FMA 2003 >>>> FMA:B

FMA 2003 >>>> FMA:B

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how often did Dante use her as a sex toy?

Rewrite is still the best FMA opening imo, and I remember watching the original FMA when it was first airing. I fucking loved it, and I remember how huge it was as well. Then they announced Brotherhood and it basically revitalized FMA after the original, though Brotherhood follows the manga from start to finish.

Frankly I think FMA has a rustic charm to it, and it holds a special place in my heart. I think it really only resonates with people who watched the original FMA before Brotherhood was announced.

A lot, and Edward was retarded for chasing after a whore who didn't even give two shits about him. She was a filthy WHORE, and Edward deserved better. At least he ended up with Winry who is vastly superior to strawberry/chocolate ice cream bitch.

objectively wrong

It's called classics, not the "old shit". Well, at least 2003 one. BroHo was shit indeed

Which FMA series has the best music

Does 2003 even have any good eds?

Kesenai Tsumi is a pretty good ed IMO

FMA 2003 was gay and retarded. The series never should've even existed.

And the way you make this point is with the raped-into-silence version of Rose?

2003 takes itself too seriously to comedic levels and has a hell of a lot less good animation, though perhaps its absolute highlights are superior

Brotherhood is an actual manga adaptation and has much more animation and often good animation at that but has much worse art direction

The manga is like Brotherhood with better aesthetic sense but less technical drawing skill

For example this is how Brotherhood adapted a panel, I hugely prefer Arakawa's more exaggerated expression even though she's not as technically competent as Bones animators

I think they're all well made but flawed

Brotherhood looks good in motion but often not so good in stills

Well, there's no particular point in choosing this as an OP-pic, but i would say that the way FMA 2003 handled events at Liore and Rose's character in particular is far better than the Broho's take.

Isn't that the point of animation?

2003 often looks GREAT in stills but has barely any motion
That's an example of 2003 being too up its own ass

Arakawa's FMA writing has serious moments but acknowledges that it's ultimately a fighting shonen, 2003 tries to be really deep and mature and dark and usually comes off as clumsy

>local girl not so smug after being raped

The manga panel looks like a comedic overreaction whilst the anime screenshot looks more sincerely dramatic. I can't remember what the hell the context is as to determine which one is better.

I sure want to fuck 2003 girls much harder than Brotherhood ones.

Nah there are moments in FMA:B that look good in both. I think even smears, multiples, squash and stretch frames etc can look good in stills.

Also I wasn't talking about "detail loss" or anything like that as much as the art direction in Brotherhood, the colors look more washed out and I'm really not a fan of Ed's hair not having black outlines

Really I can only criticize Brotherhood visually because the story is from the manga.

Meanwhile 2003 did its own thing; it was alright when I first watched it when I was 13 and didn't know what they were doing, but after reading the manga and seeing how as early as episodes 1 and 2 they changed comical scenes to be serious angsty drama and shoehorned in scenes that had no purpose beyond making everything more dark and messed up, 2003 started rubbing me the wrong way a LOT

I still appreciate its art though

The manga had lots of cartoony art during serious moments though. So did Brotherhood in fact when certain animators were in charge

I don't see exaggerated faces in serious scenes as a bad thing


True patrician order

I feel like they're both great shows and this arguing is stupid.
Brotherhood is the canon story and 2003 is a mostly well written (besides the ending) alternative story with the same characters.

The way the 2003 anime handled Barry the Chopper is really unintentionally funny and shows how try-hard they were with the "make FMA mature and serious and gritty" thing

same character lol

2003 version in general has much more depth to it, and the world in it feels way more real than in the Brotherhood, in which almost every problem can be solved with the power of FRIENDSHIP if you want it reeeeally hard. Especially at the end, when Broho stinks of typical battle-shounen so bad i almost dropped it. Hell, don't even want to remember the awfullness of last battle and final speech with Truth, that bullshit of "even if i lose my alchemy, i still has my friends - yeah, correct answer, you won, now take anything you want". Fuck, that was bad. Don't like the ending of 2003 either (don't even want to remember about the movie. There was no such thing as an FMA movie at all. It was a bad dream, that's all. Just a bad dream), but Broho's last arc reeked of shounen tropes so bad i could barely stand it. In contrary, 2003's ending may be dissatisfying, but at least it had a meaning beyond the "if i have friends, i can do anything" crap in the Brotherhood, and Dante was much greater antagonist than Father, who's just your typical villain with grand, but primitive goals and motives, and with no character at all.

