Miss me?

Miss me?

Avenging Battle was shit, so no.

red was better

Yes, I did. Good to see you still on the front page, Chaika!

KYS. White was the anime's best feature and she performed her role properly in both seasons.


Your last episode was bad and you should feel bad.

So fucking rushed and unsatisfying. FUCK.

It's like Bones is cursed to only deliver bad endings. I am betting that they cut AB's budget by a good amount after seeing how poorly the first season/cour did. It could have been a really stellar fantasy adventure deal otherwise.

You're on the front page of my heart.

I do..

Chaika was legitimately enjoying to watch.

Until season 2 was in full swing.



Did they fix this in the BD? Love this scene but hate how Tooru's head barely moves.

Yes, I just finished this show not too long ago and I fucking loved it, the ending to the second season was absolute trash though but other than that its one of my favorite shows now

also why is Chaika so pretty?

Every Chaika had some knack to help them acquire the body parts. Chaika Trabant's talent was her cuteness.


Chaika a best


why is she so fucking perfect




red a best

Purple > Red = Blue > White > shit > Black > Diarrhea > Green = Pink

You messed that up, shit should be on the first place.

I miss that mwee

>A LN adaptation that actually finished

Honestly that alone was impressive.

Just finished rewatching it yesterday

It's a shame about the S2 ending, although I don't think it's AS bad as some people say although it's pretty bad

Also white Chaika best girl

No, SOME Chaikas had helpful knacks. We only saw the useful ones because by the time the show started, most Chaikas had succumbed to Darwin.