Which one is the best?
Which one is the best?
If you put a gun to my head and forced me to choose only one, I'd have to go Paprika
Paprika. Most of Sup Forums will say something else to be contrarian though like faggots who think Porci Rosso is anything other than shit.
Perfect Blue
tokyo godfathers
Actress is the best in my opinion.
Not as wacky as some others, has a great atmosphere.
Does anyone in the "community" even criticize dead people's works that much? You barely hear criticisms due to "respect for the dead".
Tokyo Godfathers.
For me paranoia agent.
right answer
Tokyo Godfathers
only watched paprika ! it was alright 6/10 , should i bother with the rest ?
Right answer.
Perfect blue is definetly one of my all time favorite anime movies. However Actress and Paprika are also of course fenomonal. Have not actually seen Paranoia Agent or Tokyo Godfathers yet, but I'm fairly certain that they're good aswell.
Based on what I've seen so far:
Perfect Blue > Millennium Actress > Paprika
You either have shit taste and should just stick to your seasonal shit or you should just stop watching anime altogether. Either way kill yourself.
Paprika > Millenium Actress > Perfect Blue > Tokyo Godfathers
Haven't seen Paranoia Agent.
He's right though. Paprika barely has a plot or anything interesting. It's just cool visuals and Hirasawa songs that singlehandedly make it a 5 or a 6/10, but the rest is empty.
Perfect Blue = Actress > > > > > > > > Paprika
Paprika is honestly his weakest film of all of them. It mainly only exists because Kon wanted to flex his dick when it comes to insane editing/composition/etc.
Tokyo Godfathers is such a great Christmas movie. And shows off his talent and him doing quality work that isn't his usual psychedelic out there stuff.
>People say Actress is the top dog yet hollywood has yet to make a shitty bootleg of it
I thought perfect blue was way better, haven't seen the other ones yet.
Millennium Actress >Tokyo Godfathers >The rest
Hollywood sure wish they has talented director/writer as creative as Kon
Tokyo Godfathers > Millennium Actress > Paranoia Agent > Perfect Blue > Paprika
All worth a watch though
Japan wishes that right now too ;_;
Millenium Actress>Perfect Blue>Tokyo Godfathers>Shit>Paprika
Paprika was objectively his worst
Perfect Blue
I'm gonna be a contrarian here, but Opus was great and it sucks that it will never be finished. The rough drafts for the upcoming chapters looked to be really fun.
So this guy only made five works? Why all the nonsensical worship? Anyway probably TG because PA was a legit bad anime and MA had very poor writing with slow moments.
I've only seen Paprika. So Paprika.
Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent. I've enjoyed most of his other stuff too, althought Paprika doesn't feel as cohesive, and has a few too many twists in the plot that come out of absolutely nowhere. The imagery and good old Susumu's soundtrack save it, though.
I have seen a single one of them. Suicide?
>MA had very poor writing with slow moments.
This, was the interviewer Dr. Who or something? Maybe Dr. Strange?
Tokyo Godfathers and Sennen Joyuu.
Perfect Blue > Tokyo Godfathers > Paranoia Agent = Paprika = Millennium Actress
1. Tokyo Godfathers
Absolute masterpiece and one of the greatest anime movies ever made.
2. Millennium Actress
Almost as good, and maybe even deeper, but the slightly less involving story makes me prefer TG.
3. Perfect Blue
Great, and positively disturbing movie, with one problem: it could have easily been made as a live action movie. The animation, however beautiful, doesn't add much to the experience.
4. Ohayo
Sweet, compelling 1-minute short, his last completed work.
5. Paranoia Agent
Stunning TV anime, but rather incoherent and with a weak second half.
5. Paprika
Still a brilliant movie (Kon didn't make anything that's less than stellar) but one feels that he was trying to make his work more accessible at this point of his career and move closer to the world of Ghibli and western fantasy movies.
I prefer the disturbing and surreal Kon of his early movies over the family friendly Kon of Paprika, personally.
??? Dreaming Machine
I fear this final Kon movie would/will be a disappointment if/when released. It seems he was aiming at an even younger audience as for Paprika, which means it would be watered down Kon, working within the limitations oof the children movie genre. A far cry from Perfect Blue.
Tokyo godfathers.
Godfathers could've been live-action too.