Whatever happened to Barry the Chopper in his armour form in the 2003 version?

Edgy contrarian

It depends on the episode.

Why is 2009 Ed so angry?

He doesn't look any more "angry" than manga Ed.

>Which FMA series has the best music
2003 obviously.

>Does 2003 even have any good eds?
Music wise? All of them, especially

>tfw know someone who believes this
>probably just trolling but he says it every time he mentions fma which makes my eyes roll back in my head
Even flies don't have such shit taste and they literally eat shit

He has a larger frown.

At least he has a mouth. They went too far the other way with the original FMA.

Manga Rose is better because she is a pure virgin in that version.

>2003 obviously.
user please, Brotherhood has superior openings

Typical Sup Forums. Doesn't care about plot or characterization, only cares for moe and superficial purity. At least, she and her tragic story (along with other things happened in Liore) was meaningful to the plot and character development of Ed in 2003 version, as that rape thing taught Ed what a scum structure he is working for (not that he didn't knew it before, but it was a good punch from reality to him) and make him realize he was partly in fault of what happened in Liore. And Liore citizens still willing to cling to the image of their pastor Cornello right after Ed had exposed his fraud was pretty ironic, considering that Ed had thought he saved the city, but in reality he just sped up its downfall.

A soundtrack is not consists solely of just OPs and EDs, y'know

Say what you want about Brotherhood, but FMA 2003 will always have anime Hitler.

Kesenai Tsumi is the GOAT FMA ED

>Nina version
Those assholes knew what they were doing.

Scar killed him, I think.


I hope you weren't trying to be controversial there, because its a pretty spread and accepted opinion

Stop right there, criminal scum

Damn Lyra is thicc here

Melissa> Rewrite> Undo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ready steady Go

Tobira no Mukoue> Kesenai Tsumi> I Will> Motherland

Don't know what exact problem do you have with that scene and Barry from 2003 in general. It was nice how Barry showed Ed that he can be killed any moment by some random guy, and Ed's reaction of fear and the fact that he was crying tears after the accident is completely understandable given that he is a freaking HUMAN and he's just 12 years old at this point. Do you really think you wouldv'e reacted otherwise in front of a serial killer psychopath who's trying to slice you to pieces?

Up till this point, Ed thought that he's grown-up and strong, that he can handle the life of a military dog and carve his way up to his goals. But when push came to shove, he just sunk in primal fear like a normal human. He understood in that incident that he's still not that strong and capable as he thought of himself.

I think they're all equally great. The more interpretations the better.

And to add more, Barry from 2003 did not just end his storyline after that incident. He played a great role raising doubt in Al later, and that was not just a random sudden talk in the middle of a battle - he did that to give himself the advantage in battle by demoralizing his opponent. He knew what to say to hit the right spot because he was like that himself too - an empty armor, and he staked at the chance that Al already have doubts about his existence as a human. It still pisses me off how easily Al accepted this theory of him never existing as a human, but at least 2003 had an explanation of why Al had thought this way. In Broho that thoughts of him feeled too sudden and out of nowhere.

On the contrary, can't remember Broho's Barry being anything but bland joke of a character.

Infinite interpretations ruin good stories

Barry was the one who made Al doubt his existance in both Brotherhood and the manga too

God that whole arc about Al having an existential crisis fucking sucked. The only part of both anime I detest.

>the newer adaptation had less originality thus its good

this is what a casualfag thinks everyone

Yeah, i missed on that. Probably should re-watch Broho to get my facts straight and compare more fair. All i remember now is that Al's doubts felt more out of place in Broho than in 2003

Agree, that existential crisis part went overboard and too far gone, it just didn't seem natural. Even though i understood why Al had his doubts and where does that came from, even though i understood that he is just merely a child, i wanted to slap him in the face a time or two. C'mon, even if you're a child, even if you have your doubts, that doesn't mean you just can believe every crazy theory like that so easily and start acting like a little bitch suddenly. A good 5 minutes of rational thinking would make you understand that hypothesis of you being created with fake memories is not that far likely being a truth than the classic hypothesis of a world being created a day ago.


Changing shit works if you're doing better than the author

Golden Boy OVAs are better than the manga, I wouldn't say FMA 2003 is

I never hear people talk about the soundtrack. Good music fits into the context of the story. Great music can tell the story almost by itself. FMA2003 had great music.

I have mixed feelings about the pacing. The manga's story was pretty chaotic early on, and the first half of FMA2003 did a great job turning that into something coherent where you feel like you're following the emotional development of the characters. Certain iconic plot threads (Nina, the "raining" line at the funeral) were handled with a subtle touch that Brotherhood lacked. The second half ruined it by taking random scenes from the manga chapters as they were coming out and smashing them together with a nonsensical plot they pulled out of their asses.

I mostly appreciate Brotherhood for going through with the whole story, which literally never happens anymore. The one standout moment that I still get chills just from thinking about was pic related. No idea how this was handled in the manga because I didn't get that far.

But in this case it's not "making it better than the author", it's "making it at all with the original manga still unfinished". And in this case the result, although a little more dark and pessimistic, was really good.
It's not like Gantz adaptation for example, which sucked completely

Whoever like Ready, Steady, Go deserves death.

Arakawa herself suggested that the 2003 anime should do things differently. She could've just told them what happens, but felt there was no point in telling the same story twice.

>Whoever like Ready, Steady, Go deserves death.

Whoever likes L'Arc-en-Ciel deserves death.

As a guy who often picks anime to watch based on the soundtrack composer, I have to say I enjoyed 2003 more.

The only advantage 2003 has is the stuff they actually adapted from the manga. You lose out on a lot of that if you only watch brotherhood and don't read the manga. Though early FMA is a bit rocky anyways, the point still stands.

Otherwise Brotherhood beats it in every single way. Openings, music, animation, sound, direction, writing, pacing. 100% direct upgrade.

>I sure want to fuck 2003 girls much harder than Brotherhood ones.
And guys


Everyone wanted to fuck Envy.

That's Wrath ya dingus.

HxH 99 > HxH 2011?

I know, everyone wanted to fuck Envy.

He is reading your bio

>instead of learning a valuable lesson, Rose is just violently raped into incoherence
>Envy gets no comeuppance for any of his actions
>Kimblee just being a boring bomb autist

I dunno. 2003 had a lot of things I found weird even though I enjoyed it.

>2003 tries to be really deep and mature and dark and usually comes off as clumsy
I honestly prefer something that tries to be mature and fails (I think 2003 did it well enough) that something that never tries.

Brotherhood had far better fightning scenes though. The OST too was god-tier.
I think most people like the 2001 version only because it's the first they watched, had their release been switched everyone would be making fun of Dante and her story.

>a scene where Ed gets captured by a serial killer

Why cant we agree that both have good points and bad points? I like how 2003 expands the homunculi backstories more than how Brotherhood uses them just as cannon fodder. Especially lust was much worse in brohoof



Winry is shit.


The homunculus were fucking retarded in 2003 except for Lust. They turned them into generic angst fodder instead of sticking with the more poignant idea that Ed and Al sacrificed everything for absolutely nothing.

Why Brotherhood is better

More like she didn't know what she was writing month to month.

For what it's worth, the author expressed regret over killing Lust so early. Which suggests maybe the series wasn't meant to be as long as it was.

Lust was the only homunculus I hated since they didn't care at all for her sin.

They got sick alchemy knowledge and circleless transmutation, it was a fair deal. Don't you go around saying the Truth rips people off, it's a lie

You shut your whore mouth.

And yet it's one of the most cohesive stories in battle shonen

It's a shame we never got to see Lust interact with any of the later Homunculi like Ling-Greed or Pride.

It's also kinda funny how Arakawa said in an interview that she likes making her female characters tittymonsters.

>2003 Ed stayed a manlet and didn't impregnate this body twice

Truly the worst timeline.

What did she mean by this?

Arakawa likes titty monsters and old manly men. It's part of the reason Ed was the only traditional Shonen character and he was surrounded by ripped, burly dudes 90% of the time and his little brother became a burly manly armor.

His brow is just furrowed in concentration.

Maybe her butt hurts

He realized your thesis is full of crap and nonsense

>side comic where Lust crushes walnuts with her massive cleavage

Mustang and Ling weren't burly, and they were pretty prominent. Most of the burly guys were just supporting characters really, Arakawa really didn't get too in your face with her fetish

No it isn't. The whole shift in atmosphere when they reach Briggs and suddenly it becomes a generic shounen where the bad guys are defeated one by one is a more abrupt change than Naruto's timeskip.

>Not liking GTO OP1
Fuck you.

I said 90% of the time my friend. Also Ling became one with Greed who's power was to turned into a ripped, black, burly dude.

Arakawa's author avatar was actually Havoc instead of the cow.

>music, sound, direction, pacing
2003 literally did all of this objectively better