Junko-chan is too pure for this world!
Other urls found in this thread:
>it would have to be his resourcefulness and wit combined with a simple but well balanced power that sees a large variety of different uses despite it seemingly having one use.
You mean his plan to charge in a punch people at all costs? He's such an intellectual user. Please forgive me.
How long do you think it'll be before she's broken. This is the inevitable fate for all of Aleister's students.
One more nod to pre-memory loss Touma.
When he was being chased by the deliquents who were harrassing Mikoto, he knew if he ran too fast, they'd gather bikes and reinforcements, so he kept revealing himself to them from a distance so they'd keep trying to chase him uselessly.
Eventually Mikoto got them though.
Sidenote: I like how Railgun implied that Touma was interfering with Mikoto's investigation on the Level Upper.
Ohh, so he has the power to use common sense? Let's just name him GOAT and get it over with.
Notice the quotations.
You know what all these Kamijou fans actually remind me of. You know those people who sit around for hours trying to extract the smallest bits of gold from a dirty river with their little net devices? That's basically what I think of because they try to find literally anything no matter how petty it is to prove their point.*
She must despair like another certain Junko
And I'm not stupid. I know this is what they want deep down. I can't tell because everybody is always trying to shove it down my throat when if he was a good character in the first place you wouldn't even have to argue on his behalf in the first place!
It's like those people who pretend they like black licorice and tell everybody and their dog about it when it reality these hipster fucks are just pretending to like it even though it tastes like street tar on a hot summer day because it makes them feel different and helps them feel like they have some kind of personality.
Fun fact: if it was sooo good you wouldn't have to shove it down everybody fucking pie hole like its gods gift to earth. They would naturally like it.
That's exactly like Kamijou.
>Kamijou fans
No way you're telling me they actually exist on this board.
Don't reply to mobileposter. My cute wife must be sheltered.
She'll have more willpower than even Mikoto.
Kind of? Though we're bigger fans of his friends. We just like him because he's their friend.
You're preaching to the quire user. I guarantee the reason most of them are even still here is because they're too far in to quit at this point.
I will say this new spinoff series is the best thing to happen in years though. I'm actually excited about this series again.
It's Mikoto's birthday tomorrow. What to do?
I'm starting to think that Kamachi's real plan for the LN from the very beginning was to make money off all the spinoffs.
It'd be funny if we get some wacky spinoff about God sitting in heaven, scared shitless that his creations are getting too strong and might overthrow him soon.
Draw new doujins...
I'm only saying that because it has my favorite characters in it and Kamachi is going to that sol style of writing which I love from him and it suits him much better. I personally don't think he can do "plot" very well but everybody has their strengths and weaknesses.
It's pretty much known that Kamachi is a low tier under respected writer in the anime industry but I honestly think if he put 100% effort into a comedy/sol/romance series he could go very far and that's a compliment but he's stuck in his ways unfortunately.
When it comes to media, Japan is the schlock capital of the First World.
It's pretty much known that Mobileposter is a low tier under respected poster in the raildex threads but I honestly think if she put 100% effort into a quality/coherent/well-thought post she could go very far and that's a compliment but she's stuck in her shitposting unfortunately.
With all the terrible excuses for anime they're pumping out these days I'm not going to argue against it.
quality thread
Happy DED_day
I want to pipe down Junko
Preview WHEN
Can we all just cut the bullshit and get down to the nitty gritty? Do you guys think it's possible Kuroko and Junko could actually end up in a relationship? I know it's crazy but if Kamachi is as crazy as you all say it's definitely possible and it's just a spinoff so I genuinely think it can happen. That could be exactly why this series is being created so that Kamachi can test these new waters in a safe environment.
I would personally be happy with just a deep kiss. That's all I need!
Reminder that Kuroko is straight and not a dyke
Don't care.
Junko is going to get raped by the ghost.
>preaching to the quire
Don't get your knickers in a twist.There's no need for hostilities. You could be welcome here if you weren't so confrontational about everything
Drills graduating when?
>She goes to Touma's school
>even the delta trio say she's too pure
Too bad their school is gone.
Fap to a classic kamikoto doujin
Why do you act like everybody has to do things your way to be accepted? I think you're just trying to control everything. All I'm really doing is saying what I feel like saying. Is there any particular reason I should filter what I have to say on an anonymous webpage? Why do you think I don't have trouble saying I like Haruue as a self insert character? It's because we can pretty much admit anything we want here and talk freely about anime.
