knew moon they would have a hell of a time trying to find a copy and get it shipped.
I'm surprised this thread lasted.