Such a disgusting outfit
Such a disgusting outfit
nice quality
It all flamingo now.
Disgusting stream faggot
>Mom jokes in the current year
And I thought streamfaggots can't get any lower
your English is garbage, you literal motherfucker
Step it up OP
>Gay Sex with HATS ON
I hope the flamingos will be the source of some new memes
Fucking Jeremiah Orange Gottwald triggered by flamingos
Fuck off
You mean best. Only CC and Tianzi's can compare.
k e k
Did Orange-kun tap this?
You wouldn't?
Daughtru status
Of course..Daughtru...
What was the purpose of her character?
Having the best Geass doujins
Geass ex machina to bring Lulu's mom back.
lot of loyalty for some hired flamingoes
>that expression
I want to spray my cum all over her.