Im liking Shirobako but jesus fuck I want to murder this cunt.
Ive worked with cunts like this. I work with them now. How is he not fired.
Im liking Shirobako but jesus fuck I want to murder this cunt.
Ive worked with cunts like this. I work with them now. How is he not fired.
Wait until you see FUNNY STORY and KATTA GAHAHA
He gets sorta better later
The girls in Shirobako are so boring.
I didn't want to drop the show but everytime it focused on anyone that wasn't the fat director I just fell asleep.
>Ive worked with cunts like this. I work with them now. How is he not fired.
They're (probably) trying to simulate the same feeling for NEETs.
>How is he not fired.
There is a criminally large amount of people in workplaces that aren't fired when they're constantly causing a disturbance and have attitude problems.
They succeeded.
You are preaching to the choir buddy. Oh the nightmare stories I could tell you.
Apparently this character is based on Shirobako's director when he was younger.
He carried the show you fuck.
Japanese system of honor. You can't fire someone because it's an admittance that you made a mistake when you hired him.
The only you can do is make their lives miserable in the work place until they quit on their own.
Yeah, they are the worst part. They are all kind of the same: ambitious, sincere, professional but plagued by self-doubt. Probably describes a good % of Japanese office women but still they didn't interest me too much.
if every dumb asshole was fired, no one would have a job
>hating on best boy
I like them but Aoi is kind the only one getting real focus at the time. Which is weird because Ema is in the same building with her but doesn't show up all that often
he's a cunt
Tarou was the best character.
Other than handling the pissing match between the 2D and 3D guys poorly he consistently did his job well and with no drama, while Yellow Yoshino and her gang kept fucking up to various degrees.
>They are all kind of the same:
Sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover.
It was less his fuck ups and more his attitude. It was never his fault, and after everyone cleaned up his mess he'd be on about how great he was after dragging everyone down.
Tarou sure is quite awful early on but he becomes an absolute bro starting second half.
When you pay attention to it sameface is actually really creepy.
Whenever all of the anime club were gathered in one scene, particularly at the end, it became extremely distracting and slightly off-putting because everybody had the same damn face.
It doesn't help that all the guys' faces are unique so it really stands out.
That's PA Works/a lot of shows for you: the men can come in all shapes and sizes, but the girls have to be uniformly bland.
When you look at it in a big group shot like this they almost look kind of out of place in their own show. Particularly since there's a few older women who are minor characters and don't really match up with the main girls all looking so similar.
I liked Shirobako but I really think it was a bit rushed. It felt like they were trying to make the douchebag with glasses a major character but pulled out in the last minute.
Tarou fucked all the girls.
Eye size. That's what strikes me first about the MCs amidst that crowd.
You know what they say about the dumb ones. They pack the biggest cocks.
Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up dicking all the girls at the office and leaving them hungry for more.
Come on m8.
Wait until you meet the grey-haired faggot in the second cour.
Man I feel like I want to make it a drinking game to take a shot every time thanks someone for their hard work but I also feel liked Id go blind by the end of the episode
>Hey I got an idea, let's make our friend rush her work so it turns out shitty and then not defend her when the industry pros give her a bad rep.
goddammit, Aoi.
I still wonder why they didnt fire him
Work always rushes you. You have to be fast to survive in the world.
In the last half of the show, he's actually among the most competent people over all of the other newbies they hire.
You waste more time having to do shit over than if you just do it right the first time.
So when did Miho decide to work in the anime industry?
Because he actually does work.
How do people like you even handle talking to your clones?
I don't have any clones, silly user.
I don't have any, right?
If you can't enjoy annoying you are a mada mada in both life and anime.
Eh, you get used to it. Only problem is hearing your own jokes tossed in your face.
The famous PA Flops sameface.
It's good that they gave each one seperate episodes because I was having a hard time remembering who the fuck each one was
Group shots early on confused me
Great show. Fat director was the best character.