Reminder that Junko will casually break your heart by friendzoning you and treating your homolust for her like a phase
>wtf bro I watched heavy object and it was shit karamachi die now
You can tell Kamachi really wants to write hentai but doesn't want to risk failure so he tries as hard as he can to incorporate every aspect of fan service he can into anything he does.
Not joking when I say I read the LN volume where Kamijou holds Kuroko out of curiosity and like half of the words in the thing were strictly describing the girls bodies and what they were wearing and how that made Kamijou feel and it was very detailed.
My wife Mobile-tan is sooooo cute!
Who's the cutest murderer and why is it Mikoto?
Reminder that the White Queen literally oozes with creepiness
I don't understand why he just doesn't write a smutty series like DxD? He's definitely not afraid of losing his reputation because he's already got a bad rap in the anime industry and he doesn't have a family to disappoint and you can very obviously tell by his writing style that he's just itching to do it. I genuinely think he's just a little bit scared of trying something new that's not based around action. I would actually be proud of him if I seen that he did something like that.
Reminder that the White Queen literally emanates purity and perfection
>mobile-tan tried to pretend she isn't a girl
>gets triggered about fan service scenes involving girl bodies
>loves that one loser filler guy in Railgun
What a cute little autist she is
I don't understand why you won't just go out with me mobile tan
I don't even care anymore. The fact that you're bringing it up is what's annoying to be honest when nobody even cares. If you want to insult me at least be creative.
Also who says I'm complaining. I actually love smut in anime and one of my favorite anime series is easily Yosuga no sora. It's the fact that Kamachi is such a weirdo about it that I can't stand.
The fact that nobody in this series has had even implied sex or any type relationship kills me. What the hell does Kamachi think boys and girls do around each other with no supervision? Honestly Disney movies in a way are more deviant than Kamachi's stuff while at the Same time being super perverse. It's like a fucking enigma. You know th skittles commercials where there's that asian Irish guy and the joke is he's like a super contradiction. That's basically like Kamachi's work but in a bad way.
I not asking anything of you. I'm just curious as to why you feel the need to be so aggressive when you disagree with someone.
I agree, Kongou should get raped by a pack of niggers until she loves it.
>A.A.A mentioned
Because this is literally the only place I can talk about anime that I like and I'm not going to restrict what I have to say just so that you can feel comfortable. I wasn't even being rude. You're just getting offended easily. I'm not gifted enough to have friends to enjoy anime like I do in the real world to talk with so this is all I got. Dont ruin things for other people just because your feelings are getting hurt because I couldn't even count all the nasty things people say about me and just post here anyways. What you have is called a personal problem.
Get your Touma dies and Mikoto dies shitposts for Season 3 threads
Junko is a whore name
I'll be nice and leave so you can all enjoy your spoilers because I'm a good person and I don't really care about Index anyways. I'm usually just here for Railgun stuff.
>the savior wasn't any girl or Accel
>it was Aleister
Is season 3 here yet?
But Aleister is best girl
It was, You just missed it. Maybe next time.
>Implying Accel isn't an Aleister clone
>Beating Eromanga-sensei that just got the anime boost
Sasuga Silver Star
Index a shit
Stiyl a shit
>You will never rape Index in front of Stiyl
The only one who's shit is you, Touma.
Go away Kamisato
The following are mentioned:
>Kihara Yuiitsu
>World Rejecter
>Laura Stuart
>Marian Slingeneyer
I want to punch Birdway in the face
It's all coming together, just like in the GRS arc.
Please no, she was the worst Gremlin member.
>Kihara Yuiitsu
So she's alive?
That was still Othinus.
Thor is better than both of those sluts, which only proves that bros > hoes.
They could merely be mentioning her. I don't think she'd be brought back so soon if she really did survive.
No idea. I just scanned for names I recognize. Also forgot:
>Santa Clause
>Aleister Crowley
>Edward Alexander
They seem to be talking about Aleister, with Tsuchimikado making the revelations.
>Santa Clause
Touma punching santa on christmass confirmed?
I'm not particularly offended or anything. I just didn't understand what would motivate you into posting here so religiously. I guess loneliness would explain it. I just think you'd be able to discuss the series more openly with everyone if you were more positive.
Girls are made for abuse!
My dick is fucking erect right now
There's also:
>Fallen Angel Ero-maid
>Niang-Niang and Nephthys
Some shit is about to go down
Finally, Touma will go mad
So it begins.
Can't best the Raildex.