Art house anime thread

What's been your favorite arthouse anime of 2017?

Probably Boku no Stop Making These Threads.

I think you need to stop posting this

Dragon Maid


Because it gave me profound insights into what a faggot you are.

How does that make you feel?

When Sup Forums will drop this meme?


Muybridge's Strings

Crazy for It

The Tale of Princess Kaguya


L'Œil du Cyclone

Chi's Sweet Adventure OP

The Night is Short, Walk on Girl

The meme that it's not a masterpiece? Yeah that gets a bit tiring.

Anime will be dead when a uninspired boring fest like Hyouka becomes a masterpiece.

Hyouka is literal cancer

>Super inteligent but apathetic kid just like you has no interest in life because he is deep down awesome and smart
>Fall in love in first sight with a hot perfect-shaped girl top of her class from a rich family
>Who also falls in love with him
>On top of that he has no personality besides ''fuck everything'' so you can self-insert all you want!
>And the main perfect girl is a thicc Mio because fuck creating new designs

Anyone saying Hyouka is a masterpiece of even decent is borderline retarded

im not the faggot above calling it a masterpiece but it was a solid 6-7/10 sleepy relaxing slice of life with a few interesting episodes and an anime girl with a cute voice who always uses the desu and masu forms

>implying anime isn't dead

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

despite what i said in all of this is true

Hyouka is basically wish fulfillment garbage for otaku and introverted kids, I have been saying that since day one.

The only thing that may make It a 7/10 instead of a 5/10 are the visuals. Because despite looking pretty good, the plot, characters and narrative is as generic as you can get

Nothing Kyoani has ever made fits the term arthouse

It's because you chose to not engage with the show that you claim the writing is bad and can't even bring to mind all the visual storytelling that goes on at every frame. Hyouka is a production that undercuts a dialectic between the theatrical and mundane. The main thematic motif of the show is an Evangelion-esque study of relationships and empathy depicting subjective experience above all else, perhaps the reason for the Bach music parallel. It uses abstract Shinbo-esque colors, paper cutouts, experimental angle shots, spatial layout designs, meticulous character acting and long lasting continuity of quirks to establish consistence of performance, framing motion specifically tied to the edge of the frame and BGs to elucidate its fullness of vision of space. One shot of Mayaka's bedroom had more visual storytelling and characterization than the entirety of the Haruhi series.

what copypasta is this


Even tho I am a lonely cunt myself, there is nothing I despair more than these shows who serve for nothing than to losers project themselves

None of those are arthouse though.
Don't use terms you don't understand.

Koe no Katachi was arthouse

>Shochiku, Pony Canyon, Kodansha
No it wasn't.
Not to mention the manga was literally serialized in a shounen magazine.