Shokugeki No Souma 213

This chapter is all about Soma's dish. Next week will be the results.

I hope soma loses

>Result next week
I'm so done with this manga. Wake me up when Rindou or Erina do something.

Souma's match moves pretty slowly.

I just really want this match to be over already.

Fuck this fucking cunt
I defended him and made excuses for him all this time but no more

Will it kill him to act serious in front of an audience for a change? His opponent is actually being courteous, his friends' expulsion is on the line, this his chance to take back the school and what does he do? Have that STUPID LOOK on his face

Fuck him

Do you even read manga? Souma winning with a goofy face is to point out that he is far superior to his oppoenent and also that is just how he cooks.

Fuck that shit, his best moments are when he takes the task seriously like Stagiare with Shinomiya and the bout with Tsukasa

Souma was pretty serious in Autumn Election

Any chance this arc will end this year?

Not a chance. The pacing is way too slow for this arc.

Maybe Tsukuda want to fit Nene's match in one volume

Maybe this arc will tank Souma's sales.

At this rate absolutely not.

If we take several chapters for the dishes to be done and then two chapters to focus on every dish before we get the chapter that deals with the judging then this arc won't be finished until early 2018.

The match should have ended in 3 chapters, stop dragging this out. We don't need seperate chapters for introducing the judges, to explain Nene's dish or entire chapter about Soma's. Fuck this shit.

The pacing in Autumn Election was perfect, we only had 3 or 4 chapters for every match except for the finals.

I don't care for this chapter. Can't wait to see Erina-sama in the new OVA.

I'm 90% certain that aside from Souma, Erina, and maybe Aldini, the rest of the Shokugeki will be decided off-screen.

I need more dose of erina

Soma being goofy shows that he actually has fun cooking.

Is Erina saving the manga from being axed?

I honestly don't mind. The faster this arc ends, the better.

Well, I'm pretty much only reading for the girls at this point, including Erina, even though she's not my favorite. Couldn't care less about the cooking or the battles.

I always thought both Food Wars' anime and manga were doing quite well but I recently learned that that's not the case.

Quite disheartening.

>hating slow pace manga

Blame Saiba's bad parenting.

What the fuck are you saying? It's still doing really well and it's nowhere near to getting axed.

He is meant to be serious when he fights the final boss, not this relatively low level scrub.

Nah, since almost all of the new Jump series flopping hard, Soma is really safe right now.

But then that would mean the end of the manga.

They're still first-years.

Still 2 more years of high school.

I thought the manga is going to end. So they directly went to the final battle with the elite 10.

I mean once Souma can co, become elite 10 members there is no point of this manga anymore.

Many people have given up on the story and only come back for Tosh's fanservice and the waifus. This is fact.

>Souma whips up a dish combining an old boot, a rusty can and a used condom, making them into presentable dish

Souma is indeed the McGuyver of cooking.

I just want to get to the epilogue already where Souma and Erina is running Yukihira Diner.

>The only thing keeping SnS fanbase going is the constant shipping and waifu wars.
Sad truth

You can say this about almost all fanbases.

Damn nips need to hurry up and dump Vol 24 already

Beating his father has always been the end goal of the series, so no.

Besides, there is plenty the author can do after this

Next week it finally ends

>I mean once Souma can co, become elite 10 members there is no point of this manga anymore.
Both Shinomiya and Saiba were doing out-of-school competitions with non-students and winning so they'll probably do the Yakitate Japan thing and start having national/global scale tournaments and shit.
Then start doing petty shokugekis while traveling for a bingo-based game show that does fuckall after they're forced to do all 25 squares.

Can we finally have Megishima?

I really forgot about him

I fear for him. As shonen would have it he might just job to that other unknown e10 since we haven't seen anything at all.

I need to watch this. The lack of Erina in the recent chapters has been killing me.

When is it?

A bath house OVA about Erina, Alice and Hisako is all I ask of SnS

The release date is May 2, I think?


>all this low quality baiting and obnoxious shitposting

Soma threads really have fallen

God she's ugly

Will we get the boys too?

Takumi = Meat = shit


The should do a triple date


Post couples who have clearly fucked

I'll start

More like Souma's matches are killing the manga. Everytime he has one the rank tanks, when we have other characters interacting, comfy matches like the tag team ones the rank is fine.


Did Megishima rebel because he lacks gf?

That's possible

You'd think Megishima could get a gf pretty easily considering he's one of the few non manlets

>wanting Pajeet to date Hishoko.


Sword is pretty tall too

Curry is not too bad, he's decent.

He is literally worst boy.

Dumping extras from volume 24.








What. Did he even appear.




OTP confirmed?



Super cute.




Poor Erina, why is she all alone?





Is there a reason why Souma calls other people with their surnames while others are calling with just names?





I thought that was Julio. Kek.

>Fuck off back to your shithole.

>Twin Tail Erina



Soma and Erina, cute couple

Takumi has a hard life.