Be honest, you liked it.
Be honest, you liked it
No, I dropped it after 26 episodes.
To be fair, Bones pulled the same trick on me with Star Driver.
I did indeed.
I liked the music.
What faggot didn't?
it was pretty good
but it didn't get REALLY good until anemone fell out of the fucking sky. high point of the series. makes me cry every time. "i would get a mirror and practice smiling". god damn.
Hold the fuck up, I rarely see Eureka Seven threads but are you implying/telling me that Sup Forums collectively thought it was shit.
You people really have garbage taste if anime isn't straight moe/lewd shit, Eureka Seven is in my TOP TEN list. I've seen the series THREE times now, and I saw the movie in theaters when it first came out. It's a fucking 10/10 series for me, fuck you people. Also I had the biggest crush on Eureka, probably my first major waifu and I use to self-insert as Renton really fucking hard. What a fucking amazing anime, made me feel so many emotions. I wanted a girlfriend like Eureka, I wanted a relationship like Renton and Eureka had so badly. It was pure love, and it was amazing. I really envy that, I hope to obtain it one day.
Now if we were discussing AO then yes, AO is burning hot garbage but the original is fine golden china handcrafted by ancient artisans of the highest caliber.
I just hope that the movies releasing for it aren't hot pieces of garbage like AO was. I think I'll sudoku if they are
I droppped it because of those three fucking kids.
Come on, one of the best scenes in the entire series came about because of those three kids. I think it's circumspect enough to say it's when Renton uses the rock.
When the oldest one tries to do the same thing and fails hard, I felt such a furious sense of triumph that I literally jumped up off my couch and started yelling at the screen.
>MFW the entire stranded on the island episode
>Renton hitting his own arm with a rock to comfort Eureka
>Eureka telling him to stop and snuggling up to him
>All the lovey dovey scenes between Eureka and Renton
I want a girlfriend, I want one so badly. Like I just want to lay in bed with them and snuggle together.
cant find the clip on youtube, what ep was this?
I remember being pissed that Eureka never got naked in a hot springs.
Sup Forums liked it back in the day. Didn't go nuts about it, just liked it.
Maybe neo-Sup Forums hates it because its characters acted about as close to how normal people act as you're likely to see in a shonen series. Maybe they hate it because of AO.
I sure did I even thoght it had a really great start
desu fafnir is just suffering from start to finish and the suffering does get better (greater) after each episode
Nah, I've been here for 10 years. Generally, it gets favourable views and the people who hated the show hate it mainly because of the kids and the long stretch of episodes in the middle that are "plotless" (ignoring the character-intensive gradual development approach of the show).
More fans came out of the woodwork back when AO was airing, but yeah... we all know how that turned out.
I'm personally a big fan of the show. I think few shows handle the maturation of a naive, whiny young-teen as well as E7 did. Renton actually seems to fit his age, as do the 3 kids who, despite being annoying, really do show how annoying little kids can be in little life. Maybe we've all gotten used to cute lolis doing cute things, but many little kids are annoying as hell.
I hate children in real life desu, don't even want kids of my own. I can stand children up to a certain age, usually if they're older than like 9 or 10 I can stomach them. But kids under the age of like 6 or 7 are just annoying as fuck.
> Renton actually seems to fit his age, as do the 3 kids who, despite being annoying, really do show how annoying little kids can be in little life.
So much this! The episode where the kids are marching in the hallway of the ship singing the song about how they love Eureka might be the most realistic kid thing I've ever seen in an anime.
Weirdly enough it's one of the things I remember most vividly from the series. Maybe it's time to watch it again?
It's another 'looks amazing but halfway you realise they are making up the plot as they go along' kind of anime that Sunrise/Bones is famous for making.
>"i would get a mirror and practice smiling". god damn.
That good me good. How about when Renton is back on the Gekko on starts doing his cleaning job early in the morning because that's what a family should do together ;_;
>Eureka Seven is in my TOP TEN list.
Speaking of shit taste
I just really liked it that much, just because you didn't doesn't mean it's inherently shit. We all have different preference and taste, for instance I can easily say you have shit taste for not liking it.
it feels like a bit of a chore to sit through sometimes
it's painfully slow paced and could easily have been turned into a 24 ep thing for more impact
>Generally, it gets favourable views and the people who hated the show hate it mainly because of the kids and the long stretch of episodes in the middle that are "plotless" (ignoring the character-intensive gradual development approach of the show).
Cool horseshit bro. Its divisive because the show's plot isn't particularly good and gets too big for its own scope. As a character driven show its okay with the first half being considerably stronger in that regard than the second i.e. when the plot begins to start. Its a show I see gets praised by people who haven't seen many mecha shows prior to it because if they did you'll see how much E7 aped from much better shows to dish out a subpar product.
>They're suppose to be shit
This argument never gets old. Truth be told you can make good kid characters and there's a lot of them in anime but using the excuse of "its realistic" doesn't mean much of anything if the characters on screen aren't good. That being said I think people tend to exaggerate on the kids of this show since they're barely present its just that when they are given focus is when their bad sides come to present. Renton is also not a bad lead or at least his qualities aren't any worse than your atypical young mecha lead he just doesn't stand out and his development isn't entirely unique either.
Its not all that slow really its just that the content in those episodes are dreadfully dull and unengaging and becomes necessarily convoluted on top of that because by the end of the show you really don't give a shit about the plot but are watching to see what happens to the characters.
i dropped it but don't remember why. it's backlogged again
I think it's ep. 45?
The scenes where Eureka takes over Renton's cleaning duty for a while really killed me.