If ZUN were to put up a Touhou anime kickstarter with the requirement being $5 million, would the demand be met?

If ZUN were to put up a Touhou anime kickstarter with the requirement being $5 million, would the demand be met?

If so, how quickly?

One job




Damn KoG, ganbare for the next time one day I'll get it before you.

for fucks sake

He doesn't need kickstarter.
He just needs to mail anime studio of his choice.

So close, yet so far.
Also Cirno is tanned.

>Off by one
As expected of the baka

>not posting Chococirno
One job.




Absolutely Perfect.


divine punishment for not posting beautiful chocolate summer cirno


baka baka, baka baka

>the city of KoG
At least ask about something other than a topic which has already been addressed multiple times.


Only if it had a mindblowing trailer and good stretch goals.