'''Kemono Friends'''

Giant Pangolin Friend is most powerful friend because of these reasons.

1) She has tough armour to protect herself with like an armadillo.
2) She can stab people with her sharp scales like what a porcupine does with its quills.
3) She can spray a foul smelling acid from her anus like a skunk.
4) She has a long sticky tongue like an anteater which she can do many things with.
5) She has claws which she can slash and dig things with also like an anteater.
6) She has a prehensile tail like a monkey allowing her to wrap around things and makes it easier for her to climb trees and stuff.

Having all these defense mechanisms is what makes her the Ultimate Friend, far superior to honey badger.

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She stole Fennec's shirt, worst kemono

But is she a spicy gal like jag?
I doubt it

Jag is cool, not spicy

>she cannot run
>she cannot jump
>she cannot fly
>she cannot swim
>she cannot do anything at all

>far superior to honey badger

But does she have a 20mm autocannon and room to carry 7 more friends?

Why is this general still allowed?

She can fuck you up big time and you can't do anything to hurt her back.

You dont need all those talents to be strong.

But kaban is still the strongest friend of all. Prove me wrong

Please no raping Shoebill

To let autists like you complain every 5 hours.

she overcame her limitations for the sake of friends.
While it was true that she was relying on friends to help her, she also gave back and showed they can rely on her.
Which makes that scene so beautiful

But janies don't let me because they delete my posts.

Please rape Shoebill.

But groping isn't raping nor if she enjoys it and doesn't resist.

Go here then because the people there will like you.

If you think about it, a Kemono battle royale would not be about powerlevels but fighting styles and which one counters which.

Rhino is completely unbeatable due to impenetrable defense and strong attacks. But she has a very poor stamina
Chameleon is capable of going completely invisible but she is incredibly weak.
Serval has an incredible speed and jumping ability but is quite innocent.
Moose is literally an unstoppable forward charge but is defenseless at the flanks
Bear, Monkey, and Wild dogs have the fighting prowess of an average friend but their experience in hunting ceruleans has made them a force to reckon with.
Tsuchinoko's knowledge and stealth ability makes her impossible to catch but she has no weapons to use and has to rely on the presence of unpassable dungeons

I just want to destroy you, I don't need to be liked

we like seeing you get deleted though

I've watched this show at least 5 times and no matter what kaban looking at the camera and "arigato, genki da" just kills me. Tears every time.


>Event lasts 2 and a half months
>Nearly 7 months in Hululu~ years
>Grape-ojiisan is going to be separated from his waifu after spending half a pengi year with her



Can't she be both?

There was this animal death battle manga series that you can also learn a lot about animals from (shame I can't remember the name exactly). Anyway the first match is between this wrestler human who is so powerful he can kill other humans by punching them in the head and some hippopotamus. The hippopotamus wins in the end and even fights dirty, hippos sure are dangerous.



On the last day the cutout is there he will lie down in front of it on his mat and quietly pass away.

what is the endgame of black jag

Black rice.

Hope Jaguar's Onee-san makes it into season 2, it's a shame she wasn't in first season (or that there is much fanart of her).

Remember 2x2 Shinobuden wherein they show Black Shinobu in the OP but didn't really appear in the actual episodes? Yeah, it's like that.

god I loved that show


Thanks user.
Now I have to watch the last half of ep11 and the 1st half of ep12 again.

I'm a busy user and intentional or accidental your actions have directly impacted the amount of sleep I will get tonight.

I hope you're happy because I'm happy too friend.

I'm about to watch the first episode of this show, what am I in for?


I hated that. Loved the show, but I wanted the evil one to show up. Now I need to go watch all of the show in one sitting, fuck.

I have 480p yellow hardsubbed episodes from when I downloaded shit through Kazaa. Those are the oldest videos I still have on my harddrive. I'll never forget the fun I had with that show.

You got memed buddy


>But Humans is still the strongest friends of all

Fixed. We are the mightiest lifeform on Earth. We are Gods among Animals.


Humans aren't around anymore buddy

Kaban has sandstar power. Two weeks old and already the leader of the entire island.

It took the owls their entire lifetime to reach her level

You're in for a 3D show that manages to exceed expectations. Either you'll love it or you'll hate it. Just know this; Episodes 1 and 2 are buildup for how the main duo act and think, and you should pay attention since they grow over the course of the show.

If you don't like it by the end of episode 3, then it might not be for you.

No more excuses even if you can't draw. Even an elementary kid can draw that bossu.

Either a fun ride learning about all the different animals over a journey that matches the Out of Africa theory of human migration, or something that you properly drop at episode three because you're not enjoying it. If it's not for you, don't continue on just because you hear it gets really good at the end and you want to be up to date on your memes.

How would the anime handle her I wonder. Will they make any references to where the milk comes from or will they just leave it vague like they do with Koala Friends healing pap?

They can probably will it into existence

It'd be pretty funny if it were like the clothes or friend weapons where they can just make it appear out of nothing.

Seeing Holstein Cow friend should make me thirsty for milk, I know. But for some reason it makes me hungry for steak

Most likely the latter, it's more fun when shows do that sort of thing. Leave the behind-the-scenes lewd milking for doujins and pictures.

That's no fun, needs to come straight from the source.

Just you wait for Palm Civet friend and her coffee.

we /asp/ now

>Love Live
It can't get worse.
It's trash.

I thought their clothes grew back, not willed back into existence. Also would she summon the milk in bottles or would it just appear as the pure liquid.

Just friend it in,maaaaaann

I'm trying to channel my friend fursona just for this.

I like Love Live, Jericho, and Kemono, but I still cringed. Stop this.

>Have a glass of milk.
>It's fresh and warm, where did you get it?
>Somewhere (Not being cynical or blushing, just straight talk)

You can do that to avoid making it sound obvious.

they're like sisters, lily white a cute
btw, umi belongs to burd

>Big Dog Friend loses to Monster Friend
What did he means by this?

Shame she is a Masked Palm Civet because the coffee is made using Asian Palm Civets. Hey what do you know, Masked Palm Civets are one of the Civets capable of spraying like skunks, why is it that some many animals are able to eject foul smelling secretions from their anus yet only skunks are well known for it (I should create a topic for this on /an/).

That tanoshii is obviously shooped in there and looks fucking terrible.

>making a heart with her hands
>no shine in her eyes
Dodo is lewd.

I like Garfield, anyone know if the Garfield minus Garfield comics started like that or if they were already existing comics with Garfield removed from them?

Who is the most sympathetic friend? The one who has it the worst, compared to all the others?


Also, Rock Pigeon is pretty cute.

I get to meet Grey Wolf's (Sloth and Keroro's too) seiyuu in a month, what should I ask her?

Dodo is love, dodo is life.

Thylacine from the game.

She'll never be a mother


To draw a dickbutt next to the signature you're obviously going to ask for.

She's dead.

Is this an original or an edit?
Artstyle is completely different from all his other arts.

So am i.

>someone tagged all of the friends

Ask her if Kaban is futa.


Dodo is extinct.

Edit of an anime screen probably.
Made a better version.

Ah shit, Boss got Sandstar'd


If dodos were so docile and delicious, why didn't people back then have enough foresight to breed them before killing them all?

>372 friends
>All tagged and accounted for
Jesus christ


He also labeled every single friend in the find it as well.
If boss got sandstared this is what she would possibly look similar too (really need to find that image of Lucky Beast Friend boss).

Because rats killed them all.

Is this weaponized autism?

They were only delicious to the dog, cat, and pig friends we brought with us. We didn't like'em, that was the great auks we ate 'til extinction.

Dodo is one of the best extinct friends, also like Moa to.

Puzzle fighters

I prefer this one
though I prefer boss to them both

Mine must've been in a weird mindset when he made those.
This and picrelated are closer to what I'd think would be more his style.

Boss is best no matter what

>yellow hardsubs

Where has the time gone